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Posts posted by SeaWolf_48

  1. In "Blackhawk Down" a Delta Force Sargent tells one of the soldiers that "when bullets are flying past your head, all politics go out the window". When your playing against an opponate you don't care about rules or units, you just want to stay alive. But when the smoke clears and you think about what just happened you want the game either to be more historic or fair. That's human nature.

    Some of us old AH players would like to see the option of having Military Symbols for units instead of icons. You know the ones, the X for infantry Etc.

    What do you think?

    How about being able to designate a German Unit as SS, and having it turn black with white text?

    These are SC2 ideas ofcoarse!

    Also having Panzer Grenidier Corps, and Mechinized Army Corps for the Russians, Also Armored Infantry for the US and Brits. These would have higher move points and stronger attack points than infantry.

    The quote from BHD is from memory, so don't get anual, please tongue.gif !

  2. What kind of history books do you get in Scandinavia (or wherever you are). Kaiser Wilhelm abolished any parliament they had under Bismark and ruled Germany with the Aristocrats and Industrialist. No, not one of the other democracys at that time was anything like Germany, except in your head.

    The Weimar Gov. with it's chief captain Hindenberg (The Thomas Jefferson of Germany according to you) never became a democracy but a pseudo version of one.

    Wa Wa Wa, I hear that same old ploy from ex-nasis about WWII starting because of the Versailles treaty, and how overbearing it was. It was Hitlers excuse to attack all of his made-up villians, the French and the Poles, and those gastly Ruskies (need Leiberstrom), and most of the rest of Europe for that matter. But that's another topic!

    Your Servant:


  3. Strategic Bombing in this game has no meaning. If I Destroy 1 or 2 Mpps of Germany Cities during a bombing, and lose just one, sometimes more, points of Bombers, how many Mpps worth of points did I gain. None. I just loss 30 times the points. How long will it take for the US to make up those losses? Am I missing something! Please tell me.

  4. Reply to David Brown:

    If you have ever read history about Germany and its Government before WWI, I doubt if anyone would side with you about Kaiser Wilhelm II, The Last German Emperor, and his Monarchy being a Democracy. He was over thrown by Hindenberg to set up a Dictatorship. I'll try not to offened too many people here, but Germany has never known true democracy until it was forced upon them after we kicked there butts in WWII. What they had before Hitler was a joke, even Adolf knew that the Weimar Gov. would crumble if ever challenged.

    Ya that's a great example, the American Civil War, the classic struggle of Two Great Democracies (exsisting in the same country at the same time). That was a Civil War Lame-o!

    My comment about the US siding with Gemany was a facetious remark. Churchill and Roosevelt had not become friends until the fall of France, and became great friend after the signing of the Atlantic Charter in Aug of 41. Long after Belgium had be overrun by the Goose stepping, Kraut eating, Pollock raping, napalm sucking Nazis. But I know that America would alway side with another democracy, and not a Fascist Gov. like Adolf Hitlers.

    Now back to Belgium. As others have written about in this topic, if France or Britain attack Belgium, then there should be a penalty upon the US giving aid to Britain and France. The US would have gone to war after Peril Harbor anyway. The US should have more MPP's so they could share them with Britain and the USSR, the way it was in history. This way in SC convoys to England and the Soviet Union would have some importance. Both countries relied upon receiving shipments of vital resources to keep their war efforts strong. The game needs a way of sharing MPP's. Germany gave Italy steel and food thrughout the war to keep her in the struggle. The US gave all of her allies Billions of Dollars worth of aid to keep them in the war. So there it is. The two biggest industrial countries giving aid (MPP's)to their allies. A way to reward and to penalize countries.

    David I had to respond to your comments.


  5. I like your idea about a time limit. But not losing units for recompence. Just have the game turn end and you don't get to finish move all your units. However I've found at the end of the game you have many campaigns going on all over the place, and you need more time than at the beginning. Maybe agree to a time limit per year?

  6. That's good stuff Specterx.

    1)Invasion! It was really hard to invade anywhere in the world without special landing craft designed. The Brits and Japs some times did it from destroyers, but could you imagine doing that on D-Day. Another unit needs to be designed for that purpose. An LST unit or the like( Landing Ship Tank, or as the sailors called the"large slow targets"). The game needs them, and that would cut down on Italy invading wherever she wishes.

