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Comrade Trapp

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Everything posted by Comrade Trapp

  1. I make a motion that we amend the current house rule prohibiting the "Rambo-Rome Invasion" and the Riga landings in the Soviet Union. While I fully support the NO "Rambo-Rome Invasion" because for alot of Axis players they would not be able to win after taking a blow like that. I do however feel there is no reason for a rule prohibiting a seaside invasion of the Soviet Union via Riga. Even I can deal with a Riga invasion as the Allied player. The Riga invasion is no diffrent then the "cookie-cutter invasion" of Spain, or an Axis invasion of the United States or Canada. I vote to amend the current house rule to allow a seaside invasion of the Soviet Union. Comrade Trapp [ July 23, 2003, 02:17 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  2. I am against the proposal, for the reasons Kuni mentioned. Comrade Trapp [ July 22, 2003, 01:35 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  3. November 24, 1941 Soviet forces form a defensive line extending from Leningrad - Smolensk - Kharkov. Odessa falls and Minsk will the next turn.
  4. October 1941 The United States enters the war. Soviet forces withdraw from the Ukraine leaving only corps to put up token resistance. The US Navy assisted by the RN sink a German U-Boat in the Central Atlantic.
  5. September 7, 1941 Axis declare war on the Soviet Union, the Soviet Navy engages the German Navy south of Riga. The 2 Italian battleships engage and heavily damage 2 RN battleships near the rock, RN disengages. A RN carrier assisted by the Free French Airforce stationed on the rock heavily damage a Italian battleship in turn. In the Central Atlantic, a Free French battleship is intercepted by a U-boat and take moderate damage. [ July 19, 2003, 02:40 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  6. August 24, 1941 A Italian transport (corps) is destroyed east of "the rock" by RN. RAF gets Long Range +1 Saved for the night. [ July 19, 2003, 05:12 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  7. July 13, 1941 Total Royal Navy losses in the Battle for Egypt: 2 Battleships 1 Cruiser 1 Carrier Current War Readiness: United States 72% Soviet Union 74% Axis invades Greece, surrenders. RAF reaches Jet Tech max of +3. [ July 19, 2003, 04:37 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  8. Summer 1941 Italian forces moving into position for a possible invasion of Greece.
  9. June 15, 1941 Yugoslavia surrenders to Axis, Bregen falls. Italians preforming cleanup operations east of the Suez Canal. [ July 19, 2003, 04:13 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  10. May 25, 1941 Suez Canal falls to Italian forces, Free French unit (last one left in Egypt) attack a Italian battleship in port reducing it to 5. The British II Corps in Bergen, Norway is destroyed, Bergen will fall next turn. Hasn't been a good few month for the Allies.
  11. April 27, 1941 Alexandria falls to Italian, heavily damaged carrier is disbanded (no chance of escape).
  12. March 30, 1941 Egypt is a total loss, the Italian Navy supported by 4 Luftwaffe units sink the RN Battleship H.M.S. Warspite and heavily damage a RAF airfleet. RAF is withdrawn from Egypt, a damaged Canadian 1st Army attempts to transport past the Italian Navy in a vain attempt to withdraw from Egypt and is destroyed by a Italian battleship, other land units in Egypt are disbanded to prevent Axis forces from gaining further experience. The rest of the RN in the Eastern Med (1 BB, 1 CA, 1 CV) attempt to disengage from battle and escape to safety. Coup in Yugoslavia. [ July 19, 2003, 01:01 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  13. March 2, 1941 Germany forces attack Bergen, Norway but are repeled with no losses. The 2nd RAF airfleet is destroyed after being attacked on the ground and in the air over Egypt.
  14. November 24, 1940 Sweden falls to Axis. British and Free French forces in Egypt prepare for action, RAF gets Jets +1.
  15. October 27, 1940 Sweden holding for now. Enemy movement in Egypt detected, reinforcements sent.
  16. August 18, 1940 Norway falls to the Axis but the British II Corps holds Bergen. German forces detected building up for an invasion of Sweden. [ July 19, 2003, 02:39 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  17. July 21, 1940 Axis declare war on Norway but fail to take captial, all is quite now in the Med.
  18. June 23, 1940 German forces surround Paris and attack but are repeled with minimal losses. The French Navy engages the Italian Navy near Taranto. Italian Navy assisted by a Luftwaffe airfleet.
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