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Everything posted by tooz

  1. My two cents here...I have to agree with C3K, based ON MY OWN PLAYING EXPERIENCE (more than one scenario)and I have found the 88s to be disappointing. I don't care about figures, stats, weather, whatever, playing experience shows me that these thing rarely do the damage that they inflicted in real life. No, I am not going to send screenshots (can't get it to work anyway) or cite statistics, or do experiments. When I have the 88 they suck, when the AI has the 88 they are snipers. Just one gamer's observation. So, C3K, you are not a lone voice here. I am playing a battle now where my 88 has been firing at a staionary Sherman for two turns now. Still can't even come close. I know, dust, flies buzzing around my gunners eyes, perhaps. Who cares? I just would like to see my 88 hit something, let alone kill it. If you are experiencing better results, then good for you. All I know is what I see. My 88s scare no one.
  2. PROBLEM SOLVED!!! Turns out I DO have these four guns in ww. How? Well it seems that when the computer shares bmps, it cannot share the same bmps by two opposing forces? Yep, true. What I did originally was to make a faux battle, and just lined up those units I wanted to check for winter white. The German guns came up ww, the Russian guns sharing those same bmps DID NOT! They appeared in grey. Intersting. Once I redid another mod check/battle using only the four Russian guns, there they are, modded in white. So, should you have a game where both sides share bmps, sometimes the mods will not show for BOTH SIDES. Interesting, but thankfully this situation should not arise in a game. Thanks again for all of the feedback--especially Marcus, Dey, and the "main man of mod knowhow" Junk2Drive! Now I can die in peace, my Russians are completed.
  3. DEY--I must be doing something wrong then and don't have the time to search and find what I did wrong. Even with switching off CMMOS these four buggers refuse to appear in winter white. It doesn't make sense to me at all why I can't get these guns to appear in white. The Germans work (as stated before), but these guys--Noooooooooooooooooo!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  4. "I have considered making a single-option version for ease of download, but am unsure which version to include... any requests?"--Marco My only request is for more black camo! Woo hoo! To hell with ease, load 'em up!
  5. Outstanding! You, Gordon Molek, DK, Andrew TF and others (forgive me for not listing ALL modders here by name) made CMBO a classic because of the terrific modsets included. It's still fun to play after four years. Now I see your mods appearing in CMAK! I sure hope this augurs well for future mods (I miss the black camo).If you redo some of your BO classics for CMAK then you have made this gamer very, very happy. Beautiful!
  6. DEY--The German guns show up as whitewashed, the Russians do not. Hmmm, frustrating.
  7. Hey guys, fooling around with trying CMBB/AK helmets for CMBO, the US helmet (non-oficer)works, and some German helmets are ok. Now I am wondering if the CMAK beret will work in CMBO. Problem is, I can't find the red beret in the CMBO folder. Hmmm. Any help?
  8. J2D: Well, I've checked and rechecked. I just cannot find these missing eleven mods. Thanks for the help though!
  9. Marcus, thanks for the help. I have the Czech tank, and FINALLY found the needed sIG33 mods! However, some "missing mods" still appear. I did download CMMOS Russian winter guns. On the picture they have the 76AA, 85AA, 76.2 mountain gun and the 25AA, but alas, they are NOT included in the set. :confused: That set only contained the 45 ATGs, 57 ZIS-3, 76.2 M43, 76.2 ZIS-2 and the 76.2 M27_39. The other four guns do NOT appear in the zip. Thinking that I did something wrong (ALWAYS a possibility) I redownloaded the set. Same result. The Germans do NOT have these following units modded in WW: SPW 250/11 GRAU. The listing at CMMODS is WRONG! That SPW is yellow (gelb). MkIIIM gelb (grau IS available) Brummbar (late), early and mid ARE available. Sdkfz 7 gelb (grau IS available) 20mm Heavy ATG (the little tyke is NOT available in either grau or gelb). 105 Rccl gelb (75rccl gelb IS available) 88ATG gelb. This one's absence is a bit perplexing. :confused: So that's eleven mods that are missing (to the best of my knowledge). ...but I cannot make another request, right? I did promise...sort of...
