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Everything posted by eichenbaum

  1. <p align="center"> </p> <font color="#996600"><font color="#663300" size="+3">I</font><font color="#663300">magine your self as a German General in the Crimea, Russia 1942. Your task, the capture of Sevastopol, the heaviest fortified city in that time. The Russians dug in deep, supported by large batteries of heavy guns such as Gorki I and II. Naval bombardments are a constant danger for your army while you're fighting a way to the port city. Before the main attack was launched, almost every artillery gun and airplane had been brought up, trying to blast the heavy fortifications into rubble and dust. </font></font></p> <font color="#663300">Eichenbaum's Operation Storfang (OSF) could be your tool to experience the 2nd World War in the Crimea. As an add-on campaign & mod for the great game Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin; will it give you the possibility to be a witness of the heavy battles and lead your own forces over the hills towards Sevastopol.</font></p> <font color="#663300">You do not have to manage any mods or scenarios and OSF does not modify your version of Combat Mission permanently. Both can be played separately.</font></p> <font color=#CC0000"><U>Read more...</U></font></p> <hr> <font color="#663300">Screenshots:</font></p> <font color="#663300"> <font size="-2">3d menu</font></font></p> <font color="#663300"> <font size="-2">Tankovoe (Turn 1)</font></font></p> <font color="#663300"> <font size="-2">Scenario Overview</font></font></p>
  2. <CENTER>--== SPOILER ALERT ==--</CENTER><HR> Tankovoe: OSF can look very difficult but in fact you got used to normal CM playing where the final AAR shows how good you were and if you have won. In this case it's your primal objective to get the access code. To achieve this in Tankovoe you have to push the AI Southwards by advancing with your troops in this direction. In the 1st battle you should only do some <U>Reconnaissance</U> and not try to make an assault with your recon troops. I could tell you how reconnaissance was conducted but there are a lot of topics and scripts which explain into detail how to do this in CM. While you're conducting you recon manoeuvre you automatically gain ground which will be crucial for your assault in Battle 2. When concentrations of enemy are spotted you can soften up the defence line with artillery bombardments. Major Schmidt (III./IR 437/ID 132) should conduct the assault with his infantry battalion. They'll arrive between battle 1 and 2. <font size="-2">Oberst Altmann (IR 438), Generalmajor Lindemann (132. ID), Oberst Kindsmüller (IR 437), Major Schmidt (III./IR 437)</font> <u>Here you can view an example of an assault on Tankovoe (flash /250kb)</u> <font size="-2">(Screen stays black until the movie is fully loaded)</font> Krasn'ii Mak (Turn 2) is very different from Tankovoe (1). You don't have to be afraid; there's really nothing to afraid of. Be patient and careful. Try to read <u>some scripts about infantry attacks</u> and use your units where they were made for. Check where they came from (displayed in the units name description) and keep them together, even in later battles. <HR><CENTER>--== SPOILER ALERT ==--</CENTER> Good luck, Nils
  3. Hey Jay, Great work man! <font size="-2">P.S.: As I have your attention I can say that your 'request' has a green light. I'm putting together letter </font>
  4. 1stUkrainianFront, Give me an hour to get home. I'm still at work and cannot get my eichenbaum.org e-mail. You've made me very curious Nils
  5. If you have a webserver where you can place them on you can include pictures with the [ img ] tags: </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"><a href="http://www.eichenbaum.org/Images/K-Mak01.jpg" target="_blanc"> </a></pre>
  6. Hi 1stUkrainianFront, You have drawn my attention with your satellite images. Do you have those from the Crimea as well? I'm working on a campaign for CMBB called Operation Störfang (OSF). Everything we build should be as realistic as possible with CM. Like in the example you can see we're working with the famous Russian 1942 maps of Ukraine: <font size="-2">Krasn'ii Mak (Cherkes Kerman)</font> <font size="-2">(Click the pic to enlarge)</font> My brother has devoted his self the past year to draw a highly detailed 3d elevation map of the South-West region of the Crimea in AutoCAD. Would you mind if I contact you by e-mail? Nils
  7. Before you go any further; 1. Warn your wife/ girlfriend/ boyfriend that you won't bee seen for a while. They might call the undertaker because you might look dead already. 2. Use extra strong sun-block-milk when you finally hit the streets again after months of CM-screen-watching. 3. If your local AA community has a waiting list then subscribe to it now. Wait and it will be too late. 4. When you're devotion goes to huge scenarios then do anti-RSI exercises between the turns. 5. Welcome to BFC's forums. 6. Buy CMBB as well and pick your favourite... Grussen, Nils
  8. Thanks Only a few hours I have spent on this. Cutting up photographs or drawing in PhotoShop for common mods almost takes a much time as modelling in 3ds max. Nils [ July 15, 2004, 12:19 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  9. As promised I'll post more pics this week. The idler was very easy to model. But when I came to doing the tracks I almost got stuck. It's difficult not to have some parts at hand. The track-model is almost done; it still need some refining. Some round curves and damage should do the trick. <font size="-2">The Chasis is just a dummy!</font> As you can see something went wrong with placing the tracks on the wheels. I didn't had the time to correct it last night. It toke 12 minutes to render this image. <font size="-2">[TOOLS: 3ds Max 5.1 - PIV3.2GHz - 1024MB DDR RAM - NVidia Quadro FX500]</font>