    2)I've been preaching the retreat thing for a little while now. Most Armed Forces consider 10% casualities exceptable, higher than that is where most started to squirm. 30% is high, and I believe most sane commanders would retreat at that point(Hitler wasn't sane). Yes we need retreat rules. Perhaps you could click on the unit and tell it to retreat or stand, before combat, retreat being the normal mode? Same with air interdiction!

    3)stacking- don't really care, I just pretend that there is Infantry in Malta. However Ports do look silly with all the ships outside of them!

    4)Subs. The whole working in this game sucks (and I like this game alot). Subs should only be conquored by ASW units. The Nazi Naval Intel radioed there U-boats every day telling them where the convoys where. They got their info from scout planes and other U-Boats. But Battleships sinking sub? Well we need another unit to destroy subs, the good old Tin Cans, yep, DD's and DE's/and Corvettes. Why have subs, a small unit to this game, and small in numbers, and not have destroyers also, I believe there were more DD's and there compliments than U-Boats at any given time. 900 u-boats total, never more than 150 at one time.

    Britain considered them so important that she traded land for ships, and that never happens in history. And where the hell is Iceland? That was a very important unsinkable carrier. PBY's and Liberators scouted the sea for those pesky Wolfpacks. Very important realstate.


    P.S. My Startrek reference was just for ****s and giggles. (another message)

    [ January 03, 2003, 09:11 AM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

  7. Good Mister Alphabet

    Maybe we could have senarios that are historic, and senarios that are open.

    In my reading of history I'm flabbergasted, that Finland would have even fought against the USSR at all. What is the difference in populations between the two. 50 to 1 or something?

    However, Finland did attack those commie bastards, after the nazis pulled their the big wammo on Uncle Joe on June 22.

    Very gutsy I would say!

  8. Subs are a waste in this game.

    Imagine British Battleships roaming the No. Atlantic destroying every U-Boat it came apon.

    It seems to me that Battleships would zigzag the entire trip from UK To US, depending apon the DD's and DE's to protect them.

    Churchill's biggest fear during the war was the strangle hold the U-Boats had apon England. There needs to be more thought put into this feature in the game-it sucks now!

    Like ASW Units, Subs submerge unless detected by them, only special air units can kill U-Boats, u-boats could see more than just the section of the N. Atl. they were in because of radio transmissions from Naval Intel, thus they would wolfpack convoys. Something along these lines, but now it's not worth the MPP's for the germans.

    Just my humble opinion, and I know that everyone has an opinion like everyone has an asshole, and most people get them confussed.

    [ January 02, 2003, 02:51 PM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

  9. Blackybellamy

    I meant that they would retreat when they are attacked.

    i.e. German Army (10 pts.) attacks Russian Corps (10pts.) near Kiev. The Russian Corps takes 6 pts. of damage, it just sits there and takes it. Then another Army attacks the same Russian Corps and poof it's gone forever.

    I would like to see a unit retreat if it substains 50% damage, one space back, and only recieve 25% damage because they did not stand and die, but retreated like real Infanty units do. If the said unit cannot retreat, then it takes the damage and/or dies a terrible painful gorie morbid bloody death.

    Other war games have this tactic, or rule.


  10. I had that obscure goofy idiotic dumb ahistoric imbecillic feeble foolish blockheaded senario happen to me. Waltero took Belgium before I could get there with the Wehrmacht, and it became a foregone conclusion.

    Can you imagine in real history France invading Belgium in Jan 1940. The US would have sided with Germany. Even if France would have taken Belgium (no Democracy has ever attacked another Democracy in history) I doubt if that would have held up or stopped Germany anyway. There combined arms tactics, Air, Tank, Mobile Infantry still would have smashed any Anglo-French resistance in Belgium. But not in SC.

  11. On the money Bill Macon

    Once the Axis gets ahead with MPP'S there is no way for the allies to catch up. I'm playing a 1939 senario against 82ndReady and Russia is holding on but just barely. Russia gets 420mpps, US gets 180 mpps, UK gets 145 mpps; that's 745 total. His Nazis gets 645 mpps, and the Itatians get 180- it has Spain and Greece- they have 825 mpps. I can't catch up.

    Your right, in 3R the US would gain a higher percentage of RP's each year, which gave the Allies the atvantage the longer the game went.

  12. Trotsky was an idealistic romantic, steeped in bolshevik nonsence to control the masses. His regime would have been the same as Stalin's. Ruthless and bruttal rubbing out anyone that got in his way. The only good commie is a .........

  13. KVK you are obviouly proud of your Russian heritage, we all are proud of our Fathers and where they came from, my forefathers were from Scotland and England.

