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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. That sounds like a definite "save a file that has this problem (just keep the relevant PBEM file) and write a description of how to get to this point from opening the file, offer this here". GaJ
  2. I reckon it's perfectly legitimate to come and seek feedback on finding the game less fun. I can empathise with this. And it's important for folk to know "is it just me??" I've found there are two hurdles (at least) to having fun. The first is the UI. It may be a fantastic thing with experience, but it is very hard to get used to, _particularly_ coming direct from CMx1, where (as I've pointed out before) there are direct clashes (especially in mouse movement and ctrl-click) that are downright disorienting. The "whoa, vertigo, crap where am I looking" is not fun. This is quite overcome-able though. It just is not fun in the early stages. Then there's the fact that it's actually hard. I mean, it's hard to actually get a good result. There is so much to learn about what works and what doesn't, and how to recognise it. For example, I just lost a couple of tanks to keyholed oppo tanks from not recognising the corridor of LOS that they had. Once I saw it I thought "doh, why did I drive my guys past _that_. But "what a corridor of LOS looks like" is different, and not as easy to spot. I could go on with other examples... the principal of them will be the same: there is a lot to learn before you can actually have fun at getting a good result. There is reward though ... the sheer detail of the movies is fantastic, and the challenges are mosly "realistic". Like it _is_ hard for commanders to recognise where LOS corridors might be. So that's a fun challenge. There are some not-fun challenges to overcome too, like "how to make foxholes and trenches work". There's definite pain involved in the trial and error here that relates to "what ought to work in real life does not work in the game". I'm hoping that once I have these sussed it will be all fun from there... GaJ
  3. I think that it isn't quite this dilemma. That's the "real life" dilemma. This one though is a "game orders" dilemma. In real life, guys hit the deck when a tank happens upon their foxhole, but they can sit up watching out for it up till that point. In the game, how do we set up this behaviour? GaJ
  4. I think the answer to the OP's question is easy, in any case: would we rather have had a more developed interface, or a release? Case closed GaJ
  5. So ... "hide" might be the right thing ... but... - Can the HQ correctly direct arty while under "Hide"? In CMx1 he could not. - Will spotting be adversely affected while hiding? In CMx1 hiding units could see almost nothing. I want them to hide ... when there's a threat. It's no good for them to be waiting for me to tell them to hide, next turn. They're already dead by then. If "hide" is the right thing to mean "sit cunningly in the foxhole looking out and keeping aware of what's going on" then that's great news... GaJ
  6. I'm probably giving bad orders here ... but I was pretty disapointed. I put some inf in some foxholes: a shrek team and an HQ. They have plenty of room. They were sitting there watching action with covered arc - the HQ directing arty. A tank appears over a nearby bocage. The can definitely see it, because it stays on the screen when I select them. It drives along till it spots them, then turns around and mows them down with its MG. Wah! My guys just sat there like gophers with their heads up out of the holes, watching the tank all gawpeyed. A couple of guys get killed by the first burst, the other guys duck then pop up again! What's the point of being in a foxhole if you are going to sit up so you can get mown down? Is there some order to give to say "take cover in this foxhole"? Ta, GaJ
  7. I agree that you have to learn a new way and that it's entirely possible and entirely reasonable to have to do so. So personally I don't come with any "why don't you make it like <blah some other game>". The only thing I've read so far that ryhmes with me is that it is frustrating when the camera bumps into the edge - not because "some other game doesn't do that" but just because it seems natural to have a given camera angle looking at the ground the move "backwards" to see more stuff.... it's strange that there are areas of the map that you can't see this way due to bumping into the edge. It's not "unworkable" ... obviously you can turn around or whatever, but ... GaJ
