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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Well, I, for one, am sorry to see carbone resign. The guy had the stamp of comedic genius!. The bearlickthatagain was a classic and his final farewell in which he twisted the knife deep into The Bard by totally ignoring him in his list of distasteful posters on this Board shows an almost instinctive ability. As his anger rose, so did his humorous postings. He was a natural. I'm telling you the guy was a comedy genius and nobody realized it. Not even the genius himself.
  2. Geez Axe Did the other Thread suck so bad you had to start a new one before the old one even got to 290 posts? :confused: Oh yeah.....it did suck. :eek: Good job Maggot
  3. I agree. Your post was Lameeeee!!! Maggot!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: [ October 05, 2003, 07:47 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  4. Dave H!!! What a game!!!!!! During the early stages of the game one of my tanks had become immobilized and was soon left far behind. Near the end of the fight I had totally forgotten about this tank as Dave H and I squared off each with one tank left. His tank already had two kills to it's credit. We're manuevering and firing and then KA-BOOM, my tank blows up. AARRGGHH!!! But then I see Dave's tank taking a hit??????? I click on his tank and follow the fire line back to my immobilized tank, who just happened to have a LOS to Dave's tank. I'm still sweating cause his turret is slowly rotating around to get a bead on me. Heart racing, palms sweaty, and then.............. KA-BOOM Sorry about that Dave!! Damn!!!! I Love this Game!!!
  5. WOW! That must be some heavy grade bubble-wrap. It drowned out part of what you were saying. It might just answer Nidans question however.
  6. Thanks JasonC for sharing that. I am actually amazed that a government considered very rigid and structured could pull off a stunt like that (re-locate heavy industry) in the face of an invasion and military needs for the rail lines. I would have to believe that authority had to be delegated to an unheard of degree! From my very limited reading, I was of the impression that Goebbels ran the homefront during the war. Didn't he make a highly publicised Total War speech at some point? It was my understanding that Goebbels was one of the earliest proponents of Total War.
  7. JasonC I know you are right about this, but damn, it just feels better psychologically to fire the mortars, fire the MG, throw the rocks, anything!!!! Those KV's are a biatch!!
  8. A question if you please. The transfer of Soviet industry to the East, as has been pointed out in this Thread, was a monumental undertaking. Was this a plan as you go, ad hoc type of operation or were there pre-war plans in effect to account for this contingency?
  9. ***Opens Tips on Killing KV's folder, places Dr. Rosenrosen's tip inside. Closes folder*** Nope, no dissenting opinion here. Oh, and thank you!
  10. As a long time lurker, my favorite was the AAR between Archibald & Rambo. It was a very close fought affair, and if I remember revolved around an attack on London. Anyway there was a line in one of Archibald's posts that has stuck in my mind since: Playing Rambo is like trying to stuff a wildcat into a shoebox That has got to be an SC Classic Quote
  11. Don't worry. It is considered gamey to have and use KV's. Especially in the early years. Unless you like seeing your tanks pop smoke and reverse a lot! :mad: :mad: :mad: [edit]-My personal opinion is that anything is okay when dealing with a KV. [ October 04, 2003, 02:22 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  12. Just in case somebody wasn't aware: mike_the_wino is a gamey, FO packing, artillery hacking, maggot. :mad: :mad: To those of you that already knew this, consider it a reminder. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  13. *sniff* You've crushed my frail artist's ego and spirit. *sniff* I'm going to become an accountant. </font>
  14. Interesting and fascinating. This Thread is like a little jewel hidden away in the corner. Bravo Gentlemen!
  15. Yeah, but you lost and said I had to wait until you had more room left in your sig line for us to start another.
  16. Hey mike_the_squire Here's an idea. Start a new game of CMBB, a QB. Make the first one in June 1941. Make it Hot seat so you can see both sides. Review the available forces. Press "ALT A" to exit, then repeat for July 1941, August 1941, etc. I realize this could take a very long time and you will be gone from the board while you do it, but then again that's the point.
  17. I told my wife that the other day and she says when she does she always thinks of me! You know this is kinda fun, slippin little one-liners in, while the big bruhaha continues unabated.
  18. They just don't teach good reading skills anymore. Please re-read the e-mail I sent: Note that you are to purchase a combination of FIVE Matildas or Valentines. Any excess points are to be disregarded. I will now go and say a silent prayer for the successful launch of CMAK, with emphasis on the briefings.
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