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Everything posted by Terif

  1. Game continues: March 8, 1942: - Spain and Greece surrender to Axis, Odessa lost - Russia liberates Beirut and the last Iraqi oilfield, still 4 axis units cut off near Baghdad...russian soldiers continue rabbit hunting in the desert - airbattles over France - UK and US forces start evacuation from Gibraltar - Russia reaches LR 1
  2. Bid is 240 in 1:5:30, i.e. with the ~1000 mpps it gets anyway, Russia started with around 8000 mpps + most units survived the first strike . With the "ZCC" Axis is very low in mpps both collected ones until Barbarossa as well as in mpps/turn. Additionally western Allies can save a lot of units and hold France pretty long - UK/France evacuated a total of 14 ! units from France including french HQ, tank + army. So when USA joined, Allies were 2:1 superior in numbers already and around 200 mpps/turn ahead. Now with Iraq, Africa, Balkans, Spain etc. Allies are getting something around 350-400 mpps more mpps each turn than Axis . Since Allies invested heavily into research, they should soon catch up too (Russia just got Jets 1). UK is already ahead in Jets (Jets 3 vs Germany 2) and has also some LR (but Germany still leading with LR 3). So Axis will need a miracle to win this one...
  3. January 11, 1942: - Finland surrenders to Russia - Portugal Dowed and surrenders to UK - Yugoslavia coups: Yugoslavian forces liberate Hungary, Greek forces unite with the yugoslavian troops - Iraq siege ended, russian tanks and armies operate into Iraq so Axis will loose its remaining 7 units there too in the next 1-2 turns. - Spain still holding, but Madrid should fall next turn - conquered Sicily fortified and used as base for more invasions: transports swarming the eastern med.
  4. Your turns ARE taking 10+ minutes - not to mention phone calls, eating etc... However, game will perhaps not take so long any more (in turns) - Allies 2:1 superior in numbers, ahead several hundred mpps/turn and just rescuing Iraq... Italian corps in Iraq destroyed, russian tanks only 2 hexes away from Baghdad to save the iraqi defenders. US fighters operate into Iraq too and help the cause. Iraq should be save next turn. All finish defenders destroyed too except one corps in the capital. 3 german AFs in Romania waiting for a turkey invasion fleet that will never come .
  5. November 2, 1941: Germany already at least at lv 3 LR - without any catch-up. But won´t help them since Allies are now with USA 2:1 superior in numbers... UK forces occupy Tripolitania, small naval battle near Sicily - but since 2 german AFs are estimated nearby, allied navy retreats - only Vichy cruiser lost. Spanish forces fortify their capital. No russian city lost, german forces retreat behind the river near Königsberg and russian forces follow them - damaging a german army + italian corps while establishing a defence line behind the river. Airbattles over Finland, russian forces approaching Helsinki. Other russian AFs attack axis forces near Iraq.
  6. October 5, 1941: Barbarossa started - all russian tanks, 3 armies and 2 AFs escaped. Only 9 german armies, 4 corps and 4 AFs were attacking Russia. Nevertheless Germany demonstrates LR 2 by killing the 3rd russian AF. Italy at AT 1. Vichy got attacked simultaneously, Marseilles and Beirut conquered, but Algier free - no invaders there since the allied fleet was waiting. Now Allies attack Sicily, transports looking for open cities . Unfortunately USA stayed out of the war with 98% and additionally Finland joined the first turn. But even without USA, Allies already are 3:2 superior in numbers...
  7. August 24, 1941: Italian battleship destroyed - no allied losses in the operation. Barbarossa is close: USA 67%, Russia 87%.
  8. July 27, 1941: Everything quiet except italian ships bombarding Gibraltar...but they bombarded one turn too long : Italian cruiser sunk by a UK task force, Caio battleship surounded.
  9. June 1941: German AFs at the french coast show Jets 2 - at the end of the turn UK catches up to the same level.
  10. March 30, 1941: The allied attack at Bergen did its purpose - France hold one more turn so Allies were able to evacuate nearly every unit. Only a str 4 french corps left in Paris for defence . In Londons street some protests are going on concerning too much foreign immigrants...a lot more french units are living now in England than english ones .
  11. March 2, 1941: Germany moves several AFs to Norway - heavy airbattles with UK AFs and carriers. Alexandria falls. Since most german air is out of reach of Paris, Allies decide to stay another turn and evacuate some more troops .
  12. January 5, 1941: Evacuation time - everyone into the boats . Only 8 corps and an army left for defence purposes around Paris. Meantime all carriers are practicing at Bergen again after the german Norway-AF moved towards France.
  13. Yep, time for evacuation comes closer - but Allies still holding Brussel and the defence line to Paris. Alexandria under siege.
  14. September 29, 1940: And Axis back to the start (i.e. 2 hexes in LC) - italian corps killed.
  15. September 1, 1940: Germany again has 2 hexes in LC, Allies try to kill a german army at the coast near Brussel (expected losses: 10) but it survives airstrikes, bombardement by french cruiser and tank attack at str 3 so it made no sense to send a UK ship into port for bombardement since it was not possible any more to finish it off. In Egypt french forces left Suez and retreat to Beirut so Suez can fall to Italy - some UK reinforcements were on the way via Suez, but since Egypt was lost already it was better to send them back .
  16. Sorry, this isn´t a real strategy - only suicide like your LC+Denmark DoW last game . Some years ago without much bids for Allies it worked, but not nowadays. Game continues for some hours: August 4, 1940: Germany conquers the hex SE of Brussel and so has 2 hexes in LC, but exposes a str 6 tank to a counterattack. August 18, 1940: German tank killed by french armies, again only one hex in LC german. Italian landings in Egypt, country will be soon lost to the invaders since all UK air is busy in France .
  17. Italian corps killed in return - next turn Germany conquers LC forest. Small airbattles at Bergen + carrier training. Sweden will surrender this turn. Italian bombardements in Egypt. Game postponed, will be continued tomorrow.
  18. June 9, 1940: Perfect combat result for Germany: UK AF in London intercepts and gets destroyed. Italy joins. LC heavily defended including an entrenched french tank in Brussel.
  19. May 12, 1940: Small airbattles in LC - UK lv 0 vs Germany jets 1, but at the end of the turn UK catches up to lv 1. 3 french and 3 UK ships died a heroic death in the defence of Skandinavia. The loss of more ships wouldn´t have delayed the invasion much more and they are needed against a most likely Sealion later. So allied navy retreats from Norway.
  20. March 17, 1940: Gneisenau survives at str 1 outside Norway and retreats - french navy from Marseilles and the Atlantic arrives.
  21. 5 allied ships protecting Norway, 7 more on the way...let´s see what he will do now
  22. Zapp goes again fully against Poland - Zapps new "strategy" with conquering Hungary/Romania at the beginning is coming again...but this time Allies are prepared .
  23. Zapp don´t be ridiculous and come into our next game (as I told you I have only 1.5 hours left today)...that a LC gambit increases Italian readiness is written in many, many threads (including my help thread from 2003...). There is nothing unclear, but If you make such newbie mistakes nobody can help you and analyzing it to death won´t help too .
  24. Sorry, but this is just basic stuff even new players know when they read my help thread for new players . A LC gambit brings in Italy nearly immediately as every player who calls themselve a veteran should know . Germany only has to place a unit near Brussel and a second one near Maginot - known nearly since the beginning of SC and you can´t tell me you wouldn´t know...ok perhaps you forgot it (like many things...)
  25. Ups, Zapp already surrenders...Allies not able to stop Axis in France and Italy joins - Game over for them. Next - and probably last since I only need one more win - game vs Zapp
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