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Comrade Trapp

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Everything posted by Comrade Trapp

  1. April 27, 1941 A heavily damaged British Battleship is sunk as it tries to reach the saftey of the rock. German troops enter Bergen. Transports attacked as they make their way to Algeirs in what looks like an upcoming attempt to invade Vinchy France. Total Losses in Naval Battle Allied: 3 BBs, 1 CA, 1 CV Axis: 3 BBs and 1 sub While Axis forces sunk more ships, the RN will be able to sustain the losses. The Italian Navy was partially destroyed but at a heavy price. British declare a stalemate in the Med. [ July 06, 2003, 04:49 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  2. March 30, 1941 Only 1 Italian ship left (a cruiser), breaks off engagement and steams from home. RN ships move out of range of Axis aircraft. 3 German armies attack British commandos at Bergen, Norway reducing it to 1, unit withdraws to England.
  3. March 2, 1941 Naval battle continues, many ships sunk on both sides.
  4. Janurary 5, 1941 Major naval battle begins between the Italian Navy and the Royal Navy, both sides assisted by aircraft. Both sides lose many ships. Allied Ships: 4 BBs, 1 CA, 2 CVs Axis Ships: 3 BBs, 1 CA, 1 Sub [ July 06, 2003, 04:22 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  5. Novermber 24, 1940 The 3rd RAF airfleet, a Free French airfleet, and a RN carrier sink a Italian Battleship. One British Battleship disengages from battle, the others are repaired. The RAF in England attack a German HQ in France. A German army is sighted near Bergen, Norway. RAF got jets +1 previous turn. [ July 06, 2003, 04:12 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  6. September 29, 1940 The Swedish take more losses, pushed back to defend captial.
  7. September 1, 1940 Sweden invaded by Axis, take heavy losses. Still no Italian contact.
  8. August 4, 1940 Norway surrenders, Allies still hold Bergen. Looks like Axis are getting ready to attack Sweden. No sign of Italy. We quit for the night, will continue tomarrow.
  9. July 7, 1940 Axis declare war on Norway but fail to take captial. British unit lands in Bergen to aid the Norwegians. No sign of the Italians yet.
  10. June 23, 1940 Denmark finally falls. All is quite as German units redeploy for their next offensive.
  11. June 14, 1940 German troops enter Paris, France surrenders. Many units turn Free French to continue the war on the side of Great Britian hoping to someday see France liberated. Denmark will fall next turn.
  12. May 12, 1940 The French 5th Army falls back to defend Paris while the rest of the French forces garrison the Maginot Line. Italy enters the war and makes a weak attack on Southern France. The Canadian 1st Army is destroyed as it retreats towards Paris. Axis forces enter France to find that alot of French units have been redeployed elsewhere.
  13. April 14, 1940 The French 4th Army NW of the Ardennes is destoyed and German army crosses the border into France. In Denmark, the German Navy knocks the corps defending Copenhagen to 2 but for some reason doesn't finishes it off with the German army sitting next to it. [ July 06, 2003, 03:00 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  14. March 17, 1940 Weak attack is made on French lines and is easily repelled. Italy about to enter the war, some troops are redeployed.
  15. Janurary 1940 Low Countries surrender but Denmark is standing firm. German forces poised to attack French lines. We'll be ready for them....... [ July 06, 2003, 02:48 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  16. December 10, 1939 Poland surrenders, Denmark and Low Countries holding. The Canadian 1st Army takes position on the left flank of the frontline in France.
  17. November 12, 1939 Warsaw falls but no Polish surrender, Denmark and Low Countries stand firm against German attacks. Both U-boats in the North Alantic are sunk.
  18. October 15, 1939 Warsaw and Denmark hold out, Germany declares war on the Low Countries but fails to take captial. The French Navy makes contact with first U-boat near the coast of Canada and knocks it down to 3. The Canadian 1st Army arrives in France.
  19. September 17, 1939 Polish forces retreat to the east leaving only 1 corps to defend Warsaw. Germany declares war on Demark and attacks with only the German navy causing no damage. The Royal Navy searches for German U-boats agressively, no contact as of yet.
  20. Comrade Trapp (Allies) vs. Leopard (Axis) bid 150. We are playing this game with house rules on max airfleets. Agreed House Rules: Germany: 6 airfleets - 1 strategic Great Britian: 3 airfleets - 1 strategic Soviet Union: 3 airfleets - 1 strategic United States: 1 airfleet - 2 strategic Italy: 1 airfleet - 1 strategic France: 2 airfleets - 1 strateic There is also a cap on Jet Tech and Long Range Tech: no higher then +3 With the numbers we picked, each side could damage the others units but at the same time, airpower alone would not decide the outcome of the war. Without having to dedicate all their mpps to building airfleets and air tech, a player could use the extra mpps for building naval units, strategic bombers, and rockets. More complex and realistic strategies could be used instead of having jet tech decide the war. Airpower would still be a significant factor but it would be toned down a bit. [ July 06, 2003, 02:26 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  21. Summer 1941 The US enters the war. German U-boats along with the Italian Navy turn the Atlantic into their own private swimming pool. But soon Mother Russia will be entering.......
  22. THE CARRIER IS NOT NEAR THE US COASTLINE, IN FACT, THERE IS NO CARRIER! THIS I ASSURE YOU. [ July 03, 2003, 05:30 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  23. Spring 1941 Little ****s sink another cruiser as it trys to escape the Italians near the rock. RN sent hunting to avenge their lost comrades.
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