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Everything posted by togi

  1. Ok BFC is not around today , may be preparing the release but I don't think it will be today
  2. BFC is not here today, may be preparing the demo for today release :-)
  3. Hey Erik, What is your goal after above kind request? By the way I'm not a ducth..
  4. If your writing is out of topic, please open new topic for chatting If your writing is in topic, please write down in English in order to be understandable. Thanks
  5. hey I have completed the CMSF demo games and I 'm ready for WWII theater , Any bone about CMBN demo ?
  6. if the game will release at 17 May , demo should release nowadays today or lately tomorrow Let's see..
  7. The demo must be released today. Because it's ready and don't want to release at weekend as Steve said. The monday is a good day for two weeks evaluation before game dropped on the line. The game release will be within W21 as my opinion.
  8. I'm feeling that demo will be released today.
  9. Thanks for your suggestions and comments
  10. 1. While several type troops are bordered in a carrier, I 'm trying to select in order to off-load them one after one.. I'm selecting one type troop and after giving orders , when I want to select the other one, I can't easily point out without changing camera position. Is the same for eveyone? 2. The enemy targeting is very hard, I can't easily locate target points on enemy. 3. Move orders need micromanagement, The path can't be placed at fist try on desired position without necassary zooming. In CMX1 seems a little bit easier than CMX2 accoring to the my point of view.
  11. Hi dudes, I'm very familiar with CMBB and CMAK games. But fresh in CMX2 engine and CMSF game. I 'm a little bit trouble to select my troops and targeting the enemy. Is it difficult according to the CMX1 engine or only my incapability? Thanks in advancefor your comments and appreciate for your valuable suggestions.
  12. as an old CM1 engine veteran, same for me , while waiting the CMBN demo, it will be great to learn some basics about CMX2 engine.
  13. I have been playing since CMBO and I have all series... This is a must to buy for me
  14. It will be better to write this topic to the "Technical Problems Forum" in order to get a quick response.. Regards..
  15. Hi, Mike, It requires a premum account to download them.. Can you download any of them? Regards..
  16. I have a ATI Radeon 9550 (128 bit / 128 Mb) card.. I don't play foggy games so it is not a problem for me but this card outperforms more of the Nvidia (geforce) cards (5200, 4200, even 5500). the prize? only 75 usd.. Regards..
  17. Hi,BFC team, I'm very confused about if the new patch will be rolled or not? Thanks in advance for your replies.. Regards
  18. Hi, Redwolf, I can't understand this fog issue..Does this mean that I can see all the unit of my opponents as the game starts?(Fog of War).. Thanks in advance for replys.. Regards..
  19. For Ati Radeon, I have heard ASUS ATI RADEON 9550 GE/TD is the best price/performance ratio(price is 80-90 usd)..and very over/clockable..128 mb / 128 bit.. but I'm not sure with it but some grogs may talk on it at there.. Regards..
  20. Hi to all, I have a Geforce 2 mx100/200 32 mb and want to update it to the Asus Ati Radeon 9550 ge/td 128 mb / 128 bit? Do you advice it to me? or Asus Geforce Fx 5200 64 bit that I have to buy.. Thanks in advance.. Regards..
  21. Ok, I'm with you Tank ACE for playing with the Turkish Brigade in Kunuri... Regards..
  22. Hi, Sanok, I have changed my Ram from 128 Mb to the 512 Mb..The game performance has been increased too much..I recommend that to you..I have also changed my OS system from win 98 to the Xp Professional..The game locked up usually before but till one month, I haven't seen any problem.. My System is: Celeron 2.0 Ghz 512 Mb Ram 32 mb Geforce 2 Video Card Regards..
  23. Hi, Ben, I'm a medium level experienced player, if you want we can play by an E-mail game, and I can transfer some information by playing, this one is a good method for learning.. my e-mail adress is thayret@yahoo.com.. If you want to play, send me a setup.. Setup Parameters 25 variable turns max, combined arms, I'm attacking and you're defending..1942,December, North Africa, I'm English, You're German, town, medium hillness, medium tree coverage, clear sky..1250 points.. Regards..
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