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Comrade Trapp

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Everything posted by Comrade Trapp

  1. I hate when people post that French-bashing crap. Americans tend to overlook the fact that we would have been defeated twice as fast if we had been in the same position France was. Besides, where were we while France was being overrun and Britian was holding on by its fingernails....... [ June 03, 2003, 09:06 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  2. No one here is demanding that Kuniworth be allowed back, we all made that very clear. We agree that some action should be taken, but at the same time we are REQUESTING that he not be "banned for life". There is a big diffrence between demanding and requesting. If you had bothered to read the whole thread you would have known that. Comrade Trapp
  3. Is it just me or does it get really annoying when people take forever to finish turns? :mad:
  4. Is it just me or does it get really annoying when people take forever to finish turns? :mad:
  5. Thats really the main reason I would understand if the moderators choose not to give in to our requests and keep Kuniworth banned for life. The situation we face right now is diffrent then we one we faced several months ago. You and Jim Boggs did nothing wrong but were both banned because of a big misunderstanding while Kuniworth did something wrong and was banned because he said some things he shouldn't have said. In your case the moderators admitted a mistake had been made and corrected it along with a public apology, I'm not expecting that in this case. In my previous post I said Kuniworth should be let back in and that I didn't think his actions warrent a "banned for life" status, and I still believe that. But at the same time I would understand if Battlefront didn't let him back in. I guess all we can do is hope for the best. Comrade Trapp
  6. I agree that Kuniworth should be let back in, but with a suspension like Rambo suggested. I can't honestly say that Kuniworth wasn't pushing his luck, but I don't feel his actions warrent a "banned for life" status either. Unfortunately I can't vouch for the guy like I did for Jersey several months ago, he did push his luck. But like others have said, he has contributed alot of positive things to this fourm. Comrade Trapp
  7. All we know at the moment is that there WILL be a Strategic Command 2. Other than that, they have not given us very many details. We don't even know if it will be based on the European Theater, Pacific Theater, or on a world scale. Glad you enjoy the game and hope to play you sometime. Comrade Trapp
  8. I personally wouldn't have known about SC or this site if it hadn't been for PC Gamer mentioning it in a artical. Comrade Trapp
  9. Comrade Trapp (Allies) concedes to Iron Ranger (Axis) bid 150. Made alot of stupied mistakes in the beginning and did not want to fight a 4 hour war that was lost to begin with.
  10. Comrade Trapp (Allies) loses to Rambo (Axis) bid 150.
  11. CVM John seems to be pulling alot of his punches and resisting the urge to say what he wants to say in a effort to maintain your friendship. How bout you be mature and do the same by editing your posts and forget the whole thing ever happened. Editing your posts and leaving: " edit- do not wish to offend the children" is childish. Comrade Trapp [ May 25, 2003, 06:26 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  12. DSEDS Yes it could have happended if the Japanese wanted it to happen, but at the time they were more preoccuiped with the war in the Pacific Theater against the United States. Also, in 1938 or 1939 there was a border clash between the Japanese and the Soviets at which the Soviets managed to come out on top, so that probably had something to do with Japan's reluctiance to invade the U.S.S.R. later in the war. Comrade Trapp
  13. I should have never have brought up the subject.
  14. You don't remember Rambo's "72 Hour Headcrack List", thats where I had a minor arguement with him and he ended up winning against me 3 games in a row. [ May 23, 2003, 09:04 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  15. It ended only ended when Moon had to lock another one of Kuniworth's threads and said that he would ban us all if we continued this and that we were ruining his christmas season. I miss the days when Rambo was the Number 1 player, he made America proud. Now Terif is Number 1, but that won't last forever..... GOD SAVE RAMBO! [ May 23, 2003, 08:59 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  16. LOL I was just looking through the arcived threads and when I stumbled upon a dark week in SC history (page 26 / christmas season) when Kuniworth had turned this fourm into "The Crucible" by accusing ramdom people of being someone else. Lets see he acussed: JerseyJohn, Rambo, and Hubert of being the same person. CVM and Otto of being the same person. I look back and find this hilarious: It was also when Rambo stared his "72 Hour Headcracked List" which added more fuel to the fire (thoses were the days when me and Rambo did not get along too well). People say this too much argueing NOW, they obviously weren't around "back in the day". I don't mean to bring back bad memories but you gotta admit, it kinda funny when you look back at it all. Thoses were the days....... Comrade Trapp [ May 23, 2003, 08:45 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  17. Let us all remember the hero who came to the aid of JerseyJohn during the crisis, selflessly putting himself on the line, helping Jersey clear his name. What would the fourm be like if this great man hadn't saved Jersey from the cruel fate that awaited him. I think this saint should be rewarded for his heroic efforts. Comrade Trapp
  18. Kuniworth I barely remember that, it was going on when I first joined and I never heard anything else about it. What was that whole thing about anyway? Comrade Trapp
  19. Leopard I agree 100% that we need to encourage newbies to get involved and compete. But lately there have been alot of newbies coming in and giving respected members (Legends, Icons, and avarage players who have been here for quite some time) ****. We have no problem welcoming newbies and helping them out (both Rambo and Terif do their share in giving tips to first time players), but when newbies like yourself walk in and start saying **** like: "These petty moanings coming from the self-proclaimed icon, legend, forum-cop, industrialist, philanthropist and bicyclist." people tend to get pissed off. When you have been around awhile then you have the right to question other member's status as legends, icons, or expecienced players. And even then you should show some form of respect. Comrade Trapp
  20. Leopard Your a newbie and have not been around long enough to talk ****, so please, keep you mouth shut. damn newbies never learn...... Comrade Trapp
  21. mkctanker I my opinion I don't think you can get the full effect of the game when playing the AI all the time. It makes too many mistakes and always follows the same general strategy, yes it is possible to lose against the AI but you will always lose after a long war, the AI never attempts a Sea Lion Invasion on the UK and never tries anything new. As for the argueing that goes on around this fourm, it is not as bad as you say it is. Its more along the lines of debating, not argueing. Personally, there have been very few games I have played where there was an arguement during the game. I don't really understand why you posted this when you said outright you will prob not check back for responses. In fact I find it kinda ignorant. If you want a fourm where everyone agrees with what you say then this fourm isn't for you, if you want a fourm where you can talk about the game and compete with other players (or play a non-ladder game just for fun) then stay. Comrade Trapp [ May 22, 2003, 12:18 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  22. I'm posting my loss here until we get this ladder started. Comrade Trapp (Allies) loses to Rambo (Axis) bid 150. Rambo launched a late Sealion and caught me off guard, got real close after his troops got ashore and failed to capture London quickly, while this was happening both the US and the USSR entered the war. England fell and he captured Canada, then moved to invade the US and Russia. When I conceded in May 1942 I was holding my own in the US and Russia but it would have been a matter of time before he would overrun me (he was pulling in around 800 mpps as Germany). It was a good game all in all, I played him to gain experience and ended up learning alot. [ May 22, 2003, 01:58 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
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