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Everything posted by tooz

  1. Okay, so why do you think these tanks at Aberdeen are white--or white and brown as mentioned above? Anyone know if this paint was applied after the war? Regardless, I have to confess that I love the look of white AFVs in snow. However, Wicky, I believe, came up with the perfect compromise--snow dusted tanks that still have their original color schemes discerned under the snow. If not winter white paint, anyone working on snow dusting the German AFVs?
  2. Hey, nice, nice looking mods. I am still playing a few CMBB PBEM ops and these new tanks really have enhanced the game! Keep 'em coming (please)!Go man go!
  3. "i dld the soldiers demo, so so what did you think tooz?"--junk2drive Underwhelming. I like the fully explodable terrain, but why on earth did they give you just one tank--which runs out of gas by turn three to control? However, they do say that this demo is from a game that is only 80% complete. I like the "rocking" AFVs (rock after they shoot), and the graphics, but right now I'll wait before sending in a pre-order. A ground-level camera angle would be nice. A better demo is from "Codename Panzers". Almost a "Soldiers" clone, but the demo has a lot more action. Also, you play a 1939 scenario vs the Poles! Finally! A different theater! Man I am getting burnt out from playing the Russian Front,or Western Front with Americans, Brits, and Commonwealth. Again, the graphics are really good--something I pray that BFC will emulate with CMX2. Then there's always "Wartime Command"... Hey! Wait a minute! Shouldn't we be praising Aristoteles on this thread? Better switch to another thread here or we get locked down!
  4. "I'm not sure there is many German Whitewashed AFVs in the western front ; there is not so mutch photos with German AFVs winter camo, It seems German dont used often winter camouflage in the Ardennes offensive. Pat. Ps: I've seen many photos with American whitewashed and snowy vehicles, armors, but few with german, only some snowy destroyed panthers and Koenigtigers, whereas you can see german AFVs with foliage camo." Well, I am wondering then, why does CMBO have a complete set of AFVs modded in winter white? I especially love the "octopus" pattern Tiger (sorry, forget the name of the modder), in addition to the many attractive grey, black and white schemes. Historically accurate? :confused: Well, I remember back in 1980(!)when I first visited the Aberdeen Proving Grounds. They had (since removed) a King Tiger--322 in white. Next to that is a large Jagdtiger in a white and brown camo scheme. Irrespective of historical accuracy, could we just have these because they are so cool looking? :confused: I thank all of the modders for keeping CM fresh, despite its graphics which now seem obsolete (see the demos for Soldiers and Codename Panzers--albeit without the ground-level camera view. The running water for rivers is real cool.) Due to all of your hard work, it has delayed the shelving of this series for me. :
  5. Winter white German AFVs, Winter white German AFVs, Winter white German AFVs... PLEASE!!!
  6. Man, you are prolific! Not to mention terrific! Go man go!I look forward to all of your creations.
  7. Doing just fine. Do you do requests? I have been looking forward to seeing some German Tanks winterized a la "Wicky" style. Lot of good "Bulge" battles and ops appearing, and would be more enjoyable with the snow dusting--or whitewashed.
  8. I picked up my copy of Call of Duty here in my non descript town in China named Yancheng. I went to the department store, out of curiosity, ever since getting hooked on the demo, hoping to see if I can find a copy in Chinese. Voila! There it is! The best thing was the price 69 RMB. That's less than $9!!! Yee ha! The manual is in Chinese, BUT THE GAME IS COMPLETELY ORIGINAL, AND IN ENGLISH (not a bootleg!)! Amazing.
  9. Cool--as always. Got 'em and using 'em. PLEASE keep these winter white German AFVs coming! Yay!
  10. Yeah, me too. I think there was a thread way back when (when CMAK was new) about this. It has a picture of a guy with an AFV cap, and a German Eagle on the leg. Hey shows up in the one battle where the Brits and US are trying to take a small island (I forget the battle's name).Perhaps the problem is with this rogue(extra) bmp. Anyone know which bmp this is? Or, any suggestions how to fix this?
  11. "Some people wants yellow PzIIc..."--patboy Yep, I confess! Must be yellow fever! Thanks. Got it, use it, love it! In fact, EVERY mod you have made for CMAK AND CMBB I use. I am a fan(and NOT a critic),and a modslut, for sure.
  12. "I hope you get around to doing all the small vehicles in CMAK. Just love em."--Mark L A HUGE BUMP here! "No problemo. And i just love modding."--Gautrek Great news! Hey Gautrek, I eagerly await all your new mods.
  13. "Tooz-It was, like, a joke, man. Dig?"-- Leaky dee. Cool. :cool: Glad to hear that. I am always appreciative of the hard work that goes into modding. Since I can't mod myself (low IQ), I always want to thank the "Mod Squad" for providing more enjoyment. Free beer for all of you modders! Now for the bad news--guess where you have to travel to to get that free beer.
  14. Hey!!! I disagree! I think your mods are very good. Keep modding, and I'll keep on using and enjoying them.
  15. Pat, looks nice, but shouldn't this be in desert yellow? Sort of sticks out in the desert. Then again, I have saved this mod for use in the many 1940 battles that are cropping up. I now have two sets of infnatry uni's--desert yellow and feldgrau, so having two sets of tanks helps.
  16. No criticism here--just applause. However, one of your comparison photos for your MkII is actually a Russian T-26. Oh well. Future work? Winter white AFVs for the Germans in CMAK please. I also need a good white MKIVG mid and late (yellow)for CMBB also. Please? :cool:
  17. Mod problem fixed! Thanks Gautrek! Just another GREAT looking mod!
  18. Gela! Please take some good (digital)photos of the surrounding area (help me with a map I am making ). Hey, it WILL be hot so why not spend some time at a (invasion) beach. Try to find Primasole Bridge as there are one or scenarios on this. Have fun! :cool:
  19. Hate to say it, as I never have been a fan of FPS, Call of Duty IS fun!
  20. Gautrek, downloaded the mod again and still received this message: "CRC is CA3aacbe but should be 485aab5F. :confused: Sure wish I knew what that means. Oh well, let me know what my options are as I can use this good looking mod in one of my current PBEMs. Merci!
  21. Uh-oh! I received a "bad file" message for the Tiger mod. Has anyone else got this? What should I do? Re-download it? :confused: One of the files was "damaged' as the message states.
  22. Hey Gautrek! Great to see you pumping out more great mods! :cool: They look beautiful! Good job as always!
  23. Gurra--Great job! I am presently using these GOOD-LOOKING mods in the Desobry Op (from Boots and tracks). Welcome to the Mod Squad. I look forward to any similar themed mods you have in mind. Wicky did a great job with the Allied winter vehicles but now we need someone to complete the Germans. Panthers, Tigers, and so on. Uh, no, I can't do these myself--no talent and limited computer skills prevent this. Please keep 'em coming!
  24. "No need to upload them anywhere, I have my own website- http://www.ww2steel.com." "Page cannot be displayed." :confused: So, when finished, will you be able to zip 'em and email all of them to me? Otherwise I'm gonna be left out.
  25. Hey, sounds good! Count me in. Question: why not send these to THE PROVING GROUNDS for testing? This will save you the trouble of emailing all of the ops and you just upload them once to the PG, and a large percentage of the CM community will have access to them. Best of all, you get feedback on the discussions board.
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