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Comrade Trapp

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Everything posted by Comrade Trapp

  1. Feb. 1941 Blood-sucking Germans sink the British cruiser HMS Hood near Spain. Near Gibarlter the Italians sink a British Battleship and damage a cruiser and a carrier. Both damaged ships disengage and abandon the Rock.
  2. Early 1941 Italian cruiser attacked near Gibralter, RN ships rushed to the Rock to assist, one runs into a German U-boat along the way. Italian corps in Brussels used as a training tool for RAF and RN.
  3. October 1940 British commandos land just short of LC captial, RAF and RN carriers provide aircover.
  4. August 25, 1940 British still hold Brest and have so far have not been attacked. British commandos hold Bergen and are digging in. RAF now has Jets +2.
  5. July 1940: Vinchy corps from Syria retakes a undefended Suez Canal cutting off supplies for both Italian armies, the French Foreign Legion in Alexandria still holding strong.
  6. July 14, 1940 Germany invades Norway and Vinchy, Norway surrenders turn 1, Vinchy holds to live another turn. Finally got Jets +1, Egypt under seige by 2 Italian armies but is holding.
  7. Jersey screwed up the URL: http://www.ww2n.com/schq/ jersey can't you do anything right..... Comrade Trapp [ July 03, 2003, 03:57 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  8. Turn 8: Italy lands 2 armies in Egypt where they run into one corps of the French Foreign Legion guarding Alexandria. All is quite up north, the British prepare for a possible German attack from the air and sea. No luck in jet tech as of yet, but I'm hopeful. Rambo was too buzzed to continue so we quit for the night, I guess the wings didn't help any. mmmmm......wings......
  9. Turn 7: France falls. For once luck is on my side, the Canadian army makes it out just in time, and a number of French ships have turned Free French. These will defiently help if Axis forces choose to Sealion. Only a corps has been left in Egypt to put up token resistance, extra mpps used to help strenghen the British Isles.
  10. Turn 6: German troops attack Paris from 3 directions but inflict very little damage, 2 French armies attack 2 German airfleets, 1 airfleet is destoyed with the help of the RAF. Canadian army takes 50% losses and is withdrawn. The 2 cities of northern Italy are occpied by the French. [ July 03, 2003, 02:24 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  11. Turn 5: Its nearing the end for France, 2 French armies, 2 French corps, and a Canadian army attack a German army on the French border reducing it to one. Germany seems to be investing alot into the Luftwaffe, he now has 5 airfleets. Italy invades but is stalled in the mountians of southern France. [ July 03, 2003, 02:23 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  12. Turn 4: GERMANY GETS LUCKY, I have half the German Army cut off in Poland, control one German city and would have captured another the next turn. German forces attack the Polish forces (minus 1 corp lost in defence of Warsaw) and are completely repelled with no losses. But the Polish surrender. German forces pour through the French lines but are halted by the Canadian 1st Army 2 hexs from Paris. French forces launch a crushing counter-offensive destroying a German army and one corps. A French corps leaves the Maginot Line and attacks a airfleet on the German-LC border reducing it to 6. [ July 03, 2003, 02:22 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  13. I haven't played anyone in about 3 weeks so I'm sure I'll be making quite a few mistakes. Turn 1: Polish forces cut off German units that are surrounding Warsaw, Canadian army sent to aid the French. Royal Navy carriers destroy 2 German subs north of Ireland. Turn 2: Germany invades Low Countries and quickley secure captial, weak attack on French lines. Canadian army arrives in France. [ July 03, 2003, 02:27 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  14. I second the proposal to extend the length of time of "Days Idle" to 24 days. If it is possible. Comrade Trapp
  15. He may still be champ, but its the begining of the end for Terif, his days are numbered!(I hope) Comrade Trapp
  16. At last, after 193 wins, the tyrannical Terif has been brought down. I nearly chocked when I looked at the daily results for Z-League and saw that the taunting infidel had been defeated. "I now present the new.....heavy-weight champion of the world............Zapp.........Sweden!!!!!" Zappsweden, We salute you! Comrade Trapp
  17. I think its the crappy 56k dial-up connection, I know he is using one because the length of time it takes him to send turns (from when you can't move your mouse anymore until you recieve the turn). Most disconnects happen during that period, so unless you see "connection terminated by opponent", hes not intentionally disconnecting. Sorry Rambo, but I gotta give him credit for that one.......
