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Posts posted by SeaWolf_48

  1. Good points guys, I just wish that the HQ would be alittle stronger. What I mean is supply more units (5 full armies, or ten corps), and reach out to 7 hexes, and be supplies much farther from a city, maybe 8 hexes.

    But HQ's should not be able to be a frontline unit like they can be now. Supply troops, Cooks and USO girls could not stand up to Wehrmacht Battalions.

  2. Jersey

    Good point about the fall guy, and war.

    We have really kicked the hornets nest in attacking Iraq. If you look at a map you will see that Iraq is surrounded by six Islamic nations. Iraq is dead center of the Islamic world and the way that that part of the world thinks of us is kind of scary. To them we are the Jewish, Zionist puppets, Jerusalem occupying, Godless, Great Satan, Bloodloving Crusaders, Imperialist Infidels.

    Now Syria is getting their back hairs to stand up, and I don't know but i've heard that they have a lot of back hair, so much that you can braid it!

    We are in a loose loose situation, if we don't go Saddam will eventual kill our people, if we go the whole world will hate us for taking out the poor helpless peaceloving gentil Hussein. 40,000 children have died of starvation under his regime, how many Kurds killed, how many Shiittes muslims killed, Kuwait raped, but the 10,000 civillians that will probibly die in this war are more important than the ones already killed or the several 1,000s more HE will kill, plus it's US troops doing it!

    Atleast Bush has a purpose and clear direction for doing what he is doing. Britian, Isreal, and the US have the best Intel on earth, and they all agree that to take him out is the ticket.

    Now France and Germany are boycotting our goods, Canada and Mexico are both against our Foreign policy, atleast our Parentland England still backs us, unlike our socalled friendly neighbors.

    [ March 28, 2003, 12:19 PM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

  3. Good job Jon.

    My wish list:

    1. units retreat instead of stand and die.

    2. units retreat toward supply

    3. units retreat after up to 33% damage

    4. units retreat unless told to stand and die

    5. units retreat unless no where to go

    6. units retreat if

    7. units retreat when

    8. units rtreat

    9. units

    10. units surrender if French!

    Well, I guess you see what I would like to have in SC. Let's have SC get out of World War I tactics. :D

    [ March 27, 2003, 06:13 PM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

  4. Jersey

    Just caught this subject today, you know I love this stuff.

    We all enjoy to read your synopses on the historic aspect of this game.

    I remember that the Allied trials at Nuremburg convicted around 20 German men to death penalties. Many more were to serve life sentences and some 7 to 20 year sentences. Most were let go after serving only 5 years. Isreal caught most of the men it wanted and took justice in their own way.

    In Japan however we convicted a 1000 men to death. That's a big difference! Paybacks are a mother____k, 2500 dead at Pearl Harbor must have felt justice.

    Again your analyses of the destruction in Germany is spot on. In Dressden Germany lost more than a A-bomb in Hiroshima, that was like using a nuke but civilization for some reason excepts it. I don't think that US/Britain would have used a nuke on Germany, unless it was used against them, but again the bombings of so many major cities in Germany was like nuclear war. No country has ever surrendered because of just bombing, you always need grunts on the ground, although the French could be the exception. My deductive conclusion comes from the difference in the way we treated the Nazis after the war, and the way we treated the Japs (from above about A-Bombs).

    [ March 28, 2003, 11:36 AM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

  5. Bill

    Italy needs corps in all of her cities, an HQ and an airforce in Italy to stop the Italian Scenario. Can you tweek the Case Blue Scenario for us. Make a modified version for us to play around with.

    Also another modified version with more US Troops at the beginning. With: 1 Air, 1 Bomber, 1 HQ, 1 Tank, 2 Cruisers, 1 AirCraft Carrier.

    That would be fun to play around with.


  6. Well Gentlemen.

    I've been studing the effects of gas, whichever type, and it doesnot do what you read in the news media.

