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Battlefront is now Slitherine Ă—


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Everything posted by tooz

  1. ALL of these mods are absolutely wonderful! They look very good in game--very authentic looking. Great, great job!
  2. "Sorry, it's not completely idiot-proof."--Peterk Actually it was! Thanks to your help and from the guys at The Proving Grounds I FINALLY understand! Woo-hoo! CM just got better now that I can start designing (and later posting) some of my ideas. Amazing game, this CM!
  3. Just now fooling with the scenario editor. Can some one provide me with a step-by-step idiot proof instructions for doing a "default setup"?
  4. I just want CMx2 released in my lifetime.
  5. David, good stuff! There seems to be two disparite groups here at the Forum on winter whites. I am in part of the whitewashed/white uni's group instead of the snow dusted/anarak (not sure of the proper speling) uni's group. Although I DO enjoy AndrewTF's (the king of uniform mods! ) non-white winter mods, I still miss the white stuff--a leftover fondness spawned from my CMBO days. Therefore, ANY and ALL winter white uni's you produce will be consumed with delight! Any new mods in the works?
  6. Steiner, send me a quick email(address in the file)--I tried to send one to your address in the file but it was kicked back to me as undeliverable. We seem to have much in common: a Chinese wife, CM, BEER (outside of Tsingtao,Hapi, and the local version of Carlsberg everything else is watered-down crap)and teaching EFL in China. Interested in a PBEM and possibly a hotseat either in Beijing or here in Jiangsu? Perhaps we can hold the first ever China CM tournament? Are there more LAO WEI here in China that play CM?
  7. Congratulations! Er, I assume your wife is Chinese (I married my Chinese fiance last June)? I also live in China--near Nanjing. Are you teaching, working, or studying in China?
  8. "More to come......"--Aristoteles THAT is really good to hear! I look forward to the new releases!
  9. Good job--as always, with your mods! Keep on rolling them out--please! I especially liked your exit zone mods. Great work!
  10. Whitewashed--or snow dusted German AFVs Whitewashed--or snow dusted German AFVs Whitewashed--or snow dusted German AFVs Whitewashed--or snow dusted German AFVs Oh...and Whitewashed--or snow dusted German AFVs would be nice!
  11. Frozen, can't recall ANY plane making an appearance in any of the battles. I am certain I would have noticed if one would appear. No noise, no shadow. One 45 ATG killed one Stug IIIG and two halftracks. I would reduce the number of Molotov projectors--not eliminate them. If the 76 regimental gun was there, might as well put it in. Then maybe add a MkIIIN to the opening German OB? They'll need SOME support. I'd keep the map as is. The Germans need the space to maneuver. Again, you can email me your next draft when it's ready. I look forward to playingthe revised edition.
  12. Battle two ended with these totals: Men OK: 236 Total Casualties: 33 Men KIA: 23 Vehicles Lost: 5 SPOILER WARNING................................ * * * * * * * * * * * The Germans win a Tactical Victory. Final Tallies: Axis / Allies Men OK 134 / 181 Total Casualties 136 / 425 Men KIA 45 / 150 Captured 0 / 2 Mtrs Destroyed 0 / 5 Guns Destroyed 0 / 4 Pillboxes Destroyed 0 / 3 Vehicles Lost 16 / 12 Frozen, despite your reworking of this design--I had a lot of fun playing it! I actually feared I would lose, but on the last turn I switched the Russian VL to neutral, thereby giving me (I think this is why I got a victory) the tactical victory. I was hoping for no worse than a draw. All of my Stugs and Wespes ran out of HE ammo by the time this game ended. I lost a lot of troops and was hard pressed to make any progress in the latter stages of the fight. The Russians are tough. SUGGESTIONS: Keep the Somuas, maybe give the SS some more infantry--since Pioneer squads only hold 6 men, these guys wither away quickly, and reduce the number of Ampoulets. I think the Russian infantry have more than enough AT weapons--three of my tanks were immobilized and one Stug and one MkIII was KOed by ampoulets. In all of my research on the Russian Front I just never found anything that would suggest that the Russians used a lot of these weapons. I liked this op very much. I found it HIGHLY entertaining. Now I await the "rewrite".
  13. Frozen...forgot to include these figures after Battle #1: Men OK: 126 Total casualties: 11 Men KIA: 6 Vehicles Lost: 2 ANOTHER SPOILER WARNING..................... * * * * * * * * * The second battle is nearly over (up to Turn 16). The AI hid its units (kept them out of site, many ? locations--despite the close proximity of friendly troops, odd) until Turn 10. Once revealed--or exposed, I was able to unleash a torrent of 105/150 SPG fire at these locations, reducing each in turn. I am now astride the road at the top of the hill, ready to head to town. The Stugs and MkIIIs are coming up and so far I have only seen a few ATGs (light guns, still not identified), ACs and thankfully, no Russian armor, save for the occasional HT. I am winning. On the right flank my Somuas are plodding forward, covering my infantry who are advancing trench by trench. I am moving one platoon closer to the center to get flanking fire on the AIs MLR. Confidence is high. I am sure to have a good setup for the last battle and the two VLs will be within easy reach. Can't wait to get back to it, but,...er,...uh, the Mrs is telling me that I MIGHT be spending to much time on this game. NAH! Good fun!
