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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. Oh Damn. This is going to mean that H2HH is going to need to know two folder now instead of one, in order for the right click start game menu item to work The upside is that if it's really true that the Game File folder can't be anywhere other than this path, then at least I don't have to ask you where it is GaJ
  2. Thanks. Based on what you have said, it ought to work if you point it at the Fortress Italy folder that contains the Game Files folder. IE tell H2HH that the CMFI Installation is at C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Fortress Italy GaJ
  3. I think there's a workaround: point H2HH at the directory that contains the directory called GameFiles. In CMBN, this is the directory called Combat Mission Battle For Normandy. From what I've read so far (I don't have FI yet) the GameFile directory is now somewhere seprate under My Documents, so point H2HH to that place. I'm still waiting for definititive information about where this is getting put before I update H2HH to know about it. GaJ
  4. If you're patient, I'd say CMBN:CW with the 2.0 engine. It remains to be seen just how much interest there really is in Italy... everyone's different in that respect: for me it seems like just a side show. That being said, what is this "or" thing anyhow? Just have both GaJ
  5. It's taking "us" (people who think like me I guess ) time to get used to the fact that games called Combat Mission <something> set in WWII are different games GaJ
  6. I can, of course, fix H2HH to deal with this (at least, I presume I can, unless something changed in a dramatic way) I need to know what the deal is though What exactly is going to be the exact path for CMFI game files? Thanks, GaJ
  7. I thought of another thing: fragmentation in the H2H community works in BFC's favour. For example, when a CMBN tourney starts up, except it's CMFI, then the CMBN people have to think "damn, if I want to play, I have to buy that game now". Same with a CMBN tourney thats going to be on Upgrade 2.0... if you're playing the community, you pretty much have to buy. This is a force the the direction of "there won't be a fragmentation problem" ... in fact, keen people will just buy. GaJ
  8. The most negative way to look at this (fragmentation) is that "It will be what it will be because it makes sense for the sales of CMxx. There might be some hassles, we just have to deal with them". The most positive way I can look at it is "BFC have experience this before (as Steve just said) and have thought about it (which they didn't even have to do, much, from the H2H perspective) and think it's probably going to be OK. So ... it's probably going to be OK. GaJ
  9. Because it may become a complete pain finding a game with someone. We (at WeBoB) already have extensive threads about how to manage game versions in tourneys, and CMFI is barely out! Imagine these threads when there are patches and packs... And it may become a complete pain _playing_ games with different people who are on different patch levels. "Hang on a minute, do I or do I not have covered arc in this game? Is this the variant where Sherms hit every time, or the version where Panzers hit every time?" etc. I agree that we haven't seen anything conclusive to indicate this will be a real problem, but we are certainly heading in the direction of it, and already feeling the effect of it. ... and this is probably because the game is mostly sold to single-players, I presume. In the "I bought this to play against the computer" scenario, all these considerations are completely moot and a range of choices makes complete sense. So it's a complete waste of time to lament about whether or not this will adversely affect H2H players: we are a secondary concern: if the decision makes sense for vs AI, then that's how it will be. GaJ
  10. Is there a table, yet, showing what is available with what? Clearly this will be needed, soon. I've already lost track (through not trying very hard). GaJ
  11. It sounds like Erwin has mastered the CMBN equivalent of the Wiki Strike, which I have really been missing! It's even more gamey now (since you start calling it in at T0). Do you find that from time to time you get spotters during the adjust? This is what put me off in the past from exploring down this line: adjust seemed to be accompanied by spotting rounds... GaJ
  12. I tried to RTFM. I didn't get a lot out of it. Anyone else? GaJ
  13. Dang, I knew I was approaching this wrong! There I was reproducing the setup meticulously in ASL, exploring options, then playing my turn. I shouldn't do this? Dang! GaJ
  14. So I guess we ran out of tips for newbies? Shall we start a new thread when some more tips start flowing? Was loving the tips, but would rather be playing the game than reminiscing about the good ole counter days GaJ
  15. I just can't be arsed playing the computer. Like ... what's the point? GaJ
  16. I did half the demo against the AI, then went on to human opponents. In the first 20 games I played, I won 6 and lost 14. The ones I won were not glorious victories. My points average is 38%. But ... now I feel I'm on a more solid footing - at least if I'm losing I am not totally wiped and wondering WTF??? So - I do think it's a long learning curve. I'm not convinced it's much harder than CMx1 to master - I lost a lot of games at the beginning of that too ... it's just that we're all thrown in the deep end much faster... GaJ
  17. I am in the process of reviewing my own CMBN learning curve, coming to it as I did from CMx1. An early preview/summary of this experience is that it took me 20 PBEM games to get the hang of it and start liking it. That is where I am up to now. I'm sure plenty of gamer/grogs can learn CMBN quicker than me, but I do think that mere mortals trained on CMx1 need to plan for this sort of amount of time to become competent against a human opponent, and to have mastered "how it works" well enough to have fun. GaJ
  18. This thread is about real life tactics, right? It strikes me that any uncertainty introduced by WeGo 1 minute quantum is just realistic.... get used to it. Plan for it. Move on... GaJ
  19. Can't you read the sign? Get off the exhibit, this instant!
  20. Good one, womble. I know what you mean about + and - ... I've experienced the difference before!
  21. Now if only it would reselect the unit _without_ moving the camera. If I want to go back to the unit I can hit "TAB" .... GaJ
  22. I recently found this wonderful translucent trees mod: The only thing sad is that it only works for "near trees". Any chance of the same for "far trees"? GaJ
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