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Everything posted by Terif

  1. September 6, 1942: - Axis forces start a hunt for the last russians...approaching Caucasus and Urals...Sevastopol + 2nd mine conquered...german forces cross the river east of Rostov - Defence forces start forming in Spain, axis forces retreat into the french mountains and to the new defenceline LC-french mine-Swiss.
  2. August 23, 1942: - 2 russian corps + 2 armies killed and another army cut off near Moskov. Only 1 russian AF intercepting this turn, despite all in range - seems Russia is running out of mpps - Bordeaux lost to the LR 3 UK fighters, but still a solid line goes one hex west of Paris from the channel until Spain. - Germany gets LR 2 at the end of the turn
  3. August 9, 1942: - russian mine near Smolensk and Leningrad conquered (tank + 2 corps destroyed), Moskov under attack. Russian tank that freed Zhukov down to 2. - Allies reach Paris in the west - German scientists finally learn something from the allied super-weapons that fall from skies every turn and discover LR 1
  4. July 26, 1942: - russian tank, 2 armies + 2 corps killed in return, Kharkov conquered. Zhukov HQ gets cut off by german tanks east of Finland and reduced to str 4 - lets see if it will survive . 2 other corps cut off near Kharkov, Sevastopol mines threatened. - nothing new in the west, the usual 2 corps got killed. Allies still 2 hexes away from Paris. Airstrengths: Germany 8 AFs (Jets 1, LR 0) Russia 6 AFs (Jets 2, LR 1) USA 2 AFs (Jets 1, LR 1) UK 5 AFs + 3 carriers (Jets 2, LR 2)
  5. July 12, 1942: - Leningrad cut off and surounded - german forces approaching Kharkov - Russia again ahead in Jets: demonstrates lv 2 in the airbattles. - no allied advance in France this turn, only 2 axis corps lost.
  6. June 28, 1942: Yep, German war machine is gearing up...nearly 2:1 superior in unit numbers now (but mainly the 20+ corps in France... ). - Finland joins - Smolensk occupied - german air moves closer to the front - Russia shows AT 1
  7. June 14, 1942: - central mine conquered. Russians countered near Smolensk and killed a 3 star german tank. But in return they lost 2 armies and half a dozen corps, nearly another german tank would have gotten the empty city of Kharkov, but a russian HQ blocked the path. German forces reach Leningrad. - in the west Allies are now slowly advancing towards Bordeaux and Paris. - Russian AFs show Jets 1 in the airbattle, but finally Germany catches up at the end of the turn: Jets 1 for Germany, LR still at lv 0. Research chits shifted now as Germany reached AT 2: both research chits sold and LR increased to 4 chits, Jets to 5 chits. Russia now also demonstrates LR 1 by killing an italian corps at Leningrad.
  8. May 17, 1942: - Minsk conquered, russian tank, army + 2 corps destroyed. Russian air retreats after german AFs move into direct strike range. - no allied Advances in France, Axis loosing 1-2 corps each turn. At the end of the turn Germany catches up to AT 2.
  9. April 19, 1942: - 2 russian corps and an army killed, last cruiser destroyed but also a german one lost to airstrikes. - line in France holding 2-3 hexes before Paris/Bordeaux - Known techs: Germany: AT 1, IT 1 LR 0, Jets 0(2 chits AT, 3 LR, 4 Jets, 1 IT) Italy: GLR 1 UK: LR 2, Jets 1 USA: LR 1, Jets 1, AT 2
  10. March 22, 1942: - Riga conquered, tank + 2 corps destroyed France: - US corps killed - the last german air operates to Russia. 2 dozen axis corps supported by italian armies take over the defence.
  11. February 8, 1942: - german tank+ corps lost, but Russia looses 2 tanks, an army and 2 corps in return. Kiev conquered. Some new german armies built near Königsberg. - in France a US army gets killed, but due to bad combat results a german AF gets lost too. Corps building program started.
