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Everything posted by tooz

  1. Guys, are there the following bmps in CMBB: 4550, 4551,4552, 4553,4554,4555,4556,4557,4558 and 4559? I ask this because I accidentally copied a CMBO (!) mod into my CMBB bmp folder. Yikes! However, nothing was overwritten. I checked my CMBB backup disk, only to find out that this has nowe corrupted and is unreadable. Sheesh! So, did I dodge a bullet and luckily sent files to a gap in the bmp sequence?
  2. Thanks HB for the tip--I must have missed those. I found them with a search. However, all of these mods date back to 2004. I was wondering if anybody was giving them a another look. I have been impressed with the high quality of the mods (especially yours) that have been released this year. The paint schemes and rez just looks so much better. So, just a simple plea, if not, what we have are good enough--I guess...
  3. I have been dabbling back into CMBO for a while and have noticed how much better it is with all of the recent mods. My question is: have you guys given up on CMBO? I was wondering if anyone would be intrepid enough to cook up British AFVs similar to MikeyD's US tanks for CMBO. I am particularly looking for Cromwell, centaur and comet mods--as wll as ACs. Any chance?
  4. "Patboy, Totally cool! Don't forget the Renault! Thanks."--DavidI Yes! I second that! And....while you're finishing up the Eyties, those crap Fiat Ansaldo's could use some (camo) makeup also. Please...
  5. "It's always a good idea to unzip things into a holding folder before you dump them into the ultimate destination. That way, if all your zipped scenarios happen to unzip to a folder, you'll know to take them out of their folder before putting them into your scenario folder. That may be why your new scenarios don't show up. And if that is the case, you probably have an accumulation of crud in your bmp folder from mods that you did the same thing to."--Philippe Nah, I do unzip thse files into a seperate folder first, then transfer them to their destination folder, so i don't think that's the problem. Thanks anyway!
  6. Guys, after fighting with the Romans for the last half of a year I am back into CM. Now that I have a new desktop with the smokin' nVidea 6800 video card EVERYTHING in CM looks so much better--even CMBO. So, does anyone have these two ops on file: ASL KGP La Gleize ASL KGP Stoumont I downloaded all of the scenarios from CMMODS from the "Scenario Depot Salavage" links but most of these scenarios--despite showing up in the CMBO folder--do not appear on my disk's menu when i load the game. So. I am wondering if this is just a case of the files being corrupt. Man, CMBO with fog is pretty cool. Why go back to CMBO? Well, there's King Tigers, Pershings, jagdtigers and Cromwells. Yep, i sure miss them in CMAK.
  7. Hey David, because of modders like yourself, I have returned to CM (after submerging into Rome Total War for the last 6 months--I missed the tanks). The mods keep this old series alive and kicking inside me--even CMBO gets a playing now and then. Therefore, ANY mods you make I will eagerly accept and use. Keep 'em coming. Oh yeah, does anyone have a good 88 pak 41 mod? I got the 43 mod just released and now crave a camo 88 pak 41 (the AA gun in case I made a mistake with the ID). Cheers!
  8. That's better! "Sniff, sniff" (wipes away tears shed due to discovering CMSF's first title and slowly sets down the copy of Codename Panzers: Phase II, which he considered buying for a new WWII fix). To me this seems to be a strange mix of Rome: Total War/Talonsoft's East Front/CMBB merger! Yep, I'm in! This will easily defray the wait for CM2 WWII. Cool!
  9. Well, after almost two years of waiting for the big news on CM2, I am disappointed in "Shlock Force" [sic]. I'll only buy the game if Junk2drive can mod it into a decent WW2 desert war game. If the game sells well, then BFC made the right choice. If not, then the customer base has made a statement. Back to the trilogy I go.
  10. Lately, my attitude is "who cares anymore?" This long gap between releases (how OLD is CMAK now?) has led me to play other games. Goodbye CM. Personally I am looking forward to Rome: Total War--Barbarian Invasion than any other pending BFC release ("Drop Team" and "T-72" do not fill me with anticipation). In a way I feel ignored by BFC. If you ignore your customers, they will go away. See ya'...
  11. "Things like that were hard soldered on the motherboard because all the components where designed to work together and the configurations couldn't be changed because of that."--DEY I asked about this--the answer: motherboard replaced. "A new LCD. Well that should fix all display problems all right"--Redwolf. Yep, if you can't fix something, replace something. That seems to be the mindset here. "Have you tried setting a different resolution for the CM games like 800 x 600? Just a wild thought."--junk2drive Yep, tried that. All I end up with is a low-rez game that stutters. IF by some miracle something works I'll let you guys know. As for now, I am bagging CM for a few months. Not too bad a tragedy since I will have to move back to the 'States (while praying for my Chinese wife to get her visa) this summer. Once back, the first thing I do is buy a DESKTOP with enough power to play the newer games. I have all of my mods, scenarios and PBEMs copied onto disks, so I think I will just take a break from CM and pay more attention to real-life (darn it) with problems that will be more urgent. As for the laptop, MAYBE I'll do a full re-install. OR I'll give it to Mrs Tooz, OR I will actually use a laptop for work. So, I'm going to let this thread die a slow death. Should a fix apear, I'll repost. Again, thanks for the time, effort and help guys.
