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Comrade Trapp

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Everything posted by Comrade Trapp

  1. June 9, 1940 German forces reach outskirts of Paris, time is running out for France. A French army leaves the Maginot Line and attacks a exposed German airfleet causing minor damage. [ July 19, 2003, 01:56 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  2. May 12, 1940 German and Italian forces link up in Central France, Denmark surrenders.
  3. April 14, 1940 German forces break through French lines, French forces fall back around Paris with an exception of forces guarding the Maginot Line. A German army is spotted assisting Italian forces in Southern Italy. Germany gets +1 Jets, the RAF and French Air Force fall back into Northern England, the Luftwaffe now has air superiority over France. [ July 19, 2003, 01:34 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  4. March 17, 1940 RAF and French air units battle the Luftwaffe over Northern France. Italian forces invade Southern France but are cutoff.
  5. February 4, 1940 German forces attack French lines but are repeled, German land units attack Denmark for the first time. Italy enters the war.
  6. December 10, 1939 Both Poland and Low Countries surrender, Denmark still holding. The Canadian 1st Army arrives in France and takes position behind French lines in reserve.
  7. November 12, 1939 Warsaw falls to German forces but Poland does not surrender, Denmark holding. The Low Countries hold for a second turn. The French Navy assisted by RN carrier sink both U-Boats.
  8. October 15, 1939 German forces push agressively into Southern Poland destroying 1 corps, Warsaw repels minor attack, Denmark bombarded. Germany declares war on the Low Countries but fail to take captial, no attack on French lines. The Royal Navy engages a German U-Boat in the North Atlantic severely damaging it.
  9. September 17, 1939 Polish forces retreat to the east leaving only 1 corps to defend Warsaw. 2 Polish armies have been destroyed thus far. Germany declares war on Demark and attacks with only the German navy causing only 10% damage. The Royal Navy searches for German U-boats agressively, no contact as of yet.
  10. Comrade Trapp (Allies) vs. Leopard (Axis) Bid 150. **RESTARTED** We are playing this game with house rules on max airfleets. Agreed House Rules: Germany: 6 airfleets - 1 strategic Great Britian: 3 airfleets - 1 strategic Soviet Union: 3 airfleets - 1 strategic United States: 1 airfleet - 2 strategic Italy: 1 airfleet - 1 strategic France: 2 airfleets - 1 strateic There is also a cap on Jet Tech and Long Range Tech: no higher then +3 With the numbers we picked, each side could damage the others units but at the same time, airpower alone would not decide the outcome of the war. Without having to dedicate all their mpps to building airfleets and air tech, a player could use the extra mpps for building naval units, strategic bombers, and rockets. More complex and realistic strategies could be used instead of having jet tech decide the war. Airpower would still be a significant factor but it would be toned down a bit.
  11. Go Get'em Kuni, you put him in his place! Comrade Trapp
  12. I think this should be ranked Number 1 post in SC history: "Funny thing; it falls into place - if you look at all facts this is what I think is going oN; - The mastermind which no one knows the real name of, just referred to as "Hubert Carter" creates the game - he knows leapholes and how to cheat. Now he gotta create a hype around the game. - He creates an alias - "otto" which he use to make mods and campaigns. Interest grow. All part in the plan.... - Suddenly...strange fellow named Rambo emerge on the forum, winning in strange ways which annoys practically everyone(except me who couldnt care less). The hype around the game is growing, Rambo is mysterious....a poor fellow...lets just call him "Brian" almost commits suicide when he loses to Rambo - Meanwhile, or a bit earlier, another strange character -JerseyJohn- appears with deep knowledge of the war. EXACTLY the kind of knowlege one had to have if you would wanna create a game like SC. Coincidence? I think not So what happens? Interest starts to grow in the wargaming world. He Bribed legendary Les the Sarge to visit the forum, makin all the wargaming fans get excited meeting such a wargamer-god. But the mastermind gotta catch a breath and go on vacation spendin all his new money. So his 14-year old son, Carl, is giving instructions to keep interest up. Carl introduces a new character - CvM - to control the forum. So suddenly "Hubert's" visits to the forum stops while at the same time CvM xan be seen all the time....strange right? I suspected something beeing wrong for a couple month. But it was not until I tred my friends software program I could see the pattern. Is it just me or doesnt this seem a bit like a conspiracy" Posted by Kuniworth - Christmas Season from hell 12-30-02
  13. Was that really my best quote? As you could tell thoses were my newbie days. I picked a hell of a time to join, the Christmas Season from hell. Comrade Trapp
  14. You tell us to get back on topic but then go on to post your own off-topic response? Comrade Trapp
  15. I didn't say it only meant money, your putting words into my mouth. I ask again: In what way did we profit from being involved in Korea or Vietnam? Comrade Trapp
  16. xediel What happened, Mommy and Daddy let you stay up late? Tell that to someone serving in the military and you would get punched in the mouth. I guess we were in Korea and Vietnam for profit too, huh? Go somewhere else with your trolling. Comrade Trapp
  17. Bullwinkle While I disagree with Rambo's French bashing attitude (personally, I like the French) and I'm against Bush as much as you, you have to look past his sometimes arrogant views on things and see the "happier" side to him. As for him being Captian of Team USA, he earned it from when he was champ back in the day. He was once the "heavy-weight champion of the world", he has since been replaced by Terif. But that won't last forever......the US will rule again........ Comrade Trapp [ July 14, 2003, 11:27 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  18. I wouldn't mind seeing Hubert create a SC type game based on 19th centaury (post Napoleon) Europe. Comrade Trapp
  19. I must say, even now, I believe Civilization 2 was the best game ever created. I spent many days where I played it hours at a time with no sleep at all. If only it was better suited for multiplayer. Comrade Trapp
  20. July 27, 1941 United States enters the war, Axis declare war on Spain and Portugal. Allies leave Algiers, Spain, and Portugal to their fate but defend the rock.
  21. July 13, 1941 Algiers holding on dispite heavy losses. First sign of U-boats in the Atlantic, U-boat heavly damages transport (corps) as it makes it way to the rock. [ July 06, 2003, 10:07 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  22. June 29, 1941 Axis forces invade contential Vichy France and capture captial, but does not invade Algiers. Britsh and Vichy-French ships attack the undefended transports on the coast of Algiers. The 1er RE of the French Foreign Legion defending the rock is rushed to help their countrymen fighting in Algiers. The Vichy-French Navy will prove to be a useful edition to the war effort. If Algiers holds, the Allies will have the advantage in the Med. Egypt holding firm. [ July 06, 2003, 09:38 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  23. June 15, 1941 Axis forces appear to be building up on the Algerian border. RAF gets jets +2.
  24. Spring 1941 British airfleet destroyed over Egypt, reinforcements arrive. [ July 06, 2003, 04:53 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
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