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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Hubert hasn't made a Million bucks off this SC like Sid made off Sim City 4, that's why the release date is longer. Plus to be honest he has done a few things to fix bugs! The fact of the matter is if he released buggy game then it'd not be worth playing.. This is a big project you should all be patient. In the meantime there are plenty of other titles out and comming out to satiate your Appetite for "new war."
  2. Agreed, more or less if you have your own Friendly Fighters around the lower Tech V-0 and V-1 models<that will be available to every nation> should be interceptable. Just the damage they inflict via AA and Fighter Technology...
  3. Curry, read the strategy guides, all of them 10 Xs. Play Rambo, Avatar, DragonHeart, Zappsweden and Iron Ranger all 100 Xs each. Then play Terif 100 Xs... But while you're doing this you must be aware, study strategies, do this do that and there ya go. You'll beat Terif... The rest of us, once in awhile with great strides in Tech or another Luck Factor.. <or a strategy he's never seen>
  4. Will SC2 be oriented towards Fighter or Tank Warfare? Right now, I'd say that SC1 outside of opening years with the Land Tech and Cost and the shortage of Hexes strongly focused on AirPower. Plus Carriers<their unnatural Readiness-Kill Ratio-Experience> Fighters air to land destruction beyond historical or possible capabilities. Tanks and Monster Tanks, and Mobile ones and Mechanizes Armies should be the Staple of a Mobile and hasty attack. Then with that Fighter-FighterBomber-Bomber tactics, and Recon, etc.. etc.. etc.. Will SC2 players develop Heavy Armor now or Jet Fighters? Which will be King? I personally hope for Armor to take the scene over and Fighters and aircraft to a take a different role. Too expensive and too gamebreaking. While the land battles should call the shots. Airpower should be as it was suited to certian roles and in that capacity powerful. Though bombers would definitely be a lovely sight in the skies of Germany!
  5. Very little is discussed as the Genius of German Spying and Recon. I'll bet they're shortchanged in SC2 also! Meanwhile the Allies, Both Western and Eastern were not just Blitzed because they were backwards about military tactics but the Germans were damned good! Meaning Blitzkrieg was enabled partly due to a great gap in Intelligence! I.E. Rowehl Geschwader Top-secret Luftwaffe squadron that conducted high altitude photo-reconnaissance flights deep into Russia to gather military intelligence for Operation Barbarossa. It was set up by Lieutenant Colonel Rowehl in October 1940 by direct order of Hitler and was the forerunner of the U.S. U-2 flights of the 1960's. One group flew from Insterberg over the Baltic States using special Do 215's equipped with high-altitude engines. A second unit flew out of East Prussia and used HE111s while a third flew between Minsk and Kiev in Ju 88's and Ju 86's. All flew at between 33,000 and 39,000ft, enabling thern to photograph every Red Air Force base. Compliments of History Channel, WW2 Airpower http://www.ww2guide.com/germanb.shtml
  6. Likewise this will work against the Axis player if Barbarossa. Possibly a Sea Lion if he attempts to launch it at the wrong time of year. Plus a bit for the Allies when they launch D-Day. Ultimately weather effects should cancel bidding if we still get plunder. The Axis will be heavily hampered and forced to launch Barbarossa on time hopefully
  7. what HC mentioned about reinforcing experienced units with experienced men frightens me a little. part of a game balancer is the cost.. HQs shouldn't lose it as easy but Troops on the frontline. This'll make life hard for some of us... whilst I suppose if all recieve the same 'capability' not awful.