  12. Good allied move - the italian fleet is more or less lost. US corps at Gibraltar down to str 2. Both Gibraltar and Tangier defended by italian corps. Greece and Portugal surrender, Odessa captured. Axis forces block a russian transport near Romania. 2 new russian corps killed, the last remnants of the 9 russian starting armies removed except a last army south of Odessa. UK already at LR 2. Germany still LR 0, Jets 0. Scientists are lazy - executions have begun...perhaps now they will start working
  13. November 16, 1941: Barbarossa starts with the cutting off or destruction of all 9 border armies, both tanks and an AF. Since Germany still is at Jets 0 and LR 0 they coulnd´t reach the other 2 AFs. 9 german armies, 5 tanks and several corps enter Russia, supported by 7 AFs. Iraq surrenders, Portugal (defender destroyed) and Greece (capital occupied) will follow next turn. In France Axis set up a corps defence, supported by some AFs in the mountains so Allies can´t kill them.
  14. Yep, low tech game - 10 german research chits and also no techs so far. Only Italy got an advance with its lonely chit . After the battle at Brest (4 german AFs vs 3 UK + 3 carriers) everything is quiet - with Yugoslavia all minors before Barbarossa collected. Preparing for Russia...USA in the war.
  15. @komninosm: Yep, this jerk never stops - his campaign is raging since now nearly 2 years and destroyed already many threads...hopefully you will never meet such a possesed guy with stalker behaviour. Back to topic: Yes, I clicked end turn and then supply/HQ command are shown correctly. As the bug only appears when you have already moved your units, then save + later load it again, it is lastly only a display error since it has no effect on gameplay. Neither can you attack with those units, nor does it help you in defense since supply/HQ command is recalculated at the start of the opponents turn. @Hellraiser: Yep, Saturday 12 am GMT+2 would be fine - I´ll be there (ICQ) .
  16. @Hellraiser: Now you know why it makes no sense arguing with Zapp...it will never find an end even if he has to make up stories . BTW: Jets has research priority as Axis and I never invest much into IT since this will not pay off - usually only 1 chit, maximum 2 with early jets - so nothing with IT lv 4 in game No1 like Zapp now misrepresents it as it would be a fact...just to pick up one little thing . However, will not argue any more with Zapp too, as it makes no sense and is simply a waste of time anyway. Better to play a game instead. Yep, we have an ongoing game Hellraiser, if you have time we can continue at the weekend .
  17. @Hellraiser: Fully agreed (except your first sentence...lol ). If someone wins vs me he has certainly achieved a good level of gameplay or else all luck wouldn´t help him . Avatar pushed the luck, but also did a really good job when he got the opportunity - defended southern France very good and so earned his win by surprising me with some new tactics there. In Rambo´s case it was definitely his new strategy (RACK)where I was not prepared against that killed me in the first game, this was a victory where he can be proud of . Zapp also played solid, but in his case it was not the strategy or good game play why he won. But he acted like his strategy would be the greatest thing in the world - which it is not, and which he now perhaps slowly recognizes too after more games have been played and this strategy now comes out of fashion because of the disadvantages. In the game, Zapp has my respect - he is a solid player. But in the forum he lost it a long time ago and proves it again and again - like in his post here in this thread. In the forum all he can do is start rumours, detractions and smear campaigns in all forms. On one side it is admirable with which meticulousness he searched in the past all forum posts for sentences or words I posted he can use against me - and if he didn´t find one he simply started another made up smear campaign for provocation so he would get new material. But on the other side I really have enough from his behaviour and especially his habbit to write post after post analyzing every word of a reply to turn it around in someones mouth... So I will surely not try any more to debilitate his various attempts with facts, because this is useless as the past proved - it only leads to dozens of new nice threads with made up stories of him so in the end nobody knows any more how it started - which is perhaps the purpose why he usually does it. However - if he leaves me alone, I will do the same.
