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Everything posted by sonar

  1. It's been seven months now since Hunter has posted any update on how things are going, c'mon Hunter surely you have something you can tell us ? Or is it going so bad that you have nothing positive to tell us ? [ November 08, 2007, 04:32 PM: Message edited by: sonar ]
  2. ArsGeek,Review stated,"However, even if you set a ‘cover arc’, your troops will not engage until you manually unhide them. Unfortunately, you can’t time this perfectly in WEGO mode, as the enemy might be beyond your ambush zone by the time you get to issue orders again." Assuming this is the case, then this is a step backwards for the WEGO element of the game and a major limitation.
  3. ArsGeek,Review stated,"However, even if you set a ‘cover arc’, your troops will not engage until you manually unhide them. Unfortunately, you can’t time this perfectly in WEGO mode, as the enemy might be beyond your ambush zone by the time you get to issue orders again." Assuming this is the case, then this is a step backwards for the WEGO element of the game and a major limitation.
  4. ArsGeek,Review stated,"However, even if you set a ‘cover arc’, your troops will not engage until you manually unhide them. Unfortunately, you can’t time this perfectly in WEGO mode, as the enemy might be beyond your ambush zone by the time you get to issue orders again." Assuming this is the case, then this is a step backwards for the WEGO element of the game and a major limitation.
  5. What! If this is true it has to changed surely?
  6. Blue force can win this from their spawn point, its duff.
  7. I have not been selecting anything before lassoing. Going by whats been said It looks like it is linked to spotting, oh well.
  8. This happens in the set up zone all I'm trying to do is lasso some units but because of said los issue I can't.
  9. I don't see why this would be, after all it's a shortcut to select a large group of units.
  10. When using shift/mouse to select group, if the box is drawn over a unit that can't see the other units, these units dissapear and you are unable to group select.
  11. I can't see how with the new scripting tools the AI will not be a more capable and more realistic opponent.For me this is probably the most exciting feature to be included in the new build.
  12. When ever I see people talking about how a modern Iraq type war will, be playable they always go on about how the Americans may not have air support for some reason ie. weather or that their tanks will be disadvantaged in city type combat or whatever. These may be valid but you can't have every scenario with the American forces fighting under circumstances which negate their vast firepower superiority and I can't see how it would work if they are allowed to bring all their toys. For me WW2 (especially eastern front) has all the essentials for the ultimate wargame.
  13. The one for me would have been east front but as it is I can't wait to see the next evolution of the CM system.I think the editor and especially "The scenario designer has the ability to create the following: Groups - a collection of units (up to 8 per side) Orders - basic instruction sets Map Zones - areas of the map to focus on Plans - overall coordination of Groups, Orders, and Zones (up to 5 per side)" This is for me the most exciting development as it should make battles against the AI much more challenging,and scenario design is going leap forward in future with these tools.In short I think it's going to be a total winner,but please don't rule out east front for the future i.e. after Normandy. [ June 28, 2007, 11:38 AM: Message edited by: sonar ]
  14. Slapano,I have followed this game since it was wartime command or whatever it was called back then.I really hope that they can fix the game as it would be in my interest if they did.My comments are based soley on the unplayabilyty of the game(for me) in it's present state. Cheers.
  15. Now,now boys the object of the forum is to exchange opinions on the topics discussed.The title of this topic is "My impression of the demo" I'm giving my impression of the demo,that is the way the forum works,if you don't agree with me fine but don't try and bully me away just cause I don't want to dance to your tune.
  16. met1966 this is a forum and the title of this thread is "My impression of the demo".Everyone knows the problems with this game,if it gets fixed then fine but in it's present state for me "My impression" is that it's crap ok.So please keep your aggressive and nasty little comments to yourself. [ June 16, 2007, 04:03 AM: Message edited by: sonar ]
  17. The only problem I had with the demo was that it showed the game to be crap.
  18. Russo-German War 1941-1945 by Albert Seaton.Has anyone read it and is it any good? cheers.
  19. OK mass is the wrong word,but the majority of accounts that i've read and indeed the handful of vets that I've spoke to have all emphasised this.
  20. The soviets were defending their homeland from an enemy whose ideology demanded their eradication.This alone was always going to ramp up the scale of sacrifice and ferocity of the fighting.The soviets reacted to the situation they found themselves in by responding in kind this was in effect a fight to the death no quarter asked and none given.Look at the fate of the defeated German sixth army after Stalingrad compared to that of the DAK in Tunis.These two theatre's are incomparable in the way they were conducted and the mindset of those invoved.And peepee yes we all know that being shot in N.A. is no less deadly than being shot in any other campaign as you seem to think some people are saying ,it's not the tank rounds or the bullets that are noble but the men as can be seen from the majority of the accounts from the desert war.Where is the mass of testemony from the eastern front that echos that from N.A.?
  21. Just thinking,cmc is taking as long to make as the war on the eastern front took to fight.How many years has it been now? is it four?
  22. PLM2 said, "we're probably gonna lose (once again, thanks to a failing nation)" Is it those people who disagree with the war who are causing the U.S.A's policy (if there is one) to fail?
  23. Anything to report? How many months away is this project from completion, are we talking 3-6 or 6- 12? Just a rough estimate so we have some kind of timeframe to enable us to better manage our level of whining would be nice.
  24. Noticing the all new onscreen compass dial, can anyone imagine a scenario where actual compass bearings could be incorporated into the players briefing? Maybe in wooded or particularly featureless terrain? I think it's a nice little addition and would like to see it sometimes used to some effect if possible.
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