    To kill off the City of London you would have to drop more gas (tons)on the city than explosives (tons) to destroy the population. It does not work that well. Even mustard gas is only effective if a gas shell explodes right next to you, or you get in a low pocket where the heavier than air gas would collect.

    Anthrax is very hard to spread and only works well on animals that breath next to the ground (like sheep and cows).

    The really only truly weapon of mass destruction is a nuke!

    The other weapons only work if you are right next to the source. The PPM (parts per million) of most bio/chem weapons is very high, more than 1000 ppm's. Thats a lot.

    H2S is a very good gas to kill with and it work well above 500 to 700 ppm's. To flood an area with gases take a huge volumn of fuel, you would have to fly a freigth train full to kill 10,000 people. Hitler probibly wanted to use the gases, but knew how ineffective they were. He probibly tried it out on the Russians or Jews in captivity to see how it would work.

    [ March 27, 2003, 11:05 AM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

  7. Edwin hello,

    I agree with your hypotheses about leaving German troops in Russia after it's collapes. But I do believe that Germany would have made territorial troops of the Ukraines or Belurussians to control the mobs. They did that with the Lithuanians and the Cosacks, plus the satellite allies, Romania etc. would be used to control the regions next to their territories.

    If Hilter would have controlled Lenningrad, Stalingrad and Moscow, I believe he would have left the rest of Russia alone (Because of Mein Kampf).

    Thirdly, many Russians were in the Wermacht already, (I've read up to .5 mil) and they would have been willing to police the motherland.

    So, what's my point, with SC not able to produce Satellite troops or russian/wermacht troops maybe not having to control Russia is okay?

  8. Hi John

    Played a Ally AI game where when France surrendered (it's so easy for them to surrender, they do it every 20 years), and all the French Fleet was given to the Allies. There must be something there as a choice in the program.

    "To have and to have not", is my favorite Bogie film with "The big sleep" second, "Maltees Falcon" third.

    Lorin Bacals line "you know how to whistle don't you, you just put your lips together a blow" is one of the great lines in the cellulose screen era.

    You can't blame the British for blowing the sh_t out of the French fleet at Oran, they are so unpredictable and fickle as a people, in my mind there is no blame on the killing of french sailors. Also later on the French killed and wounded around 1000 US Troops when the US Army invaded North Africa. Even now if the French would have back us against Sadam, he would have had to resign, without spilling anyones blood.

  9. Jersey

    I've read that only 20% of the Nazi economy was made up from outside of Germany. If this is true then getting more MPP's from the countries that Germany conquers would only make up 1/5 of their economic needs.

    The game needs to give Germany, and the US more MPP's per turn, and not depending on conquering land. When the US conquered african and european countries like Algers, France and Italy, they gained nothing from them, and it probibly took away from their economic strenght. (How much did England add to the US supplies needs... none).

    It took from several months and up to a year for Germany to see any enconomic benefit from conquered countries.

    Just some thoughts, and ofcoarse I know that you know all of this, You are the DEAN of SC, over 1400 postings!

  10. Hello Edwin

    May The Lord help our American and Ally troops be safe and victorious in Iraq.

    Before the US came into WW2 it took command of the western half of the North Atlantic Ocean and patroled it and fought U-Boats from Nov 1940 thru Dec 1941. The US Navy took charge of Iceland and Greenland to help the RN concentrate on the Eastern half of the ocean.

    Somehow this should be incorporated into your Convoy scheme.

    Also how about setting up convoys in SC to support Troop Ships. The subs would have to take on the ASW ships before destroying Troops Ships.

    USN PBY Catalina's helped patrol the gap between England and Canada from Iceland, so that U-boats could be detected and destroyed before attacking convoys.

    Hitler told Donnetz not to attack American Destroyers or Ships fearing to draw the US into War while still fighting England, and later Russia. But once the Japs attacked Peril Hitler declared war on the US.

  11. Nice idea.

    It should only be an option however, and only in AI mode.

    Three choises, 1-off, 2-historic, 3-nonhistoric.

