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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. I've also been thinking of auto-hide in addition to auto-exit. I find that I pop the app up from time to time to see if anything changed, then minimise it. Maybe it would be nice if it would minimise itself... ? GaJ
  2. Hi All, A new "stable" version of H2HH is available: 1.1.3, in the Dropbox Share (send me your email address for access) and at CMMODS. There have been various little improvements, but the main reason to upgrade your version is that the previous release would fail to notify you if there is a new message from your opponent, if you have auto-update on. So to make sure you get notified about chat messages from your oppo, grab the latest GaJ
  3. It's great to have this analysis - thanks Sgt. I think it's "wrong" still. If I say "oops" 1 minute after starting to pack up, there is no logical reason why I can't be deployed 1 minute later. As it stands, I will have to wait 12 minutes (this is the pack-up delay). You have pointed out that at least I wont have to wait 17 minutes (pack up plus deploy). GaJ
  4. That is far out. Hafta find a game with a Tiger in as soon as this comes out! GaJ
  5. Got me there. Bad evening here, I certainly was happy to take offence "Kick the cat", quite literally LOL ... GaJ
  6. "Seem to believe"??? Bloody obviously the second order should countermand the first. If I give a unit an order to "run over there" in one turn, and they get half way in that turn and I cancel the order and say "actually, stop here and deploy" I surely expect them to stop there and deploy. And if fact that is what happens. This is the same with this ATG. I said "hey guys, go over there". Then I said "belay that, stay here and set up". Why would this be any different? Don't patrionise me with "you won't do it again". Maybe, maybe not... but if it's happening, that doesn't make it any less of a bug. GaJ
  7. I don't think we need unrealistic "death of FO takes out arty battery" to reflect how important FO's were. Just saying. GaJ
  8. I'm not sure what you mean "have you given them 10 minutes"? Right now it says "Deploy: 5.2 mins, Packup: 11.2 mins" Maybe they are actually deploying: I'll check if the deploy number has gone down next turn. GaJ
  9. You send me your email address, I share the H2HH Dropbox Shared Folder with you GaJ
  10. Early in a game I thought it would be a good idea to move an ATG from the place where it started, even if it was going to move slowly, so I gave it a move order. Then I realised that packing up was going to take 10 minutes itself! So I told them to "deploy". But every turn since then they keep packing up :( GaJ
  11. Good thinking. Now I just have to figure out how to get icons into that row! GaJ
  12. How come Windows doesn't have something cool-sounding like "Growl"?? How come it's not called iGrowl? Anyhow, whatever that thing "Growl" is, H2HH 1.1.1 now supports it :D Thanks, of course, to Texas "Mac" Toast. Available in the H2HH Dropbox share. GaJ
  13. Yes, "Start a game" and "Stop a game" are two things high on the list. Good point about "reusing the folder", I might have made "Stop a game" delete the fodlers if you hadn't said that Cheers, GaJ
  14. This is screwing up three games I'm playing at the moment: they've turned into "duck the random arty falling" games. Curiously, it seems like the spotting rounds have an affinity for the friendly forces. I guess this is just coincidence, but it sure feels like "hey, that spotter is not reporting, let's drop rounds closer to his last known location, maybe he'll spot them". GaJ
  15. Hey, is there anyone out there who is good with drawing? I'd love to have icons, instead of words, in the "Other Info" line. But I'm no good at drawing... we need icons for: - Your oppo is using h2hh (yay) - There's a new chat message for you and now - "Your oppo timezone is:" as in "your oppo timezone is: -12 hours" GaJ
  16. Nice suggestion. I raised this ticket on it. We'll see what we can do... GaJ
  17. Charles just posted 1.0.1 Mac, which hopefully fixes "too many open files" ... GaJ
  18. Interesting to know. Not intuitive for sure. It seems to meant that there is basically no effective cover anywhere other than behind a berm? And this argument surely can't be applied to a church/steeple. Those things are made of solid stone... GaJ
  19. So - this "too many files" on Mac seems to be a "real" issue. We're looking into it, we have some theories... it's not an easy one though. It may be that the auto-update magic is causing this. Can someone with this issue try turning off "Auto-update" and see if that makes the problem go away? This would confirm a theory, and give you a workaround: in the mean time, use the Refresh button instead of Auto-update. How does this help me with DropBox, or other shared folders? My opponent named the shared folder for our game something different! Yes - it does this "magically" if you have auto-update selected, or it does it when you press "refresh". GaJ
  20. Weird huh? Standby for someone with a Mac to take a look! GaJ
  21. Ah. That error: we've seen it before, from a mac user, and haven't nailed it down. I'm interested to see that it happens in your Incoming Email directory. How many files are in there? It it lots? AFAIK H2HH doesn't actually try to open all those files, but maybe MacOS thinks it does. It will be interesting to hear how many files you have in there... I filed this ticket on this problem. Charles "Mac" TexastToast will look soon I reckon GaJ
  22. LOL. that's more like it FWIW, many folk are using the Mac version without a problem. HOW TO REPORT AN H2HH Issue: 1) Run H2HH and look at the top of the log window: see where it says its putting its log file. 2) Keep doing stuff till it breaks. 3) When it breaks, get that log file (from step 1) and attach it to this form, along with some description of what went wrong. Tell us in gory detail how you made it break. 4) Press "OK" 5) Wait briefly for our rapid response Thanks, GaJ
  23. Thanks for the feedback! I was kinda fearing a thread full of "I tried it, but problems". This thread is much nicer Can someone tell me where CMSF is installed by default, on PC and Mac: I'd like to make H2HH find that automatically as well. Ta, GaJ
  24. This seems to be the case with onboard as well. The onboard can target something directly while experiencing this problem, but it's still denied to any other observer... GaJ
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