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Everything posted by Terif

  1. Perhaps the international section of Panzerliga will more meet your taste and you can pack away your enigma . So here the link to the same page, only in english : SC 2 League at Panzerliga
  2. Sealion is too easy for Axis - so at least it should bring in USA and Russia as according to Blashy it was originally planed .
  3. For USA this is correct, they will join after a few turns with axis units around London or Manchester. P.S. would be better for the next patch to include Edinburgh too, since otherwise this will sooner or later leed to the same tactic as in SC 1 to just take northern England and then after destroying the defenders in a last attack take Manchester and London . But USSR readiness only increases once. As far as I can see there is only one script, and that is a one time event (25% chance, checked till it triggered), not reoccuring (so a per turn increase should be added and same as for US - Edinburgh should better be included as condition position too): ; Axis land units in England resulting in a ; 30-35% increase in Soviet activation towards Allies: { #NAME= Sealion #2 (USSR->Allies) #POPUP= #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 1 #COUNTRY_ID= 4 #TRIGGER= 25 #DATE= 1940/01/01 ; 30-35% activation increase towards Allies #ACTIVATION= [30,35] [2] ; Axis land 1-2 units in the UK within 1-2 tiles of London OR #CONDITION_POSITION= 64,15 [1,2] [1,2] [1] ; Axis land 1-2 units in the UK within 1 tile of Manchester #CONDITION_POSITION= 61,13 [1,1] [1,2] [1] }
  4. Game continued: In Juiy 1941 Germany attacked Brest with full force (conquered it) and even brought its fleet into the channel (battleship bombarding Brest, subs south of London) to break into the Atlantic - was the moment we saved. Allies had prepared a nice trap with the whole RN around England to kill all german ships in one strike if they had moved to Brest, but Axis unfortunately changed its mind and headed back in the crucial moment. So Allies could only follow the fleeing ships, damaging Bismarck to 5, sub destroyed after it sunk a UK battleship - the rest of the german fleet escaped. UK revealed Anti-Sub Tech level 1 during this operation at its cruisers and carriers . After this small battle it was quiet phase and building up for Barbarossa that started October 5, 1941: Russia immediately declared war to Finland and conquered it without much resistance after a few turns. Riga + Minsk had been abandoned, occupied by Axis. Kiev and Odessa defended - german corps killed at Odessa, 2 Romanian armies reduced to str 1 and 2 before Odessa and Kiev finally fell. Germany at Infantry Weapons 3, Anti-Tank 3, Motor 1, Heavy tank 1 - only 2 german tanks in action. Russia IW 2, AT 2 and HT 2. Passive Axis gameplay so far - Russia left an open Corridor between Moskow and Kharkov, but Axis entrenches at Smolensk and Kiev instead of moving forward. So Siberians are triggered by time and arrive in June 1942. All axis air was stationed in the west to prevent an invasion till last turn, before they now operated to Romania. USA got convinced by italian diplomats to stay out of the war a bit longer - game saved in July 1942, USA at 87% now. Both sides building up for a gigantic battle that has to start sometimes in the near future . [ April 30, 2006, 11:35 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  5. Rambo first needs some sleep - he fell asleep over the keyboard (literally) at 6 am in the morning after playing the whole night . So at the moment he should be sleeping deep and tight .
  6. Yep, will be fixed in a patch - but at the moment this is the important (and funny ) aspect of the french campaign and therefore belongs into an AAR: if the french managed to kill themselves or not and how many the germans were able to rescue and survived .
