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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. FWIW, this is a big no-no for H2H play. You don't mess with the scenario, otherwise people start "adjusting" to meet their ends, and the scenario designer cops the blame when its unbalanced. GaJ
  2. Are you playing H2H? Wanna match, I'll come loaded with arty, you show me how you manage to escape it? I'm always up for a lesson! GaJ
  3. Not at all. Combined arms, to me at least, is about a clash between the combined armour and infantry forces on each side. Like mjkerner said " scout, maneuver, firefight, scout, maneuver, hit MLR and fight some more". _That_ is what a fun WWII wargame is about. As opposed to "use the forces you have to find the other guy, then bomb him". That's just not the same, even if it is more realistic IMHO. GaJ
  4. It certainly sounds like it would lead to a more "classically fun" scenario to me. Someone said "scout find bomb" was how it was IRL. Quite possibly so. But IRL they also had to walk for miles to battles etc etc: not fun to game with I like Erwin's take on it ^^^^ as well. And of course all IMHO, YMMV etc, maybe hordes of folk like scout find bomb! GaJ
  5. What a wonderful job! I just opened this up, and it looks just like the original, and very pretty to boot. One thing: in the briefing you haven't described the victory conditions. I guess we are supposed to deduce that the stars are victory locations of proportional value?
  6. In CMx1, which in its day BFC said was as realistic as they could do, I used to avoid wasting points on 60mm mortars: they were in the "useless, just use them if you're forced to" category. Now the first thing I look for in my force (when I open a scenario) is 'where are the mortars', and 60mm has me rubbing my hands with glee and planning their mission. That is a big change. GaJ
  7. I think that broadly what I'm saying is that up till now my whole CMBN experience has been dominated by arty. It is so powerful that if you have it, you have to use it in a particular way, and if your oppo has it, they will use in that way. The way is "scout, find, bomb". This isn't the kind of wargame I like to play. I like to play battles between inf and tanks on each side. Sure, suppressing or rooting out the enemy with arty plays a role and is fun, but having it as the main element of strategy is one-dimensional. I haven't yet seen how arty can be in the game yet not dominate in this way. Even on-map 60mm mortars are deadly, and the squads with those will operate in the 'scout, find, bomb' mode. If there are a small proportion of these, then the rest of the game can be "infantry and tank battle, with scout-bomb on the side". So clearly, as with everything in life, "all things in moderation" is a good maxim. Maybe arty is like the queen in chess. Powerful, and a good element, but things get silly when there are too many. Due to the awesome powerfulness of arty now, it's way easy for there to be too much. (To be fair, I don't have a lot of experience with 1.01, so maybe this is a bit less of a factor, but I'm not seeing it being a lot less?) GaJ
  8. I just opened a scenario and found it had no artillery. I was surprised what a relief this was. Finally, I can get back to playing a game where it's about soldiers and tanks again, with artillery being a support function. Up till now, I've found the whole CMBN experience has been solely about "use the forces on the map to find the other guy so you can bomb him with artillery, while trying to avoid getting bombed". Forget about the forces on the map actually fighting each other: just scout and bomb (and run). Bring on more combined arms battles without this however-realistic-not-so-fun arty emphasis! GaJ
  9. There is a bug there that you bumped into, in 0.7.8, others have reported this and it will be fixed in the next release, probably tonight my time. GaJ
  10. Just because it's slow for pixeltrupen to do doesn't mean it should be extra-intensive for the player to ask to have it happen...
  11. Sure - send me a message with your email, I'll add you. It works the same with any CMx2. GaJ
  12. Thanks to an incredibly speedy translation by Ding Chavez, H2HH now has French in addition to the previous Spanish and German. GaJ
  13. At least at the old Scenario Depot the scenarios were categorised by H2H/AI. Right now it seems painful in the extreme to go from "hey, let's play a game" to "here's a good looking one" GaJ
  14. FYI: While it's not the "WEGO LAN" that many would like, H2HH helps a lot in LAN play: if you set it up so the "Game file folder" is pointing at a shared folder in your LAN, then you can play H2H on the LAN and never have to copy a file around etc. GaJ
  15. Fatal error - attempt to access unpublished file by non-admin user
  16. I've just posted an Alpha version (alongsside the exist stable Beta) that has - Spanish & German localisation (full German still in progress) - Messaging spport. As always, anyone else who's interested, drop me a line with your email address. GaJ
  17. I've had this. I submitted a save file, never heard back. Note that a grey line if this is going to happen is not the solution: if one or more of the unit's weapons can't see the target then said unit should not fire said weapons... GaJ
  18. Hi All, Thanks to the generous efforts of Charles Reese, supported by Markus Mohr, there is now a Mac version of H2HHelper available. This Mac version also supports the new "messaging" feature, and Spanish and German localisation. Drop me a message with your email if you'd like access. There's also a new Alpha of the Windows version that supports these new features: Spanish and German plus the "messaging" - you and your opponent can send messages back and forth about the games that you are playing without having to move over to email. There's no new doc yet: double click the game row to open the messaging dialog. If there's a French-speaking player who'd be willing to do the French translation, that would be great GaJ
  19. However, I've become totally confused about hedges vs low bocage. For a while I thought that I could spot it. Then suddenly, by accident, some of my guys upped and walked right through what I thought was a low bocage they were taking "cover" behind! I presume this means the cover was a lot worse than I was expecting :S
  20. I don't really know that WYSIWYG cover modelling is what you think it is. From what we've ready about how foxholes and houses work, its far from obvious that making the appearance of a gap look wider would make the cover less in that region. I agreed that the "Fastest" detail trick is workable, though a bit of a PITA.
  21. http://fledderjohn.bandcamp.com/track/the-kraken-wakes (I recently saw this performed live, it wierded me out. You went and reminded me! "When I awake, I brush my teeth, eat toast, watch the news...")
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