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Posts posted by SeaWolf_48

  1. This is like a posting done two months ago, and there was nothing done after that engagement. The SC gods want the game to be balanced, and not Historically accurate.

    Therefore there should be two different scenarios. One that is balanced for Allied and Axis play (like now), and one scenario that gives the MPP's that were historic. This would cause Germany to lose every time, because of the overwhelming economic power. Ah Ha! But how long could they last before defeat!

    I did the same research and every book and writer has different numbers for every topic, it's very confusing. My final numbers for Military Economic Spending looks like this.

    In 1940 US Dollars

    USA 39 thru 45 ......158 Billion

    Br 39 thru 45 ...... 53 Billion

    USSR 39 thru 45 ...... 67 Billion

    Ger 39 thru 45 ...... 66 Billion

    It 39 thru 43 ...... 6 Billion

    Jap 39 thru 45 ...... 24 Billion

    As you can see Italy will not become a super power with these numbers. German money will have to get more bang for their buck, stronger units for their price.

  2. Well done Iron Ranger

    This should be in the SC manual.

    It does point out as you so astutely have revealed, that the Axis does have the advantage in this game. Why England has more MPP's than Germany is goofy. Italy's 115 to Germany's 120 make no sence. When Germany conquared Europe only 20% of it's enconomy was for outside Germany, not 4 times as much! Germany and Russia's economic power were about equal, America was 2 1/2 times Germany. England was 80% of Germany. Italy was 10% of Germany.

    Don't get me wrong I know that this is just a game, and it is very playible, but the MPP's are not even close to what the model should be!

    Again thanks for your analysis, you have a keen insight to this game.


    The two 9-12" gunned ships never did much during the war, and after the war did even less according to you guys. What a waste of time and material. FDR was so impressed with Britians Battle Cruisers that he wanted the US to have some. The US Navy didn't want them, they wanted to make more Battleships, so they became anti-aircraft platforms for the fast carriers.

    I have read that the North Viet Nam Government wouldn't come to the negotiation table until the US Navies 8" Cruisers would stop shelling the DMZ. They were more destructive than the Fighter Bombers to the NVA, blowing the be-zonkers out of their bunkers. I'd like to find out which Cruisers were used in Viet Nam.


    Right now there are 11 Technologies and yet you are allowed only ten chits? Is this to say that America, Germany, and England couldn't and didn't research all items? I think not.

    Also the AI should just put one chit toward each technology, this would simplify the process.

    I agree with Bill if you put a second chit towards a technology it should cost more, say 50% more.

    Finally, we need a 12th technology! Many postings about that, but I thought that it could still be mentioned here. (Military Intel/ Spy, Partisan, Underground)

  5. Rock Solid Doc Jersey

    Very good posting, you ofcoarse are right, innocent people being labled is a travesty. True Socialist/Communist however are not democrates, not the liberal kind, I mean believe in democracy). True communism only works under a Benevolent Dictator. Problem is there are no Benevolent Dictators, only Despots. When Russia came crashing down, I never thought that they would imbrace Democracy. It's still in question, and Russians like strong leaders, like Stalin, Brezhnev, Lenin. "Just show me who I need to kiss up too and I'll be happy, it's more simple and I don't care about your voting"! It's kind of a gangbang mentality. Krips and Bloods, Bolshevik and Marxist (not Groucho).

    The real problem now are the Fundamental Islamic Fanatics, 15% of Muslims, yes, even living here in the US, they don't care for Democracy either. Same mentality, which family member or clan do I kiss up too.

  6. To Doc Jersey

    Years later the whole thing was seen as the travesty it really was and the names were uncovered as though nothing had ever happened, which is why it's unlikely young people today would know about that practice. There's so little evidence it ever occurred at all, yet hundreds of careers were ruined in the process.

    As you have guessed by now, I'm not a Bleeding heart, more along the line of Stone cold conservie. The hundreds of writting jobs lost open up jobs for writters of Musicals (Mr. Bruce), so hollywood goes on. Also there were some that were truly friends of Uncle Joe, and tried to make him look good. We have the 1st Amend. and it's a good law, (althought porn is not freedom of speach ) but as you have said, most kids today don't know history and the Liberal media has a lot of control over their minds. I,m not saying that liberal, socialist, and commie pinko are the same thing, but close! They all endorse labor unions. I'm not to serious about this posting, just in one of those moods.

    [ May 13, 2003, 05:45 PM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

  7. I would love to have the option (turn on or off) of random events.

    Here's some more:

    - Ike gets caught in bed with Miss Kay Weatherby by General Marshall, tries to get out of it by asking George if he has ever tried a three way, and gets fired! 100 MPP's deducted from US.

    - Zhukov is shot by Stalin because he found Joseph in the Kremlin dress up in black lingerie with a pink negligee. 100 MPP's deducted from USSR.

    - American production falls becuse J. E. Hoover plants damaging evidence in WhiteHouse about Eleanor's Dike behavior, to get attention away from himself, and to cover his butt about his own Homo activity. 200 MPP's deducted from US.

    -Bill Clinton gets caught getting a BJ from Monica and gets impeached, and says "I didn't have sex with that women". When his daughter comes home from school, he asks Chelse if she has had sex during her time at college, she replies "not according to you". 200 MPP's added to US.