  18. @Zapp: OMG - I knew it was a mistake to play you a last time...you really can´t bear to loose... Back to smack talk, detractions, side blows and other nice comments in the forum, eh ? Do you really have nothing better to do with your time than your mud slinging crusade ? In the meantime I can only pitty you and hope to never meet such a person in real life
  19. No supply/HQ command bug - during your turns it is correct. Only if you save and reload the turn, it seems to be an optical error at your already moved units there (i.e. no effect on gameplay). When you end the turn the display is updated and correct again.
  20. Don´t know why Swiss in near invulnerable the first turn, but it can´t be because of Supply cause even with entrenchment removed, HQ supported armies do 0 damage. However, it is good that Swiss is not that easy anyway. If you attack Swiss before USA/Russia/Italy have joined, then they really don´t like it and readiness raises a lot, so only a fool would do it at that time - just start a single game and DoW it, then you see it .
  21. @hellraiser: Yep, I see not much sense in playing roulette in a strategy game, especially if you have similar odds . Against a good axis player you can only do a LC gambit turn 1 which will fail in most cases, so you will loose many games/tries already in turn 1. Even if you succeed and get Brussel, then Russia is delayed 1-2 turns and USA 4-6 turns. Since Germany normally attacks LC - in contrary to Ireland - it also affects Russia and not only USA like an Ireland attack and for USA it counts double too: the missing attack from Germany + the allied attack. BTW not attacking Ireland is another disadvantage for Allies since they are missing the mpps+experience from it. Italy will join already turn 3-5 giving Axis a lot more mpps than normal and they are able to conquer the Med already before the fall of France improving the situation even more... In the end a LC gambit tipp the balance in average around 2500 mpps in favour of Axis - and so long you will (nearly) never delay Axis in France to compensate that. OK, if you are able to stop Axis in France you win, but against a good and patient opponent you will need extreme luck - but what does it make for a sense to throw perhaps 10-20 games away to finally win 1 simply by luck ? SC is a strategy game or at least should it be, if someone wants to play roulette, he should better go to the casino .
  22. Swiss: They don´t start with supply, but are practically invulnerable during the first turn (expected losses always 0) - so it is even more unattractive to attack them, which is not to recommand anyway. You can only attack them when USA+Russia are in the war and in a longer game you will need them to block the allied advance or you have good chances to loose Italy.
  23. Yep, with normal bids it is not possible to win with ZCC. By attacking their own minors Axis looses too much time and mpps not to mention their minor units - as the last games showed they can never compensate it and start Barbarossa with around a 2:1 inferiority in numbers and also very low income compared to Allies.
  24. May 3, 1942: Massive landings in and around Brest (garrison wiped out), Eisenhower commands a strong US army task force, french tanks and lots of UK corps + armies...no german resistance any more... The last axis defenders in Iraq got killed, Alexandria under siege... Heavy air and ground battles around Kiev as Russia starts the offensive there... Allies superior 2:1 in numbers, getting nearly twice as much mpps/turn than Axis... Finally Axis accept they have no chance any more ...as it has been the case since a long time...Axis surrender unconditionally. [ July 10, 2005, 04:28 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  25. April 5, 1942: - all UK forces from Spain evacuated, 2 US armies defending Lisbon and the fortress. - spanish Marocco, Algier, Tripoli and Sicily heavily fortified by Allies now - UK air attacks in France, no airbattles, Brest under attack, transports along the french coast - in Egypt an italian corps is not fast enough...or the russian tanks were faster...it got killed on the way to Suez, Suez liberated. Another 2 italian armies destroyed in the desert near Baghdad. - battles near Kiev start - Russia gets LR 2 Airpower: Germany: 7 AFs (Jets 2, LR 3) UK: 3 AFs + 3 carrier (Jets 3, LR 1) USA: 1 AF (Jets 1, LR 1) Russia: 9 AFs (Jets 1, LR 2)
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