  10. Yes some; I didn't mod all of the trees. I think it's almost fifty - fifty.
  11. Yes, that's a 3ds max render. I'm creating high polygon models first to create 2d images for the low polygon CM models. I'll post more shots when I have build more parts. First; I'm going to work on the idler Nils
  12. mmmm.... Well both idles used seem to have 8 spokes. It's still confusing. I'll model the one in the black&white photo; idler with 8 spokes and no internal disk. Sure the 'new' one is much easier to model. I guess nobody will ask me about the idlers if history is that blurry as it appears to be now. Thanks! Nils
  13. I am sure you're not the only one CM is the greatest VCR ever !
  14. Thanks Kromyr, We're getting real close. I knew what drive sprockets were used and already modelled it. My question was what idler were used on the B-types? The majority of StuG IIIB vehicles indeed show the 6 spoke drive sprocket but the idler comes in 2 variants; 8 spoke or the 8 spoke with disk. Ps. Ah.. I saw you edit your post. I can see you put in the idler type now. Thanks ! [ July 09, 2004, 11:00 AM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  15. You never turn those trees on? ---- I Play with full coverage. Only when something happens in the trees I can't see; I turn them off.
  16. 80% of this campaign will be Human vs. AI. MultiPlayer scenarios will be implemented if those a suitable enough and we have the time to test it. This month we'll release the first multiplayer scenario called "Kuib'ishevo". OSF is made up of several parts; all representing a major axis advances or assaults in the South-West part of the Crimea in 1941 and 1942. The 1st part is the reconstruction the assault by the 132.ID on the Cherkes Kerman mountains during November 1941; One of the first assaults on the Sevastopol region in the 2nd World War. This 1st part is made up of 8 scenarios (some of them also as MultiPlayer).
  17. We estimate that we'll release the next 2 scenarios (Turn 2 and 3) before 25th July. That's a whole lot of playtime I can asure you; looking at the sweat dripping from the test player's faces. Nils
  18. Hey Vossie, Pictures on the internet show both idles used. I would rather not 'asume' because I would like it to be historical correct. The C and D types weren't available in the Crimea in 1941 as far as our lib can show us. Von Manstein didn't received that many tracked vehicles for his operation in the South. Appart from what StuGs, PanzerKampfwagens IIIs and halftracks am we're lucky that we don't have to mod many vehicles for OSF Nils
  19. I'm working on a StuG IIIB mod. But I'm troubled with an important issue. After a few hours I have came to this: (The Chasis is just a dummy) Now I have come to the part where I need to model the rear idler: This model should be used in a Crimea, November 1941 scenario; which idler should I use for that type of StuG? Nils
  20. Our testing department has done about 80% of the battle. When we know this scenario can be done we'll release it a.s.a.p. Giving a specific date cannot be done because the AI might react in a way that it takes longer to achieve victory. Without proper testing we won't hand over any scenarios. We don't want you to be dissapointed after all the effort you put in it and find out that victory can't be achieved. <font size="-2">The biggest nightmare in K'Mak (2); The bridge getting destroyed before crossing the Belbek river.</font>
  21. Thanks for the cheering guys! I thought it was about time we trow another screeny of Krasn'ii Mak (2) [ July 06, 2004, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  22. Something to remind: We are not a company. We are just a few guys with a hobby. OSF is a product that comes out of this hobby. We have created an non-profit organisation (Eichenbaum.org) to protect it and for you to have face to talk to. OSF is product that you can use for free and you should use it at your own risk. We have only 1 person for programming, graphic design, scenario design, 3d modelling, music composing and web-mastering; That's me! Our goal is a bug free product that every CMBB player can enjoy. But the reality is always different from goals. Various system configurations can result into a dysfunctional product. The few hours we can spend each day on OSF and the amount of money available ($0,-) cannot make up a complete test platform. You should read the warning signs and notes that are provided with almost every step. Like on our download page you can read that you should have make a copy of your CMBB file if it contains valuable files. Trying to put us in a bad daylight because you're not satisfied with the free stuff you have downloaded then go ahead. I can stop everything immediately and close the store just like that but this will not happen because of you. I have encountered nazi-hunters, vandalists, hackers and extreme nationalists. All trying to destroy something that is public available and build for a good coarse. There is a Dutch saying: Ye shall not look into the mouth of a horse that has been handed to you as a gift Nils PS.: There's a time difference between you and me. So next time (if there is one) then please wait until we have a chance to respond to your call.
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