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Everything posted by Terif

  1. September 15, 1940: The heaviest battles of the war so far take place around the sandbox called desert: UK corps lost, but german tank killed in return. 2 new UK corps arrive in Egpyt... A german army then survives 2 airstrikes, 3 carrier attacks, shore bombardment and army + corps attack at str 1...poor bastards... Near Greece the fleeing italian battleship Vittorio Veneto gets catched up and sunk by several UK ships.
  2. September 1, 1940: During the last turns 2/3 of the Royal Navy arrived via Suez together with a convoy of transports they protected. Now they are ready to strike: 2 italian cruisers sunk, battleship Vittorio Veneto heavily damaged. All 3 UK carriers in the battle . UK air spots not only 1, but 2 german HQs in the desert west of Alexandria...seems nearly all german forces have a meeting in Africa .
  3. August 18, 1940: UK units were not fast enough, but now additional forces arrive and increase the UK presence to 9 land units . Western Desert AF and Australians arrive too, so UK forces are only slightly inferior to Axis now. The italian fleet gets brave, approaching Alexandria and bombarding UK units at the coast...Royal Navy repays it by sinking the italian sub and reducing Andrea Doria battleship to str. 2.
  4. August 4, 1940: Allies retreat behind the depression and prepare defences of Alexandria. The just killed Corps from Brest got immediately bought back at reduced costs. Sidenote: additional costs for tech are also reduced, so it is nearly cheaper to let a no tech unit die and buy it back to then give him full tech for an apple and an egg .
  5. July 21, 1940: Yep, UK units still supplied and HQ supported - so they kill the third italian corps and retreat towards Alexandria - Germany sent heavy support including tanks and AFs...
  6. July 7, 1940: Allies evacuate Bordeaux - too many spaces to attack it from...and german armies approaching . In the desert another italian corps gets killed that operated from Tripoli. Tobruk port again reduced by the bomber from Malta. But a german army already landed west of Tobruk - must have been amphibiously...
  7. May 19, 1940: 2 minimum damages and the german corps survives. But at least nearly all french are wiped out, so not much plunder for Germany when they have unentrenched the tank . Italy joins.
  8. April 21, 1940: No reinforcements can be brought in Oslo - nevertheless a french battleship tries to break the sea blockade and reduces Gneisenau to 8. Seems the german fleet got repaired after their losses in the first battle around Kiel. In France german units take some damage, but nothing serious (tank + army str 6). The last defenders - 3 armies, 2 corps, HQ and AF - group around the entrenched tank in Paris.
  9. March 24, 1940: Autsch time... Germans take the corridor along the coast and kill 2 french armies. In return a german corps at the coast dies due to bullet overload. Maginot defenders operate to Paris (Mud - so they have only 1 AP). UK forces in Egypt get reinforcements and prepare for Italy. French high command (HQ) has to experience the fate of their little soldiers and is placed into the first defence line - to Paris: only over their dead bodies .
  10. January 28, 1940: Winter time...german units attacking all along the line - but all french units combined loose only 5 str points in total. Reinforcing and shore bombarding. French left a corridor open along the coast for the germans, but nobody´s coming...
  11. December 17, 1939: It gets rainy and winter is coming - only shore bombardment by several UK/french battleships. Half of a german corps flees in panic - so only 5 str points left .
  12. Allies don´t leave their entrenched positions - only Maginot guns fire at some Germans in the Siegfried line and reduce an army to 5.
  13. Yep, not much Poles left - units with a total of 17 strength points . Whole german fleet in the Baltic except one sub raiding convois. French battleship bombards Kopenhagen. In Africa Italy sent some reinforcements to protect its cities.
  14. Allied turn 2: French battleships find the german sub U 29 near Benelux - superior allied naval forces sink it immediately despite some diving . Polish forces get a special reward for their achievement to hold their capital another turn - nevertheless, kamikaze orders are already in place and every man looks for a german tank to commit suicide to prevent the enemy from plundering too much of the country
  15. And here my first official SC 2 AAR - dedicated to Desert Dave : Hellraiser´s Axis advances towards Warsaw, corps near the city destroyed in the process. Allies preparing defences and special operations. Both french med corps transporting to France to help the defence. UK Bomber in Malta. German corps in Siegfried line gets some hits by Maginot gunfire.
  16. Hellraiser is ready for a game - so Desert Dave will get his game with me as Allies - including AAR - already today .
  17. So game with Rambo is scheduled for next Saturday, including an AAR . If we have enough time it will be a mirror game - first game with me Allies, second one as Axis.
  18. Could be the proposed game will happen soon - perhaps sooner than expected . @Rambo: If you are still there - ICQ .
  19. Same way as you invested your research chits - just click at the arrow that points down instead of the up arrow. Then you will be asked if you really want to reclaim your research investment at 50% of the value and can confirm it = cancel your research of the project (chit by chit).
  20. Yep, taking Malta is easy if it is the only task you want to achieve - but usually you will have better things to do than a siege of Malta that will most likely take several months and consume too many ressources for a doubtful value. So I personally most probably never will take Malta by force in the game - simply not worth it. My units, especially the AFs have much more important tasks at that time .
  21. Hi Desert Dave, at the moment both sides have a good chance to win - most likely the one with the more experienced commander . Players have many opportunities to mess it up - e.g. declaring war to the "wrong" nation/ in the wrong order, neglecting their guards at the russian border (1941 there is an additional one needed ). So who just plays without caring about the rules will surely be beaten by any player who already knows them . I guess the most frequently "used" opportunity will be to miscalculate when to start buying troops and stop investing in tech. Since there is a production delay of several months, players need to start producing troops at the right time spot or they will be overrun while still waiting for their units... As Allies it is key to be patient and not attack too soon - otherwise they are doomed if Axis did it right till then. So any impatient player will have a problem when playing Allies and most likely go down - as Axis it is no problem to simply go ahead and attack everything in the way. But as Allies this tactic will be deadly against any able opponent - so in this sense, Allies are more demanding to play . [ April 17, 2006, 11:38 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  22. Your ships should be in supply when attacking - replenish them in port before you start your attack. Then they have an expected damage of 1-2 vs fortress and port. After bombing them out of order don´t forget to bomb both to 0 every turn again so they can´t recover. Priority for ships is the fortress since port can be attacked by AFs if necessary.
  23. Units with supply 5 or less have - 1 action point (AP). So the Paratrooper had only 1 AP, but would have needed 2 to enter a mountain hex. To free it: - either move a HQ close to it (in mountains i.e. only 1 hex away) so it gets supply 6 and therefore 2 APs again. - or wait to get motorization and upgrade it In southern Norway there is no place you can´t free it with a HQ since you can move it close enough at every spot and it is still supplied by one of the 3 cities (= provides supply of 8). Nevertheless, the best way is simply to avoid getting lost in the mountains since rescue messures are pretty expensive and/or time consuming... .
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