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Everything posted by tooz

  1. Guys, I think I discovered the problem. I cannot find NVidea listed in my programs--nowhere! Under Add/Remove programs all I see are two items for ATI. One is the "ATI Control Panel", and the other is "ATI Display Driver"(!). Is it possible that this techie from Dell of China replaced my ATI Radeon with an NVidea AND IS STILL USING THE ATI DRIVER? Is this possible? I have run a search for NVidea and come up with nothing. Yet, my computer STILL shows the NVidea video card. Methinks I'd better call Dell... EDIT. Well that sounds too strange for even a newbie to believe. My DIAG shows the NV 4 Driver. So, scratch that. Now, do I go ahead and download the newer NVidea driver? If so, how can I delete the old NVidea Driver if I can't find it in my ADD/Remove programs? [ February 26, 2005, 06:37 AM: Message edited by: tooz ]
  2. "The solution to the problem above is almost certainly that you have your desktop set to a bit depth that isn't supported by the Quake engine that is used by that game. Set your color depth on your desktop to either 16 or 32 bits (65536 colors or 4294967296 colors). You probably have it at 8 bit (256 colors) or 24 bit (16777216 colors). A driver update might resolve that dependency, but for now try 16 or 32 bit."--Redwolf Nope. My display has always been set at "Highest", which is 32 bits. "OK, first of all your initial message said the error message was just "couldn't load OpenGL". It is of course a strict no-no to post for help and incorrectly quote error messages"--Redwolf I quote them as I see them. This "cannot open OGL..." pops up and then later in a smaller box with black background comes the second message. CoD played fine with my ATI but since the changeover to NVidea I have had the problems. So, I am thinking it must be the driver.
  3. "Start the 3D tests in dxdiag."--Redwolf Thanks for the tip. Tried it, NO error s found reads the message. However, now that I am learning (at a glacial pace) I found that my card is 64 MB. When I boot up CoD (CM works ok, but sometimes "stutters")get this: "Failed to find an appropriate PIXELFORMAT. WARNING: Could not set the game mode (3) shutting down OGL Unloading Open GL DLL" Further digging uncovers my video card is 6.14.0010.5673 (English) Doesn't make much sense to me, but you guys probably understand these messages. Saw that this card driver was uploaded in August 2004. So, am I supposed to download the V. 66.93 NVidea driver from their website? If so, now what? Do I uninstall my old driver and install this new one, or will installing the newer version merely "update" my current driver? Sorry if this is a stupid question (consider the source). If so, and you guys have time, can someone walk me through the necessary process? Thanks again guys for the education!
  4. "Carl: why not playtest them at TPG first? Not guaranteeing that you'll get reviews at TSD if you do, but if there's a question about the playability or quality of your work, have some folks at TPG test them out first and report back to you. Just a suggestion."--GJK IMO, once battles/ops are posted at TSD, how many get revised? These scenarios appear (to me) as finished works awaiting critique. I encourage all scenario designers to take advantage of THE PROVING GROUNDS(TPG) as a good method of evaluating their designs. You will find many dedicated playtesters who offer detailed, insightful reviews of submissions. I have often thought of TPG as a place for all scenario wips. Once polished, they go to The Scenario Depot as finished products. This type of collaboration benefits us all, members of the CM community. We don't get paid for any of this. We all share the same desire--fun, balanced battles and ops. WE--the gamers, make our hobby better. Pretty cool when you think about this. :cool:
  5. "Start with dxdiag and see whether that one is happy with the 3D hardware. It will also tell you what exactly you have. Before we know that no help can be provided"--Redwolf OK, I ran the dxdiag, it tells me my "Total Memory 64.0 MB." I am using the NVidea GeForce 4 440 Go. Diagnostics checks out--no updated driver found. I still get "Cannot load openGL". So, why not?
  6. "Start with dxdiag and see whether that one is happy with the 3D hardware."--Redwolf Herein lies my problem with computers. I have no idea what that means or how to do it. If it is easy, got some step by step instructions?
  7. How about the rest of my system (excluding video card)? Good enough for a few years? Should I save my money? Also, let me take the time to both thanks and marvel at how much you guys know and the help you have given me already. Nothing better than free education. As a teacher I tell my students that most of us don't know what we need to know until we need to know it. We are afraid, IMO, of what we don't know. This is true of me and computers. I'm almost 50 (yikes! How did THAT happen?) and the thoughts of tampering with and screwing up my computer are horrifying. So, excuse my ignorance and thanks for your patient input. You guys make great teachers! Cheers!
  8. "My guess is that you have a 32 MB card and that you screwed up your drivers. Can you tell us more about your OS and the drivers you have installed?"--Redwolf RW, my OS is Windows xP. I DIDN'T screw up anything--I didn't DO anything. Everything was done by the Dell China service tech who came to my apartment. It would not surprise me if he is not "up to snuff". So, if you have some advice on how to remedy this, I'll need "instructions for a bonehead" to follow. Or, I'll call Dell or tech support. What should I tell them? To sum up, my card went on the fritz,two days later the tech guys arrives and replaced the video card. I don't recall seeing him installing any drivers nor did he go online. Thanks guys. Something is screwy--those specs are what are displayed, if they are wrong, what do I do?