  12. Now I have a new LCD and a DVD/CD rom drive. I still cannot see the video card in the Device Manager--all I see is Dell 8200. They don't seem to fix anything here--they just replace. So, my game still stutters horribly and those three files in my DXDIAG are still there, and nothing I can do--downloading updates et al., can resolve this problem. Looks like I am either going to try to do a full re-install or just stop playing CM. The other games work fine. Thanks for the help guys, but despite all of this time and effort, my tanks lurch instead of move. Oh well, I guess it's time to learn other games.
  13. "Anyone know how COG & his wife are doing?"--GAJ I was wondering about that also. In all honesty, if CMMODS shuts down forever I will understand--and make due with something else. What REALLY matters is how is Mrs Cozog doing. PLEASE give us some good news about her. I still pray she is doing well. COZOG, all our thoughts, all our love goes out to you and the Missus. May God give all of you strength through this trying time. NOTHING else matters.
  14. Update...After yet another visit by yet another perplexed techie, :confused: I finally suggested that they take the laptop back to their shop in Nanjing and let them do whatever it takes to get the laptop going again. To Dell's credit, they are giving me good service, just negligible results. The saga continues and man do I MISS CM...
  15. Okay, thanks to the help of Redwolf, Schrullenhaft and DEY I am now starting to figure some things out and offer better details of my problems. I have discovered four (4) outdated files in my Direct X folder. These are: ddrawdll version d3d9d.dll version 5.03.0001.0904 d3d9d.dll version 9.06.0168.000 d3dim700.dll version 5.03.0001.0902 These four files have a yellow caution marker adjacent with a message requesting me to update these files. However, I DID download and install Direct X9.c, so now what? Do I delete these four files and redownload Direct X9c or... Also regarding DirectX Properties, I have the option of using either the "Debug" version or "retail" version of Direct 3D. Which version would you recommend? Inside folder entitled 1386 (what does this folder do anyway?) I discovered--and subsequently deleted the following ATI files: ATI2DVAA, ATI2DVAG (appears twice), ATI2EVXX, ATI2evxx, ATI2MDXX, ATI2mdxx, ATI3DUAL, ATI2MTAA, ATI2MTAG (appears twice), ati2mag, ATI3D1AG (appears twice), ATI3D2AG (appears twice). Once deleted the game stutters SLIGHTLY less, but this stutter is noticable with the larger battles/ops. These files are still sitting in my recycle bin. I still have problems finding any other ATI files while doing a search or while going into the regedit. I hope this makes better sense and now I hope that I am learning enough in order for me to also make better sense. So, is my problem with DirectX? Why didn't the current download/upgrade upgrade those four files mentioned above?
  16. "If you can find and download that particular driver, you can do the uninstall and "drive cleaner" on it and then install the old driver. I assume that that would work, but it may not. Your situation of the display device disappearing from the Device Manager is very strange. If it wasn't for the sheer amount of hassle and inconvenience, I'd recommend formatting your hard drive from scratch and starting fresh (with a copy of all the necessary drivers on CD)."--Schrullenhaft Well, I tried that--I still had the original updated driver (still in the drivers folder) and downloaded that. No effect. Puzzling. What I am going to do next is to copy and post those ATI driver dlls that appear in my "Driver Cleaner" box. No matter how many times I clean the drivers, these dll.s stay in the "add/remove" box for the cleaner. Maybe these are the bugs? I keep searching for these buggers but my searches come up empty. I now have three choices: 1) Calling Dell (China) again tomorrow. The last techie did something with BIOS that allowed the laptop to recognize the new video card and list in in Device Manager/Display Adapter. So, I hope Dell can call him, find out what he did, and have me walked through this again so I can retrace his steps. 2) Unistall Windows. Ugh...the LAST straw! 3) Stop playing CM until I return back to the states this summer--maybe someone there knows his stuff? In the meantime I'll just play H&D2 (plays fine), CoD and CoDUO (also plays fine) and FINALLY learn how to play Rome: Total War (the GAME plays fine, but the opening movie flutters--man this is weird!). Thanks, Schrullenhaft, for NOT calling me names. Oh yeah, regarding my crap ISP here--it always takes me at LEAST three tries to access ANY website here in the PRC. I keep getting the annoying "Page Cannot Be Displayed" (mostly in Chinese) message. One thing that life in China has taught me is patience.
