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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Carbone You have found a home here in the Cheery Waffle Thread. We are the rejects, the dregs, the lowlifes. Yes, you are correct, we are a proud bunch. Our Thread always gets locked down quickly. A vital public service provided free of charge by the good folks at BFC. So pull up a chair, expound upon the virtues of CAS. We eagerly await. I know Soddball/Half-Cock Silver has had problems with CAS all his life. Any advice, short of an enema,....well okay, including an enema, would I am sure be recieved with gratitude and good will. Are you feeling at home yet?
  2. Sheeesh! You been passing out more slather than Goodale lately. The Wrath of Bard has been slung angrily for the past week (not without just cause, of course). However; I would submit that it is a clear result of your current practise of visiting the Outer Boards at a much more accelerated pace than in the past. There are troubles afoot right here in the MBT, under your own very long and pointy nose. You have been blinded by the wine of a stranger (and believe me he's a lot stranger than you could ever imagine). Even old what's his name has reappeared, albeit a shell of his former greatness, but such are the results of detox. Get a grip...let me rephrase that.. get a hold of...no not that either.... Anyway, listen to your heart. What does it say? It says "BEAT, BEAT, BEAT". So accede to it's wishes, alone, with a brick.
  3. The ultimate insult factor: Jason Ballantyne is my husband now. eeeewwwwwwwwww!!! The poor dear sweet lass. A sig line for a lifetime.
  4. ARRRR! Ye be Long Trousered Silver-The Cockless Cook. Ahoy thar matey, that wood ya be seein in the mornin, it be yar peg-leg! :mad: ARRRRR! :mad:
  5. Long Trousered Silver?????? Is this some kind of fantasy involving the Lone Ranger's horse? Okay, if this keeps up we're gonna need feckin programs to tell who's who. This is Cabron69 signing off
  6. I'm from Florida, so I have only theoretical definitions to work with regarding Snow. From what I have read here, it would seem that pouring CAS on snow will make it highly combustible. W :eek: W! Thanks Grogs!!!
  7. Dave Read what you have posted......... Are you feeling okay? Did Nugget send you some wine? Maybe you were concerned about the passengers on the bus? :confused: :confused:
  8. Lars As part of the Bar Exam, lawyers have to read that sentence in one breath. The oxygen depravation that it causes, creates a chemical imbalance in the brain, which is, sadly, permanent.
  9. Rat Patrol!!! All righty!!! Now this will be cool. Racing over the desert sands, blasting away with those .50 cals, seeing buildings, tanks, airplanes, installations, and such stuff going up in humongous orange/yellow explosions. Just to snatch Barbara Eden (who was born without a belly button) from the evil grips of the Nazi cutthroats. I wonder if someone will mod all the different headgear the Rat Patrollers used?
  10. "Honey, when will dinner be ready?" "Soon" (Later) "Honey when will dinner be ready?" "When it's ready" (Later) "Honey, when will dinner be ready?" "Soon enough" (Later) "Honey when will dinner be ready?" ".........(stare)........" (Later) "Honey, when.." **SMACK** followed by the sound of dinner being poured over an open wound. "It's ready now" [ September 17, 2003, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  11. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSo SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSoddball ssssssssssssstymies SSSSSSSSSSSeanachai'ssssssssssssssss sssssssssssordid sssssssssssssscheme sssssssssssuccessssssssssssssssssssfully SSSSSSSSSSSSal-lute!!!
  12. Now see here Boo? This is metaphorical imagery!!! Now then my good dalem, you shall have the Germans, I shall take the pitiful Russians. Set-up on the way!
  13. [edited to cut to the chase] dalem You are seeking rejuvenation in preparation for the arrival of CMAK. You wish to brush up your skills in armored combat as you await the opportunity to battle Rommel in the desert. Well, my good sir, you are in luck. I, who have borne your rake. Who has seen your revolver on the General Forum. Who will cherish until the day he dies the knowledge that he has more boxed war games than you. Yes, I step up and throw the gauntlet of challenge at your feet. Same set-up as Boo. June 42, Pure armor, German Probe, rural terrain, moderate woods, gentle elevation. You may have either side, it matters not. Your good fortune is matched only by your ability to annoy MrSpkr. [ September 16, 2003, 09:20 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  14. Damn you sir, I have laughed at you before, out of sympathy, out of pity, out of sheer disgust, but never because you posted something funny. Until now. Even Soddball will be jealous of this one.
  15. Dave H Seein's you are currently in a slow point of your monster games, I've got a tiny tidbit of armored fury to throw your way. We can probably finish by Friday. Pure Armor, 500 point QB. You want the F2's or the KV/T-34 combo meal? Looks like I'm gonna have a little time available as my friend says it could take a couple days to set up all his Russians in our Goodale scenario. Nice.......NOT :mad: :mad: :mad:
  16. ??????????????????????????????????? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
  17. I love playing PBEM. I find the actual turns take very little time at all, however the message that accompanies the turn can sometimes take up to an hour to get "just right".
  18. Still bitter, eh Mouse? I have explained a hundred times, but here goes, one more time: I did not think it was necessary to explain to you, (given your....background), that those were not raisins in the Hamster Cage. By the way, were you ever able to get the stain off your two front teeth?
  19. It's not that difficult Scum, just put your lips together and blow! [edit]-eliminate smiley face [ September 16, 2003, 08:21 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  20. Fourth Thread from the bottom??????????? Slackers! Boo must be on vacation or something. Oh yeah, he is off today. Speaking of Boo, we just finished our little set-to and it was close all the way to the finish. Non-stop action once we came in contact. He nailed an F2 before I even saw him, then I was able to take out his KV and a couple of small fry. As I moved forward, he whacked another F2, before giving up a T-34 as repayment. Next we ran into two T-34's and began tossing shells back and forth with abandon. The screen was shaking from all the thunder. He got another F2 and my remaining two were able to knock out both of his T-34's. Continuing, his last T-34 blasted one of my F2's and we were down to a tank apiece, blazing away. I got a front turret penetration and his conscript crew bailed. Whoa!!!! Credit to the fact that I had regulars! Very close game, ebbing back and forth, very much fun!!!
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