  7. Poland surrenders turn 2 after an average kamikaze mission. Now Axis is not in a hurry and waits till spring to attack in the West. In the meantime Germany invested in diplomacy: Spain 53% September 1939 followed by 63% in November 1939. UK invested every mpp into counter diplo after turn 1, so 5 turns later they also had 5 chits. Nevertheless this left them no ressources for any other actions and they had to sit in England from now on. In February 1940 Germany conquered Benelux. Denmark and Norway stayed neutral and never got attacked till we made a break in 1941. Good weather for Axis resulted in mass dying of the french units - one german corps could be taken with them. Kamikaze orders were executed perfectly, so not a single french unit survived the massacre and the defenders reached their main goal: to kill themselves . Therefore Axis was only able to plunder 300 mpps when France surrendered July 14, 1940. Some turns before the surrender, Royal Navy and 2 french cruisers found the german Atlantic sub in the northwestern corner near Greenland and sunk it. After this it was pretty quiet, except for a short german attack against the allied Brest with several armies and 2 AFs. After they lost an Army to shorebombardment + BEF army and some other units got a taste of english battleship guns too, they retreated. Everything quiet in Egypt until Axis invaded Syria directly with amphibious transports and conquered it. After this it went fast – 2 german tanks, 2 AFs 2 armies and several italian forces entered Egypt and killed everything that was not able to jump in the boats in time (Tank+corps rescued – HQ had to be disbanded, one italian corps destroyed). English battleship trapped in port and lost – italian navy also lost 16 strength points, so not a too bad trade . Axis minors (Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria) joined as usual between November 1940 and February 41. Iraq also joined in April 1941. We saved the game in June 1941 – Egypt will surrender next turn.
  8. The key triggers are always the same and defined in the event scripts. In version 1.0 plunder depends on how much units survive, i.e. if you kill less enemies, then you get more plunder. But this will be changed with one of the next patches.
  9. Landings in majors are still allowed. The only forbidden landing is in Rome to force an immediate italian surrender (no attacks at Rome during the first turn of DoW). With these rules the only disadvantage Allies have is they can´t spot axis subs with neutral transports any more (considered gamey by most players). In contrary: Axis has a slight disadvantage since they are not allowed to avoid taking Cairo to keep US/USSR readiness low. So in the end these house rules even favour Allies - but after the first patch they will hopefully not be necessary any more anyway, since they only adress things that already are on the patch-list .
  10. This is the usual production when Axis takes care of the triggers - even a bit low, since Germany was lacking IT. Nothing HR could have done against it - he even increased Russian readiness by 10% via diplomacy. And if Axis would not have won already, they easily could have collected all missing minors when USA and Russia joined which had boosted their economy through the roof. Hope the first patch will shift it a bit back into balance. Cause at the moment Allies will need again a lot of bonus mpps to have a chance in the long run if Axis knows and recognizes the basic triggers - that everyone can look after in the event scripts. As long as Axis is commanded by an unexperienced player who doesn´t look at the triggers, game is balanced. But latest after some game (and/or reading AARs and the help threads that soon will be created ), any able player will have a huge advantage with Axis. P.S.: Axis navy is a bit too strong here, especially the dive percentage of subs is too high. If Axis takes care of its navy, they will not only dominate the ground warfare, but also the seven seas. The only chance of Allies is to get them before Italy and Germany can unite their fleets - combined they are stronger than the UK navy and till USA is in the war, Royal Navy is most likely already toast - even if brought to a save place, at least Axis dominates the seas until then.
  11. October 19, 1941: Several german tanks approaching Moskov - Zhukov under attack before he can move back. Some new russian armies/corps arrive and are placed around Moskov. Partisans take Kiev back. Iran surrenders to Russia. In Finland a russian army is lost - german reinforcements arrived - finish corps killed in return. Allied expedition forces in Spain kill an italian army and a corps. Near Gibraltar 2 UK battleships are lost, last italian cruiser also at the bottom of the sea.
  12. September 21, 1941: Italian cruiser destroyed near Gibraltar, Royal Navy ship lost. Germany landed a Paratrooper nearby and destroyed another allied battleship in Gibraltar port - Paratrooper shoot down to 6 by shorebombardement and several carrier strikes. Entrenching in Spain. Mud in Russia - so only reinforcing and upgrading of the new arrivals from the production queue. Zhukov takes command in Moskow area.
  13. September 7, 1941: Yep, mountains are useful for Allies in Spain . So they can fight the enemy in the plains - german army annihilated near Madrid. Royal Navy retreats as Italy sends its fleet into battle - a lot of str 1-2 allied ships...waiting for the second half of the fleet, called for help from northern Spain . In Finland as expected a russian tank is no more, but the last 2 german armies have to retreat for repairs and a finish corps bites the dust. USA joins the war and - US fleet heading east... Leningrad under siege, german tanks try to break the defence line east of it.
  14. August 24, 1941: German lv 3 tank killed in Finland - russian forces heavily damaged... UK sends heavy stuff to Spain including tank and airfleets. Spanish tank entrenches in Madrid. Allied shorebombardements along the whole coast in Atlantic and Mediterranean.