  10. Marcus, thanks again for the zip and the info. I just went back to CMMODS and found the sIG33/StuH42 (early) mod that DEY made--and I must of missed. I also was amazed by your website--great stuff! I have more PBEM opponents than Mrs Tooz will allow, but regardless, I am going to "join up". Thanks again! "Give me mods, or give me...er,...Squad Assault?"
  11. "If you want to have it, please send me a mail. Marcus" Marcus! Thanks for the response and offer. Absolutely I would love to get this via email. I just sent you an email requesting this. The great CMMODS crash of '03, ouch! I just wish I was more of an accomplished modslut back then, I would have downloaded everything AND backed up the copies. Alas, we soldier on. Makes me wonder how many great CMBO mods in addition to CMBB mods were lost forever. From what I have gleaned from scouring the database, CMMOS and even CMHQ some pieces just aren't to be found. Another "ghost mod" is the sIG 33 (I know, I know, I said LAST mod request). What puzzles me is that it uses Stug bmps, but despite my having all of the Stugs modded in winter white it still shows in camo. Anyone know why? What bmps does THIS SPG have? Thanks again Marcus!
  12. ...you see, I just mean for CMBB. Now that I have FINALLY gotten CMMOS to work I am in absolute heaven. I THINK I now have everything. However, there is one tank that is driving me crazy! It is the Pzkw 38(t)E and G WINTER TANK!!! I have tried everything and searched everywhere but this one bugger keeps showing up looking like a seagull! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: It has the white turret on a grey chassis! It seems that the chassis for the two earlier models have been modded but not the chassis for the later two models. Does anyone have this pesky tank modded in winter white? If so, can you please zip me a copy? Or, if not, hey DEY, Aristoteles, MikeyD, junk2drive...HELP! Let me die in peace, knowing I have crossed the Rubicon of modding. Yeah, I know, a bit overdramatic.
  13. Hey Poppy. Some, like me are spending way too much time playing (which tests the patience limits of the wife) instead of posting. When I get a break I like to chime in here and there. My question is: Modding finished for CMBO? Mods from BB and AK have now made this old fossil a CLASSIC! Another discovery is how flip-flopping through this trio makes me appreciate the game system. Right now I have swung back to BB now that I finally figured out how to work CMMOS! Woo-hoo! Am I sick or what? I just spent about four hours downloading and overwriting files. Amazing. So, which of the three is best? That's easy--it's the one YOU ARE PLAYING AT THE MOMENT. Now excuse me, time to get back to the games!
  14. "Thanks Brian - I had an ASL mod for CMBO ages ago - I think I did have the GI Anvil of Victory splash screen as an option, but after CMBB and CMAK came out, I believe I deleted a lot of the CMBO stuff."--Michael Dorosh You DELETED it! No backup copy? Oops, same here, I forgot to make a backup copy before I deleted CMBO two years ago. Darn. If anyone out there happens to have a copy of this prized SPLASHSCREEN, could someone email me a copy? My address is above. The interface I can get, but I was wondering how hard would it be to redo your ASL unit portraits? Will those bmps work in BO after renumbering? Perhaps this is a question for Junk2Drive (he seems to do EVERYTHING! )? As said before, I shake my head in amazement after remodding different aspects of the game with CMAK-like results. Terrific! Thanks for the feedback guys, anyone got a copy of that splashscreen?
  15. Hello Mike, I've went back to BO after two years and remodded almost the entire game. NOW it is better than ever. Here's my questions: 1) I LOVE your ASL splashcreen for both CMBB and CMAK. Any chance of doing the same for CMBO? Perhaps a GI: Anvil of Victory (did you do this already, only to have it vanish during the CMMODs crash of '03?) or a Yanks screen. 2) What makes CMBO fun for me are the many outstanding mods for the Canadian forces--most of which YOU did. So, will you ever do the same for CMAK? I especially liked your carriers and uni's.
  16. "About the CMMOS Mods. You can change the name so the bitmap numbers don't have a suffix and they'll be the same as any other Mod."--Sequoia Cool! I knew about that, just never went into the CMMOS mod section for a closer look. OK, NOW I am all set! Thanks guys, MOM, lock me up, shut me down.