  8. Yeah, those rockets were precise because they weren't covering much terrain and London was huge also. How many of them destroyed industrial sector buildings, barracks, or killed anything but civilians. I'm sure they hit... and killed... but they would've needed a hell of a lot more explosive capabilities or a much more precise guidance system to be as effective as their cost. Airpower and Balloons would've helped but then again, conventional bombers would be used then instead and at much more deadly effectiveness considering 50k died in the Blitz. They were as Hitler named them vengeance weapons<terror weapons> and dreaded, but the UK's resolve was not diminished. What we speak of here my friends is an evolved Rocket several techs beyond what the V-2 was. You're getting quite near to a tactical Nuke.. If not that weapon that could kill tens of thousands in a couple lobs over London. The actual V-1 and V-2 in SC are ten times more powerful than the real ones could've ever been... little exert from The Rocket and I The V-2 rockets developed by Germany during second World War were mostly a strategic fiasco. The 3200 missiles eventually fired at the allies killed some 5000 people. That figure totally disappears in the horror statistics of World War two. Roughly twice as many people died during rocket production in the concentration camp Dora. What I mean to say here really is that 10% of the effectiveness-morale get wiped out of a unit. For a duration..Perhaps accumulative as I mentioned in my posting... an additional 5% per turn reflecting radiation exposure. We could even have countermeasures for cleansing this... Cities and Resource hexes taking a lot more punishment, 20-25% of it's production cut for how long? We could also multiple that worse than a military unit who can move. Whilst back then it wasn't easy cleaning up Radioactive material.
  9. Oh one last point, Nuke Proof bunkers and the Theory of Nuclear War was a 50s thing really, no reason it couldn't have evolve earlier as some stated. No reason if WW2 hadn't stretched into 48-49 a smaller scale of the hysteria many of us remeber!
  10. I think that a radiological bomb would have mixed results. Even discussed to this day<a dirty bomb> it is seen as something that wouldn't immediately impact civilians or Military. now a Massive Radiological bomb not some dust sprinkled around a Subway could do damage... You would have to think on these terms, short term you'd get sick from exposure longterm you'd die... How long does the average man operate after exposure? I think it depends on the individual and the type and amount of exposure. SO it would depend on how many of these nasty little devices went off.. They'd be highly inaccurate and much more devastating on civilians. You'd wipe out a portion of a city if it got a direct hit from a rocket. IF that was possible. We'd make a percentage chance for a RadioBomb. Like 10% on Military targets. 25% on Civilian. Higher with Tech and experience. The effects on the resource-city-military unit could be accumulative then. Then also a Political Hit.. I think that Morale would lower Greatly, not at first, they'd rise, but as in the Constant Bombardments Germany and Japan recieved eventually you ruin a Nations effectiveness... MPPs is accurate to simulate Morale on Civilians but with Military units you wipe 10% per successful strike and strength hits. Just some tentative figures.. Thinking basic A-Bomb Research is a big option, why not? IF we did go into the 50s we would come up with Tacticals at least fairly soon.. Bomber technology may be the only thing that the West has over the East
  11. Edwin, I imagine if a real A-Bombing mission had been undertaken perhaps a thousand aircraft would've been over Germany. The real question is without Air Supremacy on top of LR and Heavy Bombers 4-5 such an operation would be extremely difficult. What on average did the Germans take out of an Armada 10% at best? Making it a very very elusive goal, but instead of using the Americans for inbetween goals like added Air support they could be a gamebreaker.
  12. Fireball, I'd imagine that Paras like any other unit would require some amount of Air Supremacy as they did historically. I don't think very many successful drops were done in Hostile Enemy Fighter filled Skies? Secondly, almost all the Majors had Para capabilities aside from Italy that I know of.. Really what are they, men on a Silken Lift defying device The more advanced aspects of it, were Gliders that could drop some nice size tanks into battle as well as Mass Para Drops with many thousands of men. I had heard that The Russians were way ahead in the 20s or 30s in Para Tech but later on that fell back as far as I know they never used them. Only the Americans and Germans had large quantities of these expensive and well trained forces. Since they were the cream of the crop their loss would hurt... I know that plenty of Airborne were used on the ground as crack or elite troops after the main battles too that could be a nice additive here
  13. agreed USA production in 1945 was unmatched. look up the figures and you'd likely have USA producing 750-1000 MPPs by herself with Industrial Tech 3 in SC1 Terms
  14. Now that Darth Avatar and DragonClone are defeated the Force may once again find balance Johnny Rambo.. Take your Light Sabre strike down Terif. You're the only one who can conquor the Universe!