  8. Just another +1 for "its darn frustrating that the camera stops at the edge of the map".
  9. Easily: write to any (or all of) the people listed as "yes, they sponsor" in the list of members, or write direct to GreyWolf, who will assign someone for you. Cheers, GaJ
  10. There are a couple of things here. First, a number of posters, myself included, have gone and looked at the CMSF T&T forum and reported that we didn't find readily useful material there. I think that both _timing_ AND _context_ play a part in this. The context is that it's hard to relate to tactical questions that are phrased in terms of a milieu that you don't understand. My example of the Javelin was very concrete. I'd have to spend time learning what this thing is before I can understand advice about it. The _timing_ is that right now there are lots of us who are new to the CMx2 engine, and we will be finding very similar questions and issues. So a new forum with populated with people going through the same experience would have far more value than wading through an immense one that is out of timing. Second: there is a good reason why many people did not buy CMSF and that same reason is a reason why they don't want to spend time in a CMSF forum. Distaste. Is that so hard to undestand? Is it hard to accept? Because it's true... Give us WWII fiddy duddies our nice clean WWII T&T forum GaJ
  11. Honestly, I think the real thread to bump/sticky is the general one with all the clubs listed, rather than just one club thread (otherwise we have to bump them all). However, my experience is BFC will never sticky something that points away from their site, so don't hold your breath, keep the bump-stick handy... GaJ
  12. I like how men cower in the water too - looks like duck-diving to avoid fire
  13. Mordante posted a new mod at The CM Mods Warehouse Mord's War Ravaged German Faces, by Mordante Description: Dirtied, beat up, wounded and muddy German face textures for your CMBN gaming pleasure. GaJ
  14. I reckon this is what the clubs are exactly for. All they need to do here is sticky the "where can I find an opponent" thread. Not to say that you couldn't have an opponent finder thread here too ... just that the community is pretty well catered for already... GaJ
  15. Someone somewhere was asking for the "list by author" option to come back. Can't remember where that was. Anyhow, I've added it back in (in addition to the by-date). GaJ
  16. The hosting of the actual files? Not at this point. It's starting to look like maybe I should ( Note that "my thing" is CMMODSm the CM Mods Warehouse. We Band Of Brothers is not mine, it's just a cool club where I hang out and play lots of CM ) GaJ
  17. I think I was just following people into lala land who were suggesting that somehow it doesn't make sense to have a CMBN T&T section, or that the CMSF one is a good substitute I was responding to this comment: It gave me the sh*ts But actually, I don't really care anyhow: there are plenty of good CMBN Tips and Tactics threads out in the clubs And these have the advantage that they have a more homogenous audience: all "us" CMx1 people who need to hear from the beginning about action spots and terrain differences etc, which the CMSF people have already heard and done to death in that context. Cheers, GaJ
  18. nik mond posted a new Map at the CM Mods Warehouse LadenStadt: Single scenario battle on a new map Description: A German infantry attack battle at the company level. The fighting takes place in the open frontier and ends in a built up area. Fire support and maneuver prevails in this one. GaJ
  19. What I meant by this clearly hyperbolic statement was that if discussion of Modern Warfare tactics turns on out to be directly applicable in WWII, then the realism that they were shooting for might be compromised. The two mileu are rather different, so I hope that the simulation of them doesn't make them look the same: that would be "screwed". Of course, many elements are the same, that's why it's hyperbole How hard is it to understand that some people aren't interested in, or even actively dislike, wading through articles and pictures of modern warfare? Most of the terms in these discussions I don't even understand. Is a Javelin a spear, a gun, a tank or what? If I don't know this, then how is reading about how to use it going to help me? What would be wrong with a new Tips and Tactics forum for CMBN? Gasp oh my gosh some points that were made about the UI in CMSF forum might be repeated? How could we suffer through that? I see... yes, OK ... GaJ
  20. Man, when you think about it: how lucky are BFC, with all this fantastic CMx1 community support, after all these years !? Not only Blitz and WeBoB, but AFGM and AppiFeu ... all substantial , active, enthusiastic clubs in their own right, running with the love of WWII strategy wargaming and the great CMx1 engine to play it on. On this topic, how are you guys going dealing with the CMx2 Terror issues in your club? We've set up a few counselling groups, etc, I think everyone is going to be OK... GaJ
  21. .... actually, they have been since before the Demo came out Our CMx1 forum has generated no less than 12662 threads, and 386262 posts throughout the years. I believe that would make us second only to Battlefront forums in traffic on CMx1 We've had 800+ members over the years, all of whom signed on with a commitment to finish all their games. We have 1200+ scenarios in our CM database, and we host (community service ) the CMx1 Scenario Imbalance Tables ... data based on repeated plays of the scenarios by our members that tells you if its balanced or not. There will of course be one of these tables for CMBN scenarios as soon as there's enough data. (In fact, there already is this table, it's just empty due to needing 3 results from a scenario before rating it ) You are all welcomed to join - if you haven't done it already GaJ
  22. Heh - you haven't played yet then The best players play real opponents, WEGO GaJ
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