  14. I also download ALL mods. I save them, use SOME, then later on change up the look with some of the unused mods. I appreciate ALL of the work EVERYONE does. The hours you spend toiling away brings entertainment to people around the world, many of whom you'll never meet or know. Cool. Keep 'em coming and God bless you all! Aristoteles, I think your BEST mods are your desert mods--especially your italian tanks. This of course, is just my opinion. I also prefer mods with aerial flags. Although these can be ahistorical it just looks better visually. Just one man's taste. I will not use your new Tiger or Stug IIIB only because I have these with my precious little flags. Silly. OF COURSE I AM SILLY!!! I AM AN ADULT (I hope so anyway ) WHO SPENDS TOO MUCH TIME ON THIS GAME!!! Why do I feel guilty about having so much fun all of the time? Hmmm. Love your work (just not ALL of your work).
  15. "If you could post the AAR here that would be great, or you can just email me your suggestions, I would greatly appreciate them."--Frozen You got it! I'm playing your Op now, battle two. Once you get your copy of your Kursk game, feel free to use me as a "pre-playtester" before you submit your work. My email is in the profile. I starting playing this op because I needed a break from the desert. Well, I got it. Now, here is what got me hooked: when I first played Battle #1 I got my butt kicked badly. Quit, delete, retry--same result. I was ready to give up on this, dismissing it as "an unbalanced dog". However, I am either too stubborn or obsessive compulsive (either is okay)to quit. So, now I am on my third attempt and really like the game. SPOILER WARNING................................. The at start is unique--I never expected to find S-35s at Kursk. If your sources say so, then they say so. If not, fine--I like their inclusion. Then there are the MkIIIs with guns that opposing infantry laugh at. How the hell am I supposed to get across the river with this assortment of covering fire? No HMGs, no arty, just two extremely fragile SPW 251/2s. Having Pioneers only as my infantry did not fill me with encouragement. For me "Panzer Pioneers" are "Pussy Pioneers". :mad: :mad: In fact, in CM I have found Engineers to be the least brave. They also take forever to clear a minefield (these are my experiences, if others think opposite, well then "goody for you" ). So, the first battle I tried to move my infantry through the large gully in the left center of the map. Another platoon hoped to use the wheatfield for cover. I probe with my AC, and hunt with my armor. Turn 1: Russian arty finds me, disaster. Half of my men are "spinning" or running away. I tried to lay as much smoke (which is not much) as possible, to no avail. The following turns were an excercise in futility--my tanks get picked off (some it seems, by ATR fire) one by one. There is little--very little cover. Turn 5, half of my tanks lost, NONE of my Pioneers will get out of "sneak" mode. End game one. Quit, delete, restart. The second playing was similar--despite my best efforts at hiding everyone, the borg spotter nails me again. My attack, still down the gully with some changes bogs down. Now I'm drinking heavily (and feeling better). Quit, delete. THIRD TRY: Ahhh, now I know what to do. I mass the attack on the right flank, bounce the river at the two fords to the far right and get my toe hold. I also discover that the soft ground that I fear only causes ONE AFV to bog (which frees itself battle #2). I'm across the river in some strngth, and now I have a good jump off point for battle #2. BATTLE #2 Ah, NOW I have the support I need. I LOVE having a Brummbar. I am currently on Turn 6, and now I am LOVING IT!!! Hence my efforts to track you (Frozen Lokin) down and let you know what I think. This op went from "sucked!" :mad: to "cool as hell". More feedback coming. You can tell if a design is good or not by your eagerness to get back to playing that game. Keep me posted on the future edition. Thanks for giving me a lot of entertainment! :cool:
  16. I have been playing an op named "Kursk, Psel River III" and I think it is very good. However, despite having it in my scenarios folder I can no longer find it at the Scenario Depot, Boots and Tracks, Der Kessel or my favorite site--The Proving Grounds. So, what's up? What has happened to it? I have some very positive feedback to provide and would like to submit an AAR. However, I now have no venue for this.
  17. Brent, I have noticed the same thing in SEVERAL ops. Now I know it's not "just me". Hmmm, I also believe (and will have to start noting this strange occurrence) this ONLY happens in CMAK ops. I think it IS a bug.
  18. Great!--as always. The Platoon Leader's pants remind me of the "surfer sweatpants" I used to wear in the mid 80s. Cool dude. :cool:
  19. Great!--as always. The Platoon Leader's pants remind me of the "surfer sweatpants" I used to wear in the mid 80s. Cool dude. :cool:
  20. Love the Sherman! I like the mustard camo. Cool--as always! Thanks.
  21. Sigh. CAPTURED, not "aptured". Damned keyboard! :mad:
  22. There was also this one regiment--200(?) I think that was outfitted entirely with aptured French tanks--even B1Bs(which of cours, we do not have :mad: ). They are listed in Biderman's [sic] book. They tried to break the Russian defense line at Sevastopol but got pasted. I was thinking about doing a battle on this fight, but sometimes history does not create a good battle/op for CM. The ground conditions were mud.
  23. VERY nice! But, I do not see it yet posted at the 'base. Is this a WIP or will you upload this cool looking mod soon?
  24. My two guesses: 1) Hetzer with the 75LL gun (an ASL term). Some Hetzers with equipped with the same type of 75 mm Gun that was used in the Panther (notice that I am NOT a gun grog ). Well, at least that's what I learned from the ASL "Armoury" anyway. 2) Jagdpanther. Remember, these are guesses.
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