  15. August 10, 1941: Russian army lost in Finland (3 german armies, tank + 2 AFs in action there), german army killed as retaliation. Second russian tank approaches the battlefield. Defence line in Spain established - spanish and UK HQs lead their troops into battle. German tank and army approaching. Further italian landings kill the defender of the eastern spanish city - now italian occupied. Russia DoWs Iran and moves towards the capital.
  16. July 27, 1941: Heavy battles in Finland - no losses so far for Russia, but it has to retreat a bit to upgrade/repair its units. Finally they got Infantry Weapons 1 and the Lv 0 tank can also need an upgrade when fighting against lv 3 german tanks. Riga lost and Minsk abandoned after enemy tanks fired their first shoots at the defenders. Some more reinforcements arrive in Spain to form a solid defence line in the mountains to protect the coastal cities and Madrid. In the east 4 italian armies/corps landed amphibiously together with a HQ, but didn´t manage to destroy the defender till now. Italian fleet retreats - Royal Navy approaching...
  17. Sorry, Blashy - but it is 1 to 4 odd EVERY turn . So it is no real gamble since every year has around 15 turns, i.e 15 times the 25% chance... Very unlikely someone is so unlucky to not get a result - and in all my test games so far, diplo had nearly a guarantee to work. July 13, 1941: Germany has in Russia only 1 tank and one army - they kill Riga defender but can´t occupy the city this turn. Allies land reinforcements in Spain (several corps) while a spanish cruiser sinks the only italian sub. Sweden surrenders, but in the Baltic a russian cruiser stops a ferry heading towards Finland, searching for illegal passengers. Ferry confiscated as they found a german corps hidden in it.
  18. UK had 5 chits nearly throughout the whole game - Condor obviously 0 - so chance is 25% each turn. So no real luck involved, just math . But in deed diplomacy is too powerful compared to the few mpps it costs and strongly favours Axis if they invest in it too. June 29, 1941: Last german sub sunk by russian cruiser (dived against the swedish one). Bismarck again down to 1 . Russia decided to defend forward this time . so no city lost so far - since Axis forces are spread accross whole Europe at the moment. DoW to Finland, finish border corps destroyed. German HQ Leeb shoot down to 6 near Bordeaux.
  19. Aggressive Axis approach - so Barbarossa will start already in June 1941 and USA is also not happy any more . Iraq now gets convinced by allied diplomats that Axis is the wrong side and swings also 14% towards Allies, so after the coup they are only 66% leaning towards Axis. German fleet underestimated the will of the swedish defenders and looses a str. 3 sub near Stockholm. Only Bismarck (repaired to 3), Tirpitz (str 5) and a last sub (str 7) left. Italian also not fresh any more and every ship damaged - Vichy forces shoot the only repaired battleship again down to 7 . England now start an invasion in France, liberating Brest. German AF in Bordeaux under attack by UK ground forces.
  20. Spring 1941: German air now also appears on the battlefield in Norway - so Allies finally evacuate their army and 2 corps before they can take real damage .
  21. Winter 1940/41: German HQ together with 2 armies and 3 corps approach Bergen and Trondheim - soon it will be time to evacuate, nevertheless this expedition costed a lot of mpps for transporting . Allies only lost some of the free script units in Egypt and even evacuated HQ, tank and corps - heading home to England. On the island also are more than enough defenders already - so just try a Sealion .
  22. Concerning game: In September 1940 Axis finally managed to conquer Malta with the help of all 4 axis AFs and parts of the italian fleet. Meanwhile Allies did some investments into diplomacy - obviously in contrary to Axis. So Sweden is now leaning 19% towards Allies (i.e. no ore transports to Germany) and Spain at 0 % (i.e. Axis minors won´t join).
  23. That´s a good idea - at the moment these battles are kind of..hmm...strange
  24. September - November 1940: Allies evacuate Egypt. Alexandria lost. Hunt for the Bismarck: Just before Bismarck reached the save port, a hit into her steering stoped her 2 hexes away on the open sea. Unfortunately a storm came up in the allied turn, so even after 6 battles Bismarck was still swimming above the sea with 1 strength point. Carrier pilots refuse to fly in such a storm, so Bismarck will most likely escape. German air already operated nearby to support it.
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