  15. Yeah, SeaMonkey you're right. It was a deadly weapon considering that 1 bomb could level a lot. If we do play past '45, most of us will want a Nuclear Bomb effect. It's a super weapon!! John, I'd guess the B-29 to be closer to Level4 Long Range Bomber. Perhaps another model or a B-52 representing a Level5 Long Range. Then again giving Germany this weapon seems hard they hard a shortcomming from the start to finish<I suppose we could dream up a Super-Gotha flying Wing?> . Operation per so many turns, would seem a good preventive method in unlimited A-Bombs. We also have to consider interception. Consider that a edited or modified Nuclear bombers hits a target, Ploesti from Italy and torches just 1 resource or 1 corps. Though a German fighter in Hungary intercepts it along the way and scraps half the strength of the unit. That would be extremely costly to that bomber and all the damage the bomber did was quite worthless.<reinforcing the bomber wouldn't be worth the damage inflicted> If you could only kill 1 unit or a resource hex and that's it, a convential bomber will have as much capacity. If you could somehow program the hex not to produce resources for the rest of the game that would be an ACCURATE simulation as above mentioned the game dynamics in SC doesn't allow to choose from Military and Industrial targets in the same location, thus forcing a bomber to hit the military one first. This'll hurt for the use of A-Bombs in SC2 if no alterations are made.
  16. JJ: Possibly further simulate this capability, Longe Range 5 most also be achieved for Bombers? Representing a Massive Bomber platform not just a longe range weapon? That would make it doubly difficult and you can see The American player focusing a large number of their resources on this instead of a massive Suicide army for D-Day? Some historical element? Then a House Rule on the Cap of A-Bombs that are used? People might say, HEY! Gamebreaker, but really, no! If the US player isn't also focusing on LendLease and other 'areas' the Germans and Italians will Steamroll through Europe!
  17. Hmmm, why not increase the bombing capability of Bombers to some supernatural number when they hit Tech5? Edit it in other words.. Hell, if 1 Bomber kills every unit-resource it bombs it'll be quite a powerful unit!
  18. Oh and let me remind you guys, Belgium and France helped put men like Hitler in Power. By playing the blame game and exacting Billions out of the German People. To be honest I can't entirely blame Fritz for Rising up against the Man, just the fact he went fanatical and become an UberPowerMonger. Look over to Iraq, you know who the biggest losers were in those Foreign Contracts? From what I hear now adays, Russia and France were making out bigtime on the oil for food program. Odd they were against war aye? Politics? all of it, how many of you are Politicians..I know you're not cause they don't have the time to speak on a Public Forum I have laymens grasp, enough to really focus on the facts. Iraq, is a cleaner place, if people stop pushing us one day they might be like Germany after WW2 instead of like Russia under Stalin. You can't see the obvious you're on the hippie walk for peace.."all we are saying is give peace a chance?" Okay, but sell Nuclear Power Plants to Iraq, and Enriched Uranium K? That's why nations in Europe were doing. Hell, Europeans built Saddam the biggest Gun the world has ever know! All of us are guilty, it's about all us of took squarely the blame and went out did something about it. Bush is a cowboy, no need to follow that dogma, but no reason to act like you don't know when shyt stinks either and Europe smells as bas as ours ever has! P.S. Stop voting in your leaders that allow your arms to be sold to foreign countries! Stop supporting men that are supporting Dictators who're mass Murderers! Finally get off your rearends stop investing in yourselves and devote Time & Energy to the UN to defend our Planet from Evil Aggression! Then countries like the USA will ebb to the flow!
  19. What the rest of the world has to realize, President can do some neat and interesting things. Though his power isn't supreme. In America and as well as in Europe the Power is Money. Big business runs the USA and so does Big Business in Europe and almost everywhere else. Utopia? Where? Why is Marijuana, prostitution and drugs illegal? Because Alcohol and Tobacco and over the counter drugs companies are the biggest in the world. Prostitution? How many Mailorder brides are European? I'll betcha there is a Million European Woman in America, why aren't they at home? Cause Europe isn't taking care of their women. Contraversal statement? Not true of every nation, indeed. Fact.. plain straight and simple... And step over to Asia and it's even worse in certian instances. Off topic, yes, however the point remains Noone Is Perfect. USA hasn't the highest Death Toll in the World. Lets add up folks? Shall we? #1 Killers in the World of civilians? Russia Germany China Japan France UK USA Go look up the figures.. We're dead last.. Point fingers, point them at yourselves.. When was the last time that the UN saved anyone? Cyprus how many years ago?
