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Posts posted by SeaWolf_48

  1. Opps, my memory isn't what it use too be. Yes your right it was Darius III killed by his own men to appease Alexander, I think Roxanne was his daughter which became one of Alex's wives.

    The Ptolomy's ruled egypt until Cleopaptras death, and the Selucides ruled Syria/Palistine past Herod the lessor death. Both started by Alexanders generals.

    How about those Tigers (PZKW VIB)!

  2. Wow, this is one of the most wild rides this forum has gone thru! Xerxes, not Cyrus. His Grandson Arta-Xerxes was killed by Alexander. Alexanders Greek culture influenced his empire for well, until now, but greek was the cultural language even in the Roman empire. The New Testiment was written in greek because most people at that time in the roman empire could read and speak greek - all because of little Alexander.

  3. I agree with you Bill if you consider that Strategic bombing is only what the allies did during 1943-1945. However the first strategic bombing to another country to destroy its planes, radar, and airfields during WW2 has to be the Battle of Britain. From Eagleday Sept 15, 1940 thru spring of 1941, the Luftwaffe spent it's entire energy and manpower trying to destroy the RAF, and Britains will to fight. You have read Churchill's books on that period, and they were very frighten of what the Luftwaffe was doing to their defences. This period of time should be represented in our game by some sort of expenditures of MPP's.


    SeaWolf :cool:

  4. Right on JJ

    The Kriegsmarine sent U-Boats into the Med regularly (the Med flow in two directions at different depts thru the straights of Gibraltar, the subs would simply float thru at i/3 speed), and at two different times had 20 boats patroling in the western med. The game does not allow subs to enter the Med until Gibraltar has fallen to the Axis, so I stuck one understrenght sub unit in the med. in my Italian Campaign Senario. I also have SS troops in a new unit_sprite.bmp made to look like Third Reich Units. Try it, you'll like it!

  5. Dear Kurt

    The Italian Army in Russia had three corps of infantry. They were destroyed in the 1942/43 Russian Winter Offensive north of Stalingrad, and never replaced. These troops weren't any better or worst than any other Axis Minor force, they had no anti-tank weapons worth a damn, the the Russia Tank force went thru them like a hot knife thru butter.

    In SC I've had up to 8 It. Armies with 2 Air Force units in Russia. The game does not allow the other Axis minor forces to produce any more corps, so I just pretend/assume that they are the replacements and additional forces the Romania, Hungary, and Finland Armies could produce. It's not a perfect world! :eek:

  6. Hay Sven

    I think my ancestors the Scotts (Picts) where the first to beat the Romans. Three legions went into scotland and never returned (around 100 B.C.). Thus the Hadrian wall was built around 127 B.C. to keep the blue faced barbarians out.

  7. Well said JJ, you aways seem to amaze me with your grasp of history. Rome was amazing and strong with a great shipping and road system. But it crumbled from the top, and the Senate became a joke!

    As you know not all were Roman citizens, but only the ones borne to it in Rome itself, bought it, or bonre in Colony Cities like Phillippi in Greece or Tarsus in Asia Minor; until Constantine made all part of Rome, but not the Rome that you think of under the eariler Caesars. I have one book on Rome that said under Constantine the Roman legions increasted to 75 (900,000 men).

    Still a small number to control such a large empire. During the Civil war, the most intresting period of their history and one I hope will be made into a war game, Rome has like you say only around 25 legions.

  8. The next dominate world player will be China, possibly joined up with Japan! China's GNP is second only to the US. China is very aggressive and has big plans for the future (watch out world), and I think that the US is slipping now, and going to slip behind Europe and Asia because of the corruption from within. The moral thing, bad Judges, porno, moral degradation, humanism, bad Polititions, bad lawyers, bad CEO's leading the Corprate Industry down the toilet. I love this country, but anyone can see the hand writting on the wall.

  9. True germany's bomber were only twin engined and limited to bomb load, never competting with the allied ones; nevertheless the Luftwaffe bombed england from sept '40 thru may '41 in a strategic way until Barbarrosa started. 1000's of planes shot down and 1000's of lives lost (in our game MPP'S). This kept England tied down on there Island fighting the Hun from the sun! I think the game misses this point! Just my opinion :rolleyes:

  10. In my attempt to make a senario I have developed a campaign when Italy attacks France. This senario is for AI play only. It starts off kicking your butt from the beginning because England has more ships and bombers (which they had, Germany has bombers also- they had the most modern bombers in the world). This starts the Battle of the Atlantic, and the Battle of Britain after the fall of France (which will happen). This eliminates the Belguim debuncle and gives the allies Iraq. Because bombers and subs are hard to buy each side starts off with both and their research points. The USSR starts off with 2500 pts. this give them more troops at the beginning (which thay had). The US stars with 1500 pts. and they can buy bombers and tanks at the beginning.