    Nonhistoric would be hmmmmm, aleins help nazis capture Leningrad (remember the nazis transmitted the first TV broadcast that went into outspace), or Superman fights for US (he speaks English), or Germans invent A-bomb, or Germans invent Aids to destroy French underground, or hollywood mogal Bert Langcaster spies for the Russians, or Hitler has a baby with super evil powers that controls the European nations called Dameion, you know your basic Enquiror topics.

  12. I,m taking a survey on research point usage. After chatting with Terif about his usage of research points I have done much experimenting.

    Here are the Catagories numbered 1 thru 11.

    12 is total used per nation

    1. Anti-tank weapons

    2. Heavy tanks

    3. AA Radar

    4. Long range aircraft

    5. Jets

    6. Heavy Bombers

    7. Sonar

    8. Advance Subs

    9. Gun laying radar

    10. Rockets

    11. Industrial Tech.

    12. How many pts spent per nation

    Respond with "0-4" for points used for each item, "n" for never. "0" for sometimes.

    e.g. here is mine

    Ge: 0,2,n,2,3,0,n,n,0,0,2,10

    It: 0,n,n,n,1,n,n,n,n,n,2,4

    SU: 0,2,n,n,2,n,n,n,n,n,2,6

    Fr: 0,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,1,1

    Br: 0,2,0,2,2,0,n,n,n,n,2,10

    US: 0,2,0,2,3,0,n,n,n,n,3,10

    the 0's are where I sometime put one point.

    Thanks, hope this helps us all understand this catagory better. Take the time to respond, you have nothing better to do. :D

  13. Great topic Liam, SC should be a land warfare game and not a Air Force dominated conflict. We all have played some greedy chap that attacks a Panzer Unit, that has experience level of 3 because of winning ten battles, with 10 Jet units a destroys it. What kind of game is that?

    I would really like to see three different air units. 1) Pure Pursuit Planes (P-51D in 1943 "P" stood for pursuit, later changed to F for fighter). 2) Fighter/bombers like the Typhoon, Thunderbolt, Owl, Stuka tank buster, Il-2 and La-5. 3) Medium bombers, Mosquito, B-25, A-26, Ju-88, Tu-2 etc...

    And no Strategic Bombers at all!

    Fighters fight eachother and bombers, no ship rating or ground attack rating. Fighter/bombers attack ground troops, some naval rating. And Medium bombers longer ranged attack Ships, forts and some ground attack rating.

    Stratregic bombers are like in COS, and not a unit. Naval air could only attack ships and subs. Only in the Pacific did naval air support ground troops, and that was only done by the Marine air squadrons, specially trained for ground support.

    And very very hard to devolop Jets!

    [ March 11, 2003, 04:01 PM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

  14. Go Jersey John!

    I'm totally in your camp about stacking (and this being a WW1 game), but the keepers of the game might disagree, and say that the game engine will not adapt, just like you can't make the map bigger, dah.

    Also the size of units in the game is totally inconsistent with standard OOB's (Order of Battle). The usual size of armies in Europe(excluding Russia) during WW2 were Three divisions make a Corps, four Corps sometimes more, sometimes less make an army (usually 4 Corps, 12 divisions), four times larger than the standard corps. SC make Armies, and half armies. Two armies in one hex would be back to WW1. Making Corps the standard unit, and being able to stack them would be a better solution and consistent to the size of the hex.

    Also stacking a Panzer Corps with an Intantry Corps could get a bonus for combined weapons tactics. Adding a Fighter/Bomber or Tactical Air Force to the attack would constitute a blitzkrieg bonus.

    The squeeking wheel....

  15. Good job Arby, I agree that if Germany does not win by winter 1943 she's thru!

    This is one subject that is not subjective. Here we have concrete numbers of GNP's and percentages (although it seems everyones numbers are different) of what was spent on defense. There is alot of material on the internet abouts this and I'm going to research it. For now the only number that is the same in about 10 different research papers I've read is in 1944 the US GNP was 210 Billion Dollars, of which 42% was spent on defense. That's 88.2 Bil on Defense.

    I'll be back!

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