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Everything posted by tooz

  1. Update: Foundthe MkIII M&N's and the Lynx at the 'Base(thanks Zimordok!). However, the others listed in the earlier post remain unmodded. What I finddifficult is to know what I really have and lack. The list is getting shorter, and I now spend more time on CMBB than on CMAK. Constant modding keeps this game fresh. All you "Mod Gods" are heroes to me. Thanks!
  2. "Spw 351/2 (yellow)" Yep, I've been drinking (burp!). Of course I mean the SPW 251/2 (yellow). Hiccup!
  3. "Hey tooz, you could note a few more afv's that need something done, I'll see what I can do."--Dey Dey, send me an email in order that I can provide some scenario feedback without spoilers. As for the AFVs, here are some more: RUSSIAN: BA-64 BA-20 T-70 M43 M3 Scout Car OT-134 (late, with late T-26 turret) GERMANS: Whirbelwind Ostwind Brummbar (late? one model is, the other isn't modded) PSW 223 Stug IIIF 8 Trucks (late [yellow]) MkIIIN (all models) Marder II Lynx Spw 251/10 (yellow) Spw 351/2 (yellow) After these guys are done, there may only be a few strays left. So far the two scenarios look cool. I especially like the Finn T-26 duelling with the Russian Stuart. Good scenario to showcase some of your mods.
  4. "If you ever get a chance, I uploaded a couple of battles to the scenario depot maybe you could give them a try sometime and tell me if they are any good ?, or not !!. Just look for the DEY label."--Dey-the Daffy You got it! Any of these battles use these new winter mods? Regardless, I'll give 'em a playing. So, are you going to continue? Still need a list or do you already have your checklist of wips? :confused: Regardless, you are making CMBB complete for all modsluts!
  5. Dey, follow up to the last post--your latest mods worked! Yay! FINALLY! Woo-hoo! I pray that you are not going to retire from modding any time soon!
  6. Got 'em, use 'em, love 'em. One request: any chance for some optional aerial flags? The more eye candy the better. Come to think of it, why are all of the aerial flags on the tanks so squeaky clean and in such good shape? We have tattered VP location flags, has anyone thought of doing beat-up aerial flags? Call these "flag rags".
  7. Maybe I should re-label this thread "The CMBB winter mod hotline"? Hey Dey, are you still intrepid enough to continue with some more mods? If so, one mod that I have been waiting for (for over six months) is the obscure MKIVG (early) CAMO, bmps # 113960-113975. This puppy appears in a GREAT op named "Third Battle of Kharkov". Problem is, everything else is outfitted in winter white except for these buggers which stick out like an eyesore in the snow covered streets. Any chance? I did make a list of AFVs that still need winter white if you still have the enthusiasm. What stands out for me are no white ISU 152s, a few models of the SU85, and all of the JgPzIVs. I have gravitated back to CMBB (I like the contrast of alternating between Russian winter battles in CMBB and desert battles in CMAK). Thanks again for your GREAT additions to the game!
  8. "As far as I can tell no has ever put the bt5a-7a and churchill in any kind of a winterized form, I may have a try at sometime. What about the kv-85, kv1-m41, kv-8 flame and the bt-5."---Dey Any effort on your part will be appreciated. I just love the white winter camo--which I sort of miss in CMAK (which is why I play mainly desert battles, Bulge scenarios just don't "feel" the same without everybody and everything draped in white). I'll check on these tonight. I have tried to create QBs for all five years--both sides. I am rather amazed about how many German AFVs have been skipped. One winter mod that always has eluded me was the MkIVG Yellow. I am playing a great Kharkov op with everything modded except for this yellow (camoflauged now) tank. Its bmps are somewhere around 130... Thanks again!
  9. Here's the Russian AFVs that are not available (except for CMMOS?): OT 134 (with the later version T-26 turret) T-34 M41 (!) T-34/85 M43 BT5A BT-7 BT-7A BT-7M BA-20 BA-64B T-70 M43 M3 SCOUT CAR CHURCHILL III ISU 152 SU-85 SU-76M There are also numerous German AFVs...
  10. "zimorodok's rustwerks series has the ww lend lease and some others"--junk2drive Yep, good ol' Zimordok (where are you? retired? burnt?)did many of these and I have his designs--loved the rust. Dey, I am checking off the tanks as you mod them--you are a true blessing for me and I hope others appreciate your efforts. Then shall we look at the Germans?
  11. Just rechecked the base, still could not find the T-26s, KV2, T34/40 and others, plus most of those other little guys. I guess my lack of being able to CMMOS is my problem. Oh well. If you can UN-CMMOS those missing tanks, then that's my savior!
  12. Dey, I gave up on CMMOS--STILL cannot get it to work properly (which must be something I am doing wrong). I'll recheck those winter mods you mentioned. I would be surprised if I did NOT download any of these when they came out--I do surf CMMODS daily. Thanks for all of your work.
