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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Nice shot of Moon. How'd you get him to take his shirt off? I recognize Kuniworth, but who's the other guy Moon's dangling over the fire. Is it Jersey John?
  2. Rules !! Where are the rules ?? Ok. Find a previous incarnation of this thread. Read the RULES. Come back with an attitude that has style, wit, venom and hate - all mixed with a dash of humour. Target some poor lowly SSN, lord knows there are a lot of targets lately, and tauntingly kick them 'til they actually notice you. When they notice you, kick'em again. And add your e-mail to your profile - that way we won't have to scroll around looking for it. Noba. So why don't YOU show me how to do it noba. The Faq said ask nicely, and this is the answer i get. You leave me no choice i will have to burn all your panzers!!!! Start a pbem you (choose where, what how etc.) and learn a lesson in niceness if that's a word. Come on you know you need it. </font>
  3. Clearly you, like most knowledgeable readers, have skipped over Becket's pitiful attempts at posting. Grog that he is.
  4. I knew it Becket is a grog!!!!! What's all this crap aboot 140mm piercing ability, and now you ask if I have Tungsten rounds???? WTF??? Lissen up: I don't have a clue what my little guys are shooting out of their big cannon.(Don't go there Soddball). All I know is that most times they don't hit ****e. When they do, all your guys get is heavy dandruff from all that flaking. I'll bet you even use covered arcs!!!!!! You are a villain!! a scoundrel... a: GROG :mad: :mad: :mad:
  5. Okay, gotta get ready, my mortal enemy Mace is due to show up at any moment. Let's take a look at the Mortal Enemy Strategy Guide for some tips. Once a potential mortal enemy has been encountered, the first step to elevate the adventure is to poke fun at his/her national anthem Okay, that seems simple enough..Australia....hmmm...now I remember. Damn! Mace, your gonna have to find another mortal enemy. As much as I want to despoil your national anthem, I cannot bring myself to trash such a beautiful piece of music. After all 99 Bottles of Beer on The Wall is a classic. By the way, I have never heard how it ends, have you?
  6. You NONG! That was target practice. Now get back there and send me my set-up for the real game. Maggot :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Oh--And there's no honor in the Cheery Waffle Thread. You Nong! GGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad:
  7. Dave H I think you should challenge the grogs to tell you what a BDLRM is. It'll drive em crazy. "Clearly it's a Bow Deployed Long Range Missle" "No, you idiot, it's a Base Defense Laser Reflection Munition" "You're both wrong it's a Bombing Drone with Limited Radar Multiphasing" My gawd, it will keep them busy for days!
  8. [edited because Becket is a gamey hoor] Becket If you wish to reconsider your force selection, now that you have secreted advice from the Grog threads, I, in my unbounded sense of fair play, am willing to resend the initial turn tonight. *Sniff* Sometimes, I get all choked up cause I am such a nice guy. Oh, and you can thank the return of Dave H for this niceness. :mad: :mad: :mad: [ September 24, 2003, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  9. Teddy Far be it for me to offer advice to an internationally renown man of action, but I believe the correct phrase when addressing women is Skunk Nads I'm sure that would have put a big smile on her face.
  10. Are you going postal in this thread too? I thought they agreed it was temporary. Sheeesh! You're sure grouchy enough to be a grog.
  11. I seem to play better when I'm smashed. However, it might help to try a lite beer, if that fails, maybe some coffee.
  12. Keke Whatever it is.... My wife and I send our best wishes and hope that all turns out well for you.
  13. ***FIGHTING URGES****** Okay......have.....a....nice....DAY!!! AARRGGHH!!!!!!
  14. ***FIGHTING URGES****** Okay......have.....a....nice....DAY!!! AARRGGHH!!!!!!
  15. Since this is a special GROG thread (thanks to 'I sleep with Grogs and want to have their children' Seanachai), I may as well play the part.... <font size = 5>It's a feckin PANZERSCHRECK, you pathetic excuse of a Human!!! A panzer SCHRECK!!!! S ..C ..H ..R ..E ..C ..K!!!!! For feck sake......... PANZERSCHRECK!!!!!!! AAAAaaaaaaaaaaAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaa!!!!</font> There. I think that sounded quite Grog like. Mace </font>
  16. Excuse me there, oh great caustic pit, don't spill the relish. But while all this impending dissolution was going on, a couple of your tanks were involved in a dissolution of their own. Ya might want to check your e-mail for a turn, if you can wade through your in-box!
  17. Snarker Sheeeeesh! Red goes on Right-Remember R/R..Red/Right Anything goes for the left foot. Axe Have you considered some type of halter arrangement on that upper body? Turns out to the following maggots drink_the_sterno Long Trousered Silver Dave H (AWOL) Now in conclusion Becket We shall have a violent armored duel, a smallish affair, 500 pt QB, pure armor, German Probe, June of 1942. Rural, gentle elevations, light woods. There shall be gunfire on Turn #1. Any preferences on Russian/German?
  18. "Good evening everyone and welcome to the Grog Comedy Nightclub. Tonight we wish to welcome those masters of grog, the world famous Hans & Franz!!! Hans: Good evening Ladies and Germans! Audience: Bwahahahah!!! Franz: It's realy great to be here at Latitude 28.6 W, Longitude 13.9 N. Hans: Idiot, it's 13.8 N Audience: HAhaha!!....Good one...That's telling him! Franz: Say Hans, why are you limping? Hans: Well, I was visiting my girl friend and her husband came home unexpectedly. Franz: Really? Why didn't you just run away? Hans: I couldn't. I was carrying a Panzerschrect Audience: Hey, you can run with a Panzerschrect!!...Yeah, I got pictures.....You're fulla bullocks, ya can't run with a Schreck....He's right! You forget to factor in the weight of the ammo....The Yanks could run with a bazooka!!...That's it....Get Em!!! Two hours later, after the police left, the club closed for the night. Only two arrests were made. Andreas was charged with resolving Hans into his constituent elements, and Michael Emrys was charged with groping around underneath the theater seats. As Emrys was taken he away, he kept shouting "Tactics, I tell you, I was practising my tactics!!"
  19. Okay......... Thanks Andreas, that clears it up for me. Don't know how I missed it.
  20. Maybe the shreds part is the key? resolved into shreds of it's constituent elements. Sheesh! It's like trying to decode those French Underground messages. Wounds my heart with monotonous regularity. Even that's funnier. Can I vote three times for Andreas? This is almost becoming a comedic emergency.
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