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Everything posted by togi

  1. Hello Accuracy of on and off map artillery is problemable can developers check this problem? regards
  2. I really don't like war movie mode I can't see clearly away objects because of overdone pale bfc can think to patch this special feature? anyone think like me? regards
  3. yes steve you remember me, if you compare GL module and this module, you will see the difference. content is not equal with GL , even CW module. So how is a module? when we will see the packs? Regards
  4. yes if we examine only heer marines, wind mills and great bridges , some rare vehicle units will be added. other units are coming from bn or cw as I understand except fallschirmajagers
  5. price is obvius because it's module and 35 usd but content will not appropriate to be even a candidate for module let's match with great GL module regards
  6. I can predict from Steve's comments some soldier models from Bn and Cw I have these games already and paid 90 usd in total so this should be a pack and priced a pack for bn+cw owners. also may be a bundle with cw + bn as a pack for non owner of first two module regards
  7. hello to all can we call mg is a module with this low content profile? I think that it should be classified and priced as pack for a fair trade this is my thought regards
  8. We are waiting news about market garden module as Steve promised Thanks in advance for the bones
  9. this is the first battle that I played. major victory with axis site (iron hardness) I think is relatively easy with axis site, you can use 150 mm cannon of Brummbars very efectively
  10. Ok I have opened site and grapped the game
  11. time is out at internet page today somedays I can open but somedays not I can't open today while game is out now this is my unluck
  12. hello I'm from Turkiye not only today, at somedays I can't open today even start page of Bfc is there any protection ?
  13. hello I can't open battlefront.com from my desktop computer .I can open other all internet sites but no BFC site. I want to order and download what is the problem? kind regards
  14. yes it seems sunday , we will be able to play this game thanks for the information
  15. Hello Steve, I have already paid 12 usd this evening - Red Orchestra Rising Storm Beta from steam And countdown countinuing for GL. It seems we will be waiting to publish at next week with this pace :-)
  16. Steve, Thanks for the information So we can close the bets , it's obvious that BFC is able to publish within this week Regards
  17. I think they will release tomorrow, they had announced 6 weeks release time, this time will be overdue tomorrow.
  18. "If you would like to order just the download, please wait until the game is released (in approx. 4-6 weeks). All games ship from our main location in the US, import VAT and other import fees may apply for international customers in addition to the Shipping & Handling charge. When you preorder, your credit card or Paypal account is charged immediately, and not when the item ships. The special $10 discount for preorders means that instead of paying $45 plus S&H for the download & mail delivery after release, you only pay $35 plus S&H. The discount expires after the game is released." Above there is abstraction from moon post. the post was published at mid of march - beginning of april so release time will be within this week that I think , lately next week
  19. I have built new one at weekend with fx8320 amd 8 core processor and radeon hd 7870 xt gpu. this is great f/p product. Ihave fallen in love again with CM
  20. There is no need to give a desktop computer over 1000 usd nowadays. beucause techonology is very fast and to try to catch with high end systems are very hard. the best tech computer could be old within two years. Instead of that, to reserve the money over 1000 usd for lenghthening of lifetime the old computer. (plus 2 or 3 year). because of that ; My system preference will be like that; AMD motherboard available for SLI and overclock tech (2100 mhz oc availability) FX 8350 processor (for 8 core) HD 7870 or 7950 video card (2gb ram + 256 bit) 2 x 4 gb rams with 2100 mhz oc ability (CL 11 class preferable) Case with 750W psu 256 gb SSD + 1 tb HD This system could be upgraded by adding second HD7870 or 7950 to catch the 5 year period at next years.
  21. Count me in because of brave Turkish soldiers will be coming in this game.
  22. Hello Steve, I can't see FG42 for FJs at the list, They had used this gun at Monte Cassino battle will this rifle be in the module ? thanks
  23. I guess AA is only for ground targets
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