  17. "There are winter jeeps at CMHQ CMMOS section."--Sequoia. Yes, but I cannot get CMMOS to work for some reason (and I have tried many, many times.) BUT! Thanks very much for the Pershing--looks real good. Question: the tracks look like they are right off of a black and white photo (this is NOT a complaint), are they? Regardless, the tank is just what I needed. Thanks again!
  18. CANCEL REQUEST FOR PERSHING! Got it already via email. Thanks! ...but a little jeep would be great too!
  19. Hello all! Dusted off the ole original, remodded it and am now enjoying the hell out of it. One question though, why no winter mod for the US Pershing? This tank does appear in the snow in the "Elsdorf" battle, but sort of sticks out with its grey paint. Any modder still tinkering with CMBO? Oh, and a ww jeep would be nice too!
  20. Poppys, I would not say that CMBO is better than BB or AK, BUT, lately I returned to CMBO after two years and now I find myself playing MOSTLY CMBO! :confused: Also, when I first purchased BO I didn't know squat about modding, downloading maps, and the joys of the scenario editor. Now that I have completely given CMBO a mod makeover I am amazed at how good it still is. The clincher was the CMAK faces for CMBO. Andrew TFs uni's, Dark Knight's exhaustive mod pack on uni's, vehicles (especially the black camo Allied tanks)and unit insignia, beautiful terrain mods, and the added bonus of King Tigers and Jagdtigers once again ripping apart Cromwells,Avengers, Comets and Achilles. I am now playing BO 75% of the time. I guess I just love the NW Europe battles more than desert and MTO. I know I know, CMAK has mods for these, but you can't mod the missing tanks! So I hear ya' poppy, I still play BB and AK--mostly just PBEM now, but when I want to sit back with a six-pack and bottle of tequila, I fire up the BO and let fly. Great fun. As an added note, I WAS going to buy the expansion pack for Call of Duty and the soon to be released Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault, but now I think I just might save my money. If there are any modders reading this thread, can we FINALLY have the rest of the Allied vehicles modded in winter whites (especially the jeep)? I mean, we have been waiting four years.
  21. Oops! If you get this Antec notebook cooler, let me know if it was worth the $40--and did it work as promised.
  22. Kip, I play CMBB and CMAK on my Dell Inspiron with good results, however I limit my playing time to three hours at a time (which suits my wife just fine!). I was informed by the people at Dell (from Xiamen, China) that "if I want my laptop to last, I should let it rest frequently--especially in the summer". Well, it's now been one year and a half and I have not experienced a crash. I was informed that the P-4 just cranks out too much heat to be properly displaced by the laptop. I noticed how hot my powerpack gets after two and a half hours. So, I shut it down, and if I'm still craving CM, I then fire up CMBO on my crap desktop. I like this thread, I like the laptop, and I'm kind of, sort of, glad that I have to budget my CM playing time. Let me know how your new laptop works with the different chip, and if you buy the Alienware piece, did it deliver what it promises.
  23. Hey MATT! Thanks dude, the link FINALLY worked! Amazing how--despite owning CMBB and CMAK, I am STILL having fun with this old (four years!) fossil! Cool, enjoying my King Tigers, JagdTigers, Cromwells, Archers, et al., again!
  24. Hey guys, I have version 1.03 (bought it back in 2000, and now I have dusted it off and want to play CMBO again. Problem is, I can mod it no problem but I cannot get my downloaded scenarios from the Scenario Depot or The Proving Grounds to show up in my scenario screen. they appear in my folder, but I cannot bring them up. I have been trying to download the v1.12 patch (I had downloaded the other patches a few years back, but since then I have changed machines. My CD reads V1.03 currently) and I get the message telling me that I do not need this patch after purchase in 2001. I click okay and NOTHING happens. Is there a problem with the link? Help!
  25. Got 'em, use them (using them NOW) LOVE 'em! Cool! Hey, whose winter whitewashed Stug mod are you using? I'll happily download whatever you got! Good job!
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