  18. I propose the following house rule: Air Fleet Limits: Germany: 4 airfleets - 1 strategic Great Britian: 3 airfleets - 1 strategic Soviet Union: 2 airfleets - United States: 1 airfleet - 2 strategic Italy: 2 airfleet France: 2 airfleets - 1 strategic Total Allied : 6 airfleets - 3 strategic Total Axis: 6 airfleets - 1 strategic (Not including France in the total because France has no chance of having a significant airforce.) With this house rule, each side could damage the others units but at the same time, airpower alone would not decide the outcome of the war. Without having to dedicate all their mpps to building airfleets and air tech, a player could use the extra mpps for building naval units, strategic bombers, and rockets. More complex and realistic strategies could be used instead of having jet tech decide the war. Airpower would still be a significant factor but it would be toned down a bit. In some cases this would prevent the "cookie-cutter" invasion of neutrals. Not really the case in places like Yugoslavia, but in Spain, Norway, Sweden it would help. This would also help prevent HQs from being destroyed, something that alot of people disagree with. The reason I picked the numbers I did for the max airfleets for each country is so that no side will have a big advantage in airfleets at any given time in the war. As I said up above, the numbers make a good balance between keeping airpower a signicant factor but at the same time making it so it doesn't decide the war. You may also notice I propsed a max for strategic bomber too, this would prevent a player from just investing in strategic bombers and using them like airfleets. (With heavy bomber and long range tech, bombers could be just as potent as airfleets). But at the same time it allowes the ability for each side to initiate a strategic bombing campaign. My vote: House Rule for max airfleets. Comrade Trapp [ June 08, 2003, 02:18 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  19. United States: US Army: 165,506 men National Guard: 199,491 men US Army Air Corps: 22,387 men Combat Ready Divisons if fully mobilized in early 1940: US Army: 9 Infantry divisions 2 Cavalry divisions 1 Armored brigade National Guard: 18 Infantry divisions (Modern equipment was for the most part nonexistent and training in the National Guard units varied from fair to poor). Source of US Army Information France: French Army: 900,000 men (another 5 million men who had been trained and could be called-up in time of war). French Airforce: 127,630 men Combat Ready Units when fully mobilized in early 1940: French Army: 100 Infantry divisions 3 Armored Divisons by Spring 1940 Source for French Army Information Before the outbreak of WWII, the French Army was considered the best in the world, and in alot of ways it was. They had better armored units than any other country (including Germany) and their soldiers were well-trained by standerds at the time. Unfortionitly, they failed to use all of this to their advantage when they attemped to use WWI tatics against a "Blitzkreg" style war. The United States Army would have used its mobility to its fullest, but unfourntily did not have the men and equipment to fight a full-scale war at the time. The statistics alone prove that statement wrong. We may take our defense alot more seriously now, but before Dec. 7th that wasn't the case. You could argue that Germany did not pose a imminent to the US since the US did not have any territoty within Germany's reach, therefore there was no need for a peacetime army. But Japan DID pose a imminent threat, the US did have territiory within Japan's reach. The Philippines for one was a American colony at the time, one that had 130,000 men stationed on it, and it was overrun by Feb 1942. I don't think anyone can argue with the fact that the US military was unprepared for a full-scale in 1940 or even in Dec 1941. contradicts Comrade Trapp
  20. I have given this some more thought and have decided to change my vote. For most Axis players, loseing Italy that early in the game would be a auotmatic win for the Allies. If the Axis player didn't surrender right then and there, he would have to accept the fact that any expansion in the Med would be impossible, and he could not count on the help of Italian units in Russia or the Balkins. Not to mention, the UK could rush troops to Southern Italy or at the very least Sicily and keep the Axis busy so they would not have alot of time to counqer any neutral countries. My changed vote: House Rule against "Rambo Rome Invasion". Comrade Trapp
  21. I have only attempted to defend Spain once, and once was enough. I forget who I was playing against but he invaded Spain the same time the United States entered the war, so thinking I could create a foothold in continental Europe, I rushed 4 American armies, an American HQ, and 2 fighter units (1 American and 1 British) to the area. By time I got all my units in position, Spain had fallen and the Italian Navy was pounding my fleet stationed at Gibraltar (I had 4 BBs, 1 CA, and 2 CVs stationed there to counter the Italian Navy). Finally realizing that this was a big mistake, I began a unorganized evacuation of my troops in Spain while the Royal Navy fought off the Italian. This is where things went to ****, as I was struggling to get 1 army out at a time my ground forces were being chewed up piecemeal by the German Army. To make matters worse, I had sent 2 American BBs to reinforce the British Royal Navy around Gibraltar, they were both heavly damaged by German Fighters and one was finished off by a sub. I ended up only getting 2 Armies and a HQ out of Spain (the fighter groups were operated to England so there was no aircover) and out of the 4 British BBs, 2 American BBs, 1 CA, and 2 CVs..... Only 1 American BB, 1 British BB, and the 2 CVs made it out, every single ship was below 5 strengh. I had partially destroyed the Italian Navy but was forced to disengage because of the German airfleets that found my ships to be good target practice. It was the "Battle of Layete Gulf" in Europe. Comrade Trapp
  22. Glad to be of service, have a nice day. Comrade Trapp
  23. Fine with me, Battlefront has been notified so I'll let them deal with it. We have already had one disruption on the SC fourm recently and the last thing we need is another one. Comrade Trapp
  24. Gay Focker, go scamper back to the General Fourm where you belong, no one here wants to hear your endless ramblings. You don't have alot of room to talk when your the one who sits in the General Discussion Forum 24/7 leaving posts that in no way contribute to the discussion at hand.
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