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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. I agree that the icons at level 1 are easy to see. I've come to realise that the critical camera angles for icon height are 3-5, and the most critical is 4. Ironically, for me at least, level 4 is both the most useful camera angle, where you can see lots of stuff and enough detail, and it is the level at which the icons are most problematic. At >6, you're looking vertically, obviously the "height" of the icons is irrelevant. At 1 and 2, you're looking horizontally. This means that icons aren't conveying much horizontal positional information no matter what their height. It's not an issue. At level 4, the 3D models are like tiny ants, and you need to rely on the icons to see them. At this level, the position of the 3D icon appears far, _horizontally_ from the position of the unit. I would hazard a guess that those who are expressing the most concern about icon height are those who like me use level 4 a lot. Level 4. Where is the commander who's icon is near the word Orchard? Really, where are any of these guys? Level 3. Where are the commanders who's icon are near the word Orchard? Level 1. Where is the commander in the centre of the view located? His icon is up in the sky. (A an example for the sake of it, I don't find this a particular issue). (that commander is way closer than you might guess, just behind the bush in the middle of the screen) Hope this helps. I actually have other games, where the map is flatter, that seem to suffer worse: I'll take some screenies of those when I have a chance. GaJ
  2. Glad it's running stable. We know why it's slow on the Mac (it's not slow on the PC): sorry about that, it will be fixed real soon now. GaJ (Can you believe: the reason it is slow is that on the Mac is that the Mac version of the 'library' that we're using to display the log takes seconds and seconds (a long time) just to figure out how many lines of text it has in it. We need this answer so we can make sure the log window doesn't get so much text in it that ... that .... that it ... slows down!! So ironically, we tried to prevent slowing down due to too much text in there, and unexpectedly we got a huge slow down, on Mac only, due to line-counting!!)
  3. Great tables, thanks!! They are pretty obviously "Elite" times. Would be great to have the same data for Warrior times GaJ
  4. I played some of one of my current games today - I realised that the lower the camera angle the worse the problem. At camera angle 6 there is no problem at all: the icon is exactly where the unit is. Below this, as the camera gets lower, the icon gets further and further from where the unit is. At camera angle 1 this isn't a problem, because the icon is no longer giving any information (false or otherwise) about the position of the unit on the map, because the icon is floating in the sky. I will try to take some screenies when I have a chance, and when I'm playing a game where it's OK to give away unit postions here in the forum! GaJ
  5. These are words spoken by someone who never used the old QB system. Almost "the whole point of it" was that you didn't have to review the map. If I'm going to spend time reviewing maps etc I'll go find a scenario. The "Q" in "QB" is for "Quick". As a "map library", the QB map library is no doubt fine. As a QB system it has proved unusable for me. As just one example, I selected a map called "Open Rough" and got completely clear open terrain, not a spot of Rough in sight. GaJ
  6. There's a thread about a saving problem in the "Technical" forum. But if you're getting total crashes, there might be something wrong with your machine... GaJ
  7. Thanks for asking. I think that the best answer will be some screenshots showing when we find the height confusing. I will try to remember to do this next time: the ideal screenies will be "see this icon, where do you think the unit is standing" screenies... GaJ
  8. 1) I agree the icons float too high, creating confusion about where units really are. 2) I agree that more visible bases are needed. I click on an icon to find a unit, and still can't find the men if there is anything other than short grass on the ground GaJ
  9. I got the image, thanks. It actually appears that somehow the installation is corrupt. I'm not too sure how this works on a Mac - I'll pass it on to Texas Toast for a better idea. If 1.1.3 is working for you, maybe stick with that for a while! GaJ
  10. By all means pop the error screen capture in the shared folder, if that's easiest for you. We'd love if if you don't mind testing the latest alpha (which is now 1.2.2) ... but we don't want you to have unwelcome hassles. So grab the latest if you're willing to help out, or stick with 1.1.3 if you're happier with a peaceful life GaJ