  9. I have learned more about computers by playing CM and reading these threads these past years. So, before I trust the advice of the tech staff of Dell (China), I'd rather trust your opinions. My specs: Inspiron 8200 Pentium 4m 4M GPU 2.20Ghz 645 MR 512M Ram Now the main concern is obviously my video card. I have a: NVidea GeForce 4 440 Go This gives me fog, but now I cannot run my FPS--such as Call of Duty--I get an error message telling me that "cannot load open GL"(?) Rather than worrying about this--I don't play much CoD lately anyway--I will just try to upgrade where I can. So, which new/best video card can my laptop accept? If I'm going to shell out the bucks, I might as well get the good stuff. Next, what would you guys suggest I do for upgrading the speed and performance. I will buys CMx2 (naturally) but probably will grab T-72 also. So, any and all advice appreciated. [ February 18, 2005, 04:59 AM: Message edited by: tooz ]
  10. Hmm, guess I'll mosey on over to the T-72 forum now...
  11. Wow!!! I am NOT a modern war enthusiast, but THIS looks like a must-have. More info please! :eek: :cool:
  12. Aristoteles, you rising star of the modders (blatant sycophancy here), there are two remaining Italian tanks that need some attention--IMO. I'm referring to those pieces of crap, World War One Renault F17s which are in CMAK as L5(?) or something similar (yep, forgot to write down the exact name). There are two, one armed with twin MGs and the other with a crap 37mm gun. I know these are rare, but I am going to use these crap tanks in a soon-to-be released op. These tanks are just dull grey. ANYTHING--even dust--or some ahistorical camo would be appreciated. As they are, they are boring and ugly. I also want to keep your non-stop factory in production!
  13. PBEM banter is a must for playtesters. Examples: 1) Does this battle suck? 2) Why does it suck? 3) What needs to be done so it could suck less (unsuck?) OR: 4) Are you really that stupid or just the worst CMer out there? (this could apply to me ) Does my post suck? Why does...
  14. Cool mods--again Dey. I especially like the fact that I FINALLY have a slogan that does not have a "mirror effect" on the opposite side. This is because of that extra piece sticking out(ammo storage bin perhaps? Grogs?) Eh, those SU 85s could use a makeover too if you have the time. Maybe a few red stars and something on the front hull?
  15. Just came across this website--modders take notice! http://www.ww2incolor.com Just thought I'd share it if you haven't seen this site.
  16. "So, is this what folks are looking for in a King Tiger mod? If not, what are people looking for? Speak now or forever hold your peace, as I think I can see the light at the end of this (mod) tunnel. Thanks."--Gordon WOW!!! Yes, this is what I am looking for! Woo-hoo! The Return of the KING!(where's Marco?) My only request is for options--turret numbers, unit ID logo, etc. Got my folder ready already!
  17. Good call--as always J2D. Now, what is the size needed for the front cover and back cover to fit into a DVD (not CD) jewel case?
  18. Guys, I have my CM CDs sitting here in a book case but something's missing. I want to show these off or just sit back and look at my CDs lovingly. Can, or has, anyone make a DVD cover (NOT a CD cover) for the trilogy? I have extra DVD jewel case covers and think this is both a good way to store and better way to display my addiction. Anyone?
  19. "I've a request, could you whitewash some Russian AFV's 'cause you get a good paint technic now ? I think early T26 or BT(by MCHLSTRT) need your art talent. pls and thanks. Cheers Pat" DEY, Here's a great big bump in hopes of encouraging you to continue--the more the better. Your ww technique is looking very, very good. Ever think of trying some rust ala Zimordok?
  20. Out of curiosity--what is the name of the scenario you are playing, or is it a QB. I don't know of any released battle/op that has Russians and Romanians fighting alongside against the Germans. Sounds like fun, Half-squad hordes and all.
  21. Eichenbaum (and Junk2Drive), do you have any plans for incorporating modded skies for OSF? Second question: Can CMAK mountain skies be used for CMBB? I LOVE the mods and I bounce back in forth from your mods to the other guys mods (tanksalot, Ed, et al.)and I think having the Caucasus mountains in the horizon would be visually appealling. Or (third question), should I just wait for the Greek mods and use THOSE skies? J2D: I think you are the man to ask here about CMAK skies to CMBB--are these bmps compatible?
  22. Red Dog, count me in as a playtester. Years ago I had tried to do this battle for ASL (Advanced Squad Leader). It sucked, just didn't play out well using that system. I'm interested in seeing how you would depict this with the limitations of the CM engine (no gliders or air-dropping capability). Send a copy to bmartuzas@yahoo.com May I also suggest using the good guys at THE PROVING GROUNDS? Great guys with a lot of eager playtesters perusing submissions carefully. Can't hurt. Also, maybe you can try to entice Junk2Drive with coming up with a cool looking SS Fallschirmjaeger Mod for this op. J2D has proven extremely gifted in producing realistic "transplant mods" for his own modded variants of CM (Korea, Japan, and others). That site showing the Bradenburger doll would be a decent model. Ready when you are.
  23. Sounds good, send me a copy, please. Email addy in the profile. Thanks.
  24. "Got my mod creative juices flowing"--Wicky ...and I have my new "Wicky's new mods" folder all ready for the end result!
  25. J2D, the crossovers look good (but I don't think the whites have that crisp CMAK/CMBB look to them) but I am still leary and am going to wait and see if "the legend" will respond. Sycophants (and modsluts) have no shame.
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