    SC is a great game but slow if you are a Allies player at the beginning. Not with this senario, Britain is fighting in africa, north atlantic, and over england right away. Make sure you play with FOG on!

    I know some will like it and some will hate it, but I have fun with it.

    You can find it at: www.ww2n.com/schq

    P.S. there is also new units with SS troops, in the Third Reich stile. Also ignor the Poland thing at the beginning, I couldn't edit it out.

    [ January 20, 2003, 09:49 PM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

  11. Good point about the Mediterranian and the Italians. But Malta was the thorn in Italy's side, and as long as Allied planes are there Italy or Germany should lose MPP's. Tripoli needs a seaport that England could bomb!

    Germany first had a battle plan to take Malta with ParaTroops, but Rommel used the troops at EL Alamein instead. One of his biggest mistakes.

    I vote that points are taken away from the axis as long as Malta has an Air Force with a point strengh of 5 or higher.

  12. I reading history about the Eastern Front, one has to be impressed with the gigantic effort and cost that Russia did by moving their heavy industry from the Donnets Basin (their Ruhr) to the Urals. In the city Tankograd they out-producded even the US in main-battle tanks.

    In our beloved game, SC, once the Germans conquer a city the Russians blow it up, Boom! But in actual fact, they moved their machines, bricks, conduits, wires, and pipes to the Urals, and then rebuilt the Plant again. As a Russian player you lose the presious MPP's, instead for regaining them a few months later. Let's face it this game is controled by MPP's!

    Germany had to win the war in 1942, latest summer of '43. After that she had no chance to win. Germany bit off more than she could chew, when she was fighting, the US, UK, and USSR. I feel that the games should reproduce this fact. Now the game goes on and on, even to 1947. This would have been impossible if Russia or England was still a combatant in 1944 or later.

    NOT to mention the MPP's for the US at the end of the game should be 500 MPP's or more each turn.

    Respond! smile.gif

  13. Jersey John, man I love the stuff you write, you really love history (as I do).

    I don't know if we have enough space on the net so solve what Germany did wrong, or why the Roman Empire was so successful, but you must not leave out the Effect of Christianity on both of these Empires (man am I going too get flack for this).

    Germany was seduced by the philosophy of Moderism, Man can do everything thru industry, science and psycology. They left the ground work of Luther and Calvinism, and bought the lie of Evolution. Evolution if you take it to it's conclusion, Man becomes God, therefore you don't need God. Hilter was indoctrinated by these teaching under some Austrian Quack ( I have his name in one of my book on Hitler somewhere), and started preaching about Aryanism (which is a myth).

    Germany having abandoned their Judeo-Christian teaching bought the lie, and whammo, Uberman!

    I think you can attribute the cruelty and barbaric treatment Germany did to it's neighbors and own people because of these teachings!

    Rome is another story about Christianity, see the movie "Ben-Hur".

  14. I don't mind the look of the game at all. However I do mind that the proportions of the map, they are so off. I think that they should take more care making the European map to scale! Mountains have only one scale, the mountains in Turkey and the Alps are the same? The rivers and forest are just placed by someones memory, not according to geographics. Islands are missing, Corsica, Iceland, Greenland, Cos, etc. There are no beaches, you can invade any hex. The Murmansk Convoy route is missing, North Africa needs two more hexes, well, the map has real problems, not with the look, but with it's proportions! The game is great, but I think it could have a better map!

  15. You have uncovered the same problem that I have found with the game. There are too few units represented at the beginning of each senario. Germany had more Bombers than any other country in the World in 1940, but how many are in SC! Britain had the largest Navy in the World but how many units are in SC! Russia has way to few units at the start of Barbarrosa. I hope that SC2 will be more historic.

    It is to hard to develop different units because of the system in the game. Why limit the research points to ten? America, Britain and Germany researched all the catagories in the game and a whole lot more, maybe US, USSR, UK and Third Reich should have 14 points. Each major had updated all of their Air Forces, Navies and Land Units, not one over the other like the game makes you do. Every catagory should be able to increase.

    SC does have the best AI of any game I've played, I hope that the units will represent the Major belligerents of WWII.

    [ January 13, 2003, 12:56 PM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

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