  17. "Tooz, I don't want to be overly insulting, but you are an idiot."--Redwolf Well, I am a CYBER-IDIOT for certain. "Doesn't it occur to you that a lot of people invested time in helping you and now you just post "it works" without posting the solution."--Redwolf Redwolf, have you checked my profile? I live in CHINA!!! You know, the country where NOTHING works!!! My internet here at school has conked out for the last two weeks--sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I FINALLY can go back on line. Therefore I had a dilemma--respond to this post or respond to my family and friends' inquiries. I chose the latter. "Doesn't it occur to you that the next person will have to go through that whole dilemma as well, just because you are a selfish weenie with no common sense?"--Redwolf Well, I AM selfish with my weenie (I thought it would be weinie--as in short for "weiner"), I only share my weinie with Mrs Tooz. As you can see, I do not take offense easily. Now I am back online, NOW I can reply. Eh,school and private matters got priority with my computer and lessened internet time (My internet still refuses to work every other day--a problem with my school's LAN network). OK, the Dell techie came, replaced the old nvidea Go 4 440 video card with another one. Before he left he told me I should redownload the newest driver. However, as you now know, my internet went on the fritz. OK, now it's back. CM is working well again but CoD is not. I unistall and reinstall CoD. Hey that works too! That was back on around April 7th. I notice that my nVidea now appears in my Device Manager--but for some reason the computer says it is a Dell C840 (?)--my laptop is an Inspiron 8200. Odd, but things are working. Now it is April 16th, I have my internet working BETTER--but not normal--and now I uninstall the old driver, use the "Driver Cleaner Pro" (and still see ATI files to be cleaned), then re-download the new driver. Result--now my game stutters again. Oh well, here I go again. I now notice that the Device Manager no longer shows the card in my Display Adapter setting. So, how do i get this display adapter to read my new video card. Redwolf, you and Schrullenhaft have taught me much. I only hope I can offer you some advice on patience before you start to insult some hapless computer forum member. There may be reasons of which you are unaware that prevent forum members from complying with your requests immediately. I DID like the "selfish weenie" comment though.
  18. See the first thread here--I editted the first post, not the last. Back in business and CM bliss! [ April 19, 2005, 04:39 PM: Message edited by: tooz ]
  19. DEY, I was using an ATI (forgot the specs) video card before the changeover. Dell China just had two techies come to my apartment here in Yancheng. An apprentice and a master--I hope the force is strong with them . They now have the video card appearing in the device manager. They also replaced the motherboard with a new one, AND replaced the NVidea video card. Result--the NEW video card doesn't work! :eek: :confused: It started to cause the very same problems as my ATI when my ATI went on the fritz. However, the techie will return tomorrow morning with TWO new video cards, figuring ONE of these cards has to work. This is why I bought a Dell. Despite the original techie screwing things up royally, Dell is trying their best to sort things out. In China, this type of customer service is unheard of. Edward Dell would be pleased. More later...so...close... [ April 07, 2005, 03:38 AM: Message edited by: tooz ]
  20. "Try going into your "CONTROL PANEL", double click "SYSTEM", go to the "HARDWARE" tab, click the "DEVICE MANAGER" button, right click on "DISPLAY ADAPTERS", then click "SCAN FOR HARDWARE CHANGES". This should redetect and set itself back up again for your nvidia video."--DEY Tried that, same results. The only item listed in display adaptrs is "Dell 8200". Schrullenhaft, I did download the driver from DELL, and not NVidea. My education continues...
  21. After one excruciatingly long month of agony, Dell (China)finally sent someone up to my apartment here in Jiangsu Province. This guy knew his stuff, and now I have the games back running smoothly. This is the one major reason why I shall always buy Dell computers--their service--even in China--is the greatest. Thanks Redwolf, Schrullenhaft, and DEY for all of the assistance. Time to party! [Edit] April 20. Well, guess I spoke too soon. See the last two posts dated April 20, below. [ April 19, 2005, 10:59 PM: Message edited by: tooz ]
  22. DEY, yep will do that tomorrow (even Chinese Dell techies have off on Sunday). However, I have made some progress. All I need to do now is to fix my games refresh rate for CM and I am set. Everything else seems to be going okay, and the stuttering has slowed--but not stopped--my moving units still stutter. Now, any NVidea grogs out there can tell me what new NVidea graphics card other than the Ge Force 4 440 Go will work in my Inspiron 8200? Maybe I should just upgrade to a better card?
  23. New discovery...In my program files/Drivers/Video folder I noticed a folder entitled "BX_05190. Inside are many files labeled ATI and ATR. I have deleted the ATI files, but not the ATR files--whatever they are. So, I'll let you know if this helped any. Does this folder make sense to any of you?
  24. Well, for some reason the ATI Control Panel remains in the add/remove folder for my control panel. When I tried to unistall one file, I got an "unable to delete message". However, the ATI folder no longer appears in my "unistall" regedit folder. Weird. Also, a "search" for this elusive ATI control panel comes up empty. Now what? Guys, thanks for your patience and help with this dilemma. I have almost quit CM entirely because I can't tolerate watching this choppy, stuttering movement of my units--especially tanks and rain. Frustrating.
  25. Outstanding! Great, great news! God bless you and your family and Godspeed to her recovery.
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