  20. I was watching a move the other day with Micheal Keaton. Was a comedy. He took on the role of being a pimp making lots of cash and getting away with it essentially was fu nny, paraphrazing him, "You could never do this in Russia!" Heh, now Russia is Pimp Central ROFL see how things change in 15-20 years.
  21. Heh Rambo, Well, to claim a great victory after a Failed LC is almost a joke.. It happens to all of us. I had it happen in several of our games, lost all of them.. Same with DH.. It failed 5-6 times with 3 fighters Tank and Army<even corps hit> all HQed If the Axis lose that, there is a 90% likelyhood against a good Allied player they'll lose the game.
  22. Dragon isn't all that slow, errr, well maybe it just was me. I got my arse handed to me so fast
  23. From what I can tell Rambo, most of the fellows you described are well versed in English and should get a Star for learning one of the more difficult languages in the world. I can tell that both Zapp and Terif get lost after a certian point. Zapp knows a bit more than Terif.. Terif is more Robotic in his education. Dragon, he's not bad! I'd like to give him an honorable mention to Dalmatian, he seemed as educated as any of the others. Kuniworth, he's really an American in Euro Clothing he just hasn't accepted his true identity yet. Aside form all his draftdodging in games with me, he's not a bad fellow I was an A student in Reading, a D Student in English. I've been trying to learn Francais, it's a pain in the arse.. The truth about Euros are They want to Rule the World They want to bring back National Socialism and Communism back<in France and Russia at least> B-Rated movies about Love Affairs staring Johnny Depp They have to look to us Americans for Gorgeous Dudes, cause we're the only nation with em Germans and Brits are much better Goths than Americans They're less Homophobic<NYCers and Californians are Unofficial Euros> They love our Movies but Hell, German Porn is the most friggin' out there you can possibly get they're so UberFreakishness you gotta see that shyt
  24. 1. I hope airfleets get phazed back if not by HC by one of us. Someone comes up with a workable formula with Armor and Armor Tech to do breakthroughs... As UberJets is only about breaking trenchwar. 1 thing that should definitely be phazed back is the effects of Fightesr on Land Units. 2 Strength damage is insane...anymore than that is truly insane 2. Luck should play a factor where it belongs. The luck would be, did this guy sense your Atlantic Sub strategy comming, build-tech up-and prepare for it sent out an interception fleet. Even luck can become strategy people take advantage of... I prefer a more straight forward strategy game and less a luck performance. Luck should take it's 10% as those super luck games are boring they're as predictable as a pure strategy game but not as fun as you win by dice not by skill. No biggie we can edit. 3. Staying faithful to history, lets try. It's what we're here to achieve. It's a strategy game can't always do that, but we can give a feel of something real. The more realistic and smoothlined details IMO, the better. Heh Dave the Editor will allow for much.
  25. Bahhh, HOI lacked what makes a wargame good. Look at it, do you even know whether or not you won a battle? Only by a white flag and the enemy marching away? All the detail never met anywhere and made anything interesting.. Micromanagement can be smoothlined into something that can move but that never happened, bad recipe... The System for HOI was too much like EU2 and it completely flopped and that's why noone liked it. Not even EU2 Fans. Victoria was the same way.. That actually had some potential if someone would've revamped the game in EU3 extended timeplay. The problem is they couldn't build a "Bigger and Better," Vessel. They could only build a Warp 5 Starship. SC is a basic Ship herself, she's just got a lot of creativity and takes from some very successful titles herself and intregates them into IP play and in it's own way it's pretty original. Noone else is designing Strategy Wargames right now of WW2 worth buying.. HOI is not strategic as much as it is a copycat of it's predeccessor, all my EU2 buds say 1 hit wonder, EU2 is the only paradox game to buy.. SC and SC2? hmmm... we'll see, Civilization III for me was a success, but a failure as an IP game. So in the end SC still sits in my harddrive and Civ3 the coveted was sold off 6 months ago Now if there were more detailed games that kept their intregity<like say CIV3 and yet had detail like it had done with IP> I'd jump on 'em.. You guys who are dying for a super simple title they already released them... 3 or 4 late 80s and early 90s Hex Wargames<No reason to change> and I think SC 2 will push away a lot of the old fanbase but include a lot of new fellows too P.S. Detail is not your enemy it's boring DETAIL
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