  11. I agree that this "incident" turned out to be a good demonstration of the superiour realism in CMx2. My tanks rushed over, trying to get a bead on a Sherm they knew was there, without putting themself in the firing zone. They got thwarted by a tree obscuring their vision. Can't argue with that. GaJ
  12. The QB system is awful. Really quite unusable. There are maps that bear no resemblance to their description. This is exacerbated by the "the setup areas get reversed" problem. We could do with a list of those, for sure! GaJ (Apologies in advance to those who put the effort into getting the QB maps in place. I'm sure you tried hard, under severe time pressure etc! At least your names aren't written anywhere )
  13. Having thought that Elite or Warrior would be the "right thing", I'm heading in the direction of Veteran right now. The "realistic" amount of time for arty makes things very difficult, and it is not clear that scenarios are designed with this in mind. GaJ
  14. Are you on a PC or a Mac? We found a definite issue with the Mac version, and pulled it from the folder. If you're on a PC, it would be great to find out what's wrong: I'm using the PC version fine. By far the most helpful thing you could do is to find the log file (the log window tells you where it is, as one of the first messages) and when you have a problem exit H2HH and send us that log file: HOW TO REPORT AN H2HH Issue: 1) Run H2HH and look at the top of the log window: see where it says its putting its log file. 2) Keep doing stuff till it breaks. 3) When H2HH breaks, get that log file (from step 1) and attach it to this form, along with some description of what went wrong. Tell us in gory detail how you made it break. There's an "attach file" link at the bottom right of the form. 4) Press "OK" 5) Wait briefly for our rapid response Or you could email me, if you can find my email address Thanks heaps for trying the alpha: without people trying it, we won't find out what's wrong! GaJ
  15. Has anyone tabulated the artillery delays you can expect for the various types? I recently found to my horror that the Howitzers I ordered come with a 15 minute delay. I'd like to avoid that in the future. Any help, tips, tables appreciated! GaJ
  16. Hi All, H2H Helper 1.2.0 (Alpha) is in the H2H Helper Dropbox Share. The main cool thing about this is that it has a right-click menu with various things, including "Launch CMBN". Like "who's turn is it", "Launch CMBN" is a suprisingly trivial-yet-use-it-all-the-time thing! You no longer need a shortcut on the desk top or in the task bar - just right click the game and you are launching CMBN. If you have multiple versions of CMBN, you can make it launch the correct one for each game. GaJ
  17. You're right! It's the foliage... One darn tree in the way. This game sure is hard work to play! Thx! GaJ
  18. Yes. I know. Obviously. The question is not "why does the Sherm disappear?" The answer to that question is "because the unit you clicked on can't see it". The problem is _why_ can't either of my guys see the Sherm???? It's right there in front of their face, firing area fire at my troops. They can even see the muzzle flare, I think (need to check that). They just aren't being shown the tank. Don't you think that looks broken? I can't think of a good explanation: the tree trunks don't obscure the centre of the sherm, as far as I can tell. Maybe it is the case: maybe the line from every one of the 4 units I have that is experiencing this to the centre of the Sherm clips a tree! This experience is telling me that by far the best place to put a tank is in scattered trees, because your oppo will have a hard time getting LOS on you, while you can fire out at will... "tree cloaking"? GaJ
  19. I dunno. My tanks just moved up that turn, while the Sherm was area firing. Stay posted for the outcome...
  20. As womble says: nope. I am playing a game right now where I have no units left whatsoever, and therefore can't see any oppo units The game continues GaJ
  21. I'm playing Chance Encounter, and my oppos' Sherms are whupping me with area fire. I can't get a bead on the darn things. Do the allies have some cloaking technology that I'm not aware of?? Have a look at these videos: these are the same turn from the viewpoint of two of my Sherms. I have the same thing from a shrek as well... (Vajero: you're not allowed to look at these :) ) GaJ
  22. NVidia Quadro NVS 160M. Uptodate drivers. Antialisasing: application controlled.
  23. I was trying to see what one of my oppo's inf units was up to. Every time I get close, it disappears... GaJ
  24. That's exactly right. IMHO it's better if you subscribe to the dropbox share for H2HH, by sending me your email address: then you can always get the latest. However if that's a hassle for you, the major releases get put at CMMODs - 1.1.3 is there. GaJ
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