  13. "I'm currently playing a winter battle and those T-26, BT-7, and others lights tanks and tankettes ... there are almost no winter schemes for them !!!"--Von Paulus Hear hear! There are many early war Russian tanks without whitewashing. Almost all of the BTs, T-26s, early T-34's(!), the KV 152 gun monster, the little T-38s, and some other obscure vehicles. I have been yearning for these for two years! I think all that remains for the Hungarians are the Toldi tanks. Your work has been a pure joy!
  14. Cool, whatever you mod, I'll use. I have been playing more CMBB than CMAK lately, and your mods have made this game fresh again for me! Bring 'em!
  15. "Can you tell me where is this cemetery?"--bardosy Maleme. I was there is '96 and it was one of my best trips ever. The original Tavronitis bridge was still there, unused and abandoned due to a new bypass. From this bridge, look to the east. That hill (107? I forget)you see is where the British set up the airfield defense (the airfield is off-limits). From the hill you can follow signs to the beautifully preserved German cemetery. It really is stunning. The best part was that this cemetery is lovingly cared for by some old Cretan ladies. I asked them, in my mediocre Greek why they took such care of this cemetery as those buried there had come to kill Greeks and what they said I shall never forget. "All of these dead buried here had mothers waiting for them back home. They never returned. We are their mothers now." Crete was a blast. Great food, raki (forget ouzo), and spectacular scenery. It is my favorite place on earth. The walled city of Galatos still remains (how do you depict a walled city fight in CM--or any other game?), Iraklio and Retimo are also must-see locales. If you are in to Minoan Culture (remember the Sematar[sic]--half bull, half-man?), take the trip and tour Knossos--a true "must see". Rent a car, watch out for the ubiquitous mountain goats, trek the Sphakia Gorge, and party at Hermonessos [sic]. The latter is a cool party place. Check out the "Tina Bar', if it is still in business. I left my heart in Crete. I envy you.
  16. Just got the Finn Mark IV--great! How much more will you do? If I can help in any way, let me know. Perhaps I can go through the mods (I THINK I have them all) and tell you what vehicles have not been winterized. I want to help out somehow. Great work!
  17. What I still lack are Finnish Mark IVs, Hungarian Toldi's and Turans. If you have the time... THANKS!
  18. Just got the last three mods. Cool! Gotta get back to my IMPROVED Finnish QB now... Oh baby, more...oh...oh...don't stop...
  19. I find your new winterized mods VERY useful. I still play CMBB as often as CMAK and lament that there are so many winter mods still needed. Since I cannot mod myself (little time and even less intelligence) all I can do is offer my praise and assistance (testing) if you have any WIP. Anyone else out there using these new mods? I do a lot of QB with the Axis Minors and these mods are perfect! Very good work! I'll gratefully download any use any additional mods you make!
  20. I am gravitating back to CMBB. I prefer to play desert battles in CMAK, but the other theaters play out like CMBO, albeit with more eye-candy. Without a doubt, the Russian Front (IMO) is far more compelling than the Western Front. What I want is ANOTHER THEATER! How many new games have been released this past year that deal solely with the US, British, and German forces? I will buy Medal of Honour--Pacific module [sic] because it has other nationalities--Japs! I will buy WC and hope like hell it compares favorably with CM because it has the French and 1939 Poles. Hell, I even downloaded the mediocre "Codename: Panzers" demo just so I could play against the Poles. I am so tired of the West Front that I sometimes think I should dust off the obsolete Talonsoft's West Front (just to play some Blitzkrieg battles with the different nations), Rising Sun (although I was disappointed that the Chinese were not included), and Divided Ground (and I am not a big fan of post WW2 games). Sadly, I lament what CMAK LACKS--no Vichy French or Greeks)as opposed to what it has. Yep, I'm still surfing the PC websites in hopes of seeing the "next best thing". If CMX2 involves the Americans and British AGAIN, I simply won't buy it. Enough already! Time for some variety.
  21. Lithuanian? Tu kalbi Lietuviskai? Good to see more Lithuanians about.
  22. No, thank YOU! I'll happily download all of your new mods. Really good looking mods. Hit me again!
  23. Double-checked my bmps, and can't seem to find this rogue bmp that is mucking up my Italian Airborne. :mad: I also tried a quick play but can never get Italian Airborne (Italy) to appear. Anyone have a scenario (besides East of Elba) that uses these guys? This way i can narrow down the problem (I hope).
  24. I also still have this weirdo commando (ripped clothes, German eagle on knees)in my game. I just checked "East of Elba" (a VERY good game vs the AI by-the-way) and yep, no cool looking Italian airborne guys, just this monster! :mad:
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