    But as far as the Americans sending the Ruskies a few trucks and jeeps is hogwash. Many British and American sailors and Merchant marines, with there ships, went down making the long trip to ArchAngel. Those trucks and jeeps gave the Soviet Infantry superiority during muddy seasons (which is a large part of the year in Russia), and gave them mobilization to kill germans. Not just some food got to Russia, but many Kilotons of wheat were consumed in Ivans belly. The number of german troops used in Norway and No. Finland to combat the Northern route convoys took 10's of thousands away from the gates of Moscow. Looking at naval lists of what went to the USSR, medicine, clothes, food, ammo, cigaretts but not alcohol, tanks (which were used in quite areas but were still were deadly weapons) and trucks, helped Stalin greatly.

    If Britian had fallen in 1940-41 by SeaLion Russia would have fallen also.

    Yes many russians paid with there lives, killed by Fritz, and the world is grateful for their sacrifice.

    Stalin killed more russians than Hitler, however!

  14. JJ I've come to respect your comments on this site very much. You know your history and I love the way you incorporate pic into your messages. I have observed in my War Book Library that OB West in France and on the Estern Front the German High Command designated a Corps SS if it had one or two SS Divisions in it. Several of my books on WW2 confirm this. The Eastern front had the 1stSS and 2ndSS Corps in many of it's battles during 1943 and on. In the west the 1SS and 2SS Corps fought in Normandy and the XIIISS and XIVSS Corps fought in the Battle of the Bulge. Maybe SC could incorporate these Corps into the game?

    Just one humble gamers poor observation.

  15. Very well thought out CVM.

    Your second senario is very unrealistic. It could never have happened in history. Never in history has one Democracy invaded another to take it over. The British Gov. would have fallen, and the French Gov. would have been killed. The US would have sided with the Germans! I don't like the way SC can corrupt history.

    Your fist senario has some good ideas that I will try!

  16. Once again JJ you are right about the Italians. One of my friends has a Cacano 6.5 Rifle and it's brand new, only been dropped once. This rifle helped the allies win the war, and in no way could L.H. Oswald hit a moving target three times with that weaponed.

    Every game I have played as allies or axis, against AI or on the net, Italy ends up with about six or seven armies in Russia plus a major player in the Med. This would have been impossible for Italy to support. The game needs a cap on the number of units each Armed Force can produce.

    However, in the game Italy starts of too weak. No air units or HQ units, which historicly they did have at the beginning of their war.

  17. Good message Bill.

    This site is so much better than the General, although it was great for it's time. I would like to see playablity foremost in SC, but I think this game already has it. So secondly I think historic value is my most important quality. For example: Italy having too big of an army, Germans having SS Corps, The Democracys attacking another democracy, Belgium (this has never happened in history),the US supplying MPP's to Britain and the USSR, Ice Land, Etc. Not the what ifs!

  18. Good points Jersey, the Hilter Youth were in military training since 1933. They became the backbone of the Wehrmacht, and most of these boys were killed in Poland, France and Russia in 40-41. In two and a half years, Sept 39 thru Jan 42 Germany lost 1,400,000 men, boys enlisting and being drafted were about 400,000 per year (a slow drain on the army, becoming smaller and smaller).

    The point about having super units at the end of the game; Where are the I and II SS Corps in this game. Where are Super units like HG LW Div, 1AH SS, 2Deut SS, 5 Viking SS, 12 HJ SS, 1 Prcht. on and on.

  19. From Knight's Cross a book about Rommel.

    "Every instinct told him that if a force of all arms such as he now commanded (Panzers) could win a tactical battle and break through the crust of enemy defences, it could thereafter exploit success and keep going in a way unenvisaged in previous eras, and this exploitation would create a momentum which, if supported, could have great operational and even strategic results."

    Runstedt and Hitler where constantly yelling at Guderian and Rommel for geting too far infront of the main Army Groups. In France, Russia, and in North Africa these Tank Commanders showed that exploiting the enemies interior lines caused more confusion with the enemy than to the aggressor.

    In Guderians book "Panzer Leader" he takes several chapters to show that he tried to convince the High Command that the Tank has changed warfare. Blitzkrieg became a military doctrine during his time and that maneuver is still used today. During WW2 the Allies never used it, neither the Russians or the British and Americans (Patton did successfully during Cobra, once), but with air superiority any Army should be able to impliment it.

    It would be nice to use in this game!

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