    -Hitler dies in a freak surgical operation when his body rejects a testicle from an unknown doner. Adolf says that he wished that he had a full set in the bag. Later the donors name if found out "Mort Weinstein". 1000 MPP's added to Germany.

  8. I have been waiting for the remake of Forbidden Planet, but have heard or seen nothing. Leslie Neisen or Gary Oldman could play Doctor Morbius, Ed Norton could play Jack Kelly's part, Gwyneth Paltray as the daughter, Jim Keary as the captain, no, maybe Jack Black would be better. Anyway it would be great, and have it follow Shakespeare' book "Tempest" more closely.

    At around fourteen Steve Poletti and myself, oh ya I grew up with a lot of Italian kids, their fathers and Grandfathers came to california during WW2 as POW's, and returned after the war to start farming in the San Joaquin Valley, taped Forbidden Planet on real to real tape and memorized every line in the movie. I have it on DVD and watch it once a year or so, along with "1941", Cool Hand Luke, The Longest Day (in color), Planes, trains, and auto's, etc.

    Pointing up, "400 stories", electric sound, "400 stories" looking down, "Yes Gentlemen, this building has been repairing and regenerating itself for 100,000 years". "The Cril built this complex.....

    [ May 13, 2003, 03:54 PM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

  9. Dr. Jersey (Doctor of History)

    Very good critique of life in the 50's. I read a pole of baby boomers when asked,"what did you remeber most when growing up"? 1) Kennedy shot. 2) Davy Crockett hats, guns, lunch pails. 3) Duck and cover, A-bomb air raid alarm.

    I have always hated hollywood musicals. My mother made me go with her to see these horrible non-reality goofy films, my dad wouldn't go. Later I find out that Hollywood was so affraid of McCarthy and what he did that they purposely made these idiotic musicals because they were safe movies to make. Also the WW2 generation didn't want to deal with hard life issues, and wanted to excape from their growing up in the depression, followed by WW2. Just happy, happy, happy music that didn't have any meaning, e.g. "The Pajama Game".

    My point is that Joe McCarthy effected my life by making me sit through all those stupid, loonie, ideallic, boring, Oldest virgin in Hollywood Doris Day Musicals.

  10. My choice would be Military Intelligence. MI was a collage of services from all of the branches of military of each country. Code breaking, spy's, radio detection, photo planes, prisoner info, underground info, electronic warfare, partisans, recon, and luck. As your branch of MI gets better the more hidden units are exposed during Fog of war option. I would suggest that a percentage of enemy units would randomly be exposed depending on the strenght of the MI growth. Churchill once said that one good spy was worth several divisions of men.

  11. Jerey, that movie "Goodby Girl" was funny. One of my favorite movies "Lion of Winter" showed Richard as gay. Come-on, Richard the Fairy Hearted?, Manly men in a manly world!

    Kate Hepburn's greatest line in the movie (one of her 4 oscar movies), was after telling Henry the whatever that she had slept with his father, O'Tool flee's the room screaming NOOOOO, she sets in the doorway at looks right at the camera and says, "Well, every family has it's problems".

    I thought that Dryfuss was better in Jaws, he didn't want to play in that movie, but he was perfect for it!

    The scene where Dryfuss, Shaw and whats his face are all comparing scares is so great, then Shaw says "Indianapolis" very powerful.

  12. OdessaBear

    I read a book in the 90's that said that Churchill was by-polar and a homosexual. It made me so mad that I tore the book up! Can't remember it's name, Thank God. The same thing happens to all great leaders, someone will say, "Linclon was an idiot", "Kenedy was a sexual pervert", "Churchill was a homo", "Clinton was a sexual pervert", I mean "a great moral man", whatever!

  13. Yes, SantaBear a.k.a. Odessabear.

    As you have stated most General Staffs were experts in reading the signs of weakness of there enemies and trained to exploit them.

    Hitler is quoted in your footnote as saying that he had calculated every possibility, but after Stalingrad he lost his nerve, and doubted his own judgments. Kurst and Tunis proves that. Hilter started to fear the Generals because he knew that his will didnot stop russian tanks, and his decisions caused disasters which made his Generals despise him even more. "Everyone is against me". I wonder why! It is amazing that no one would just walk up to him and blow his brains out! I've read that he said "No one has the guts to shoot me, I would be impressed if they would be a man, they are all afraid of me"! Everyone was afraid of him, it's ironic that Hitler as far as I know never killed anyone personally. His decision and orders are a different thing however.

  14. I totally agree with Wolfpack. Needed fresh eyes to see this option. As the armies under a General gain experience the Genereals rating would improve. As armies are lost under a General, his rating decreases. This pretty much happen in history during WW2, as in No. Africa, or Russia, when the armies were getting beaten, Generals were getting sacked (Stalin had some shot). And when the armies were winning, bad Generals looked good, Monty for example.

    One excetion might be that certain countries have restrictions on how high a Generals rating could go. Take Italy for example, the greatest General without good equipment or logistics would be handcuffed.

    Footnote: Added Guderian, and Mannerheim to list.

    [ May 12, 2003, 01:08 PM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

  15. To Jersey, Bullwinkle, Mannerheim

    It is true there is some confusion as to Generals that run Theaters and Generals that run an Army. I re-evaluated Eisenhower because I beleive, like you, that he would have been a terrible tactician but was a great diplomate keeping the British and Americans from shooting at eachother.

    Most of the names listed are Generals of an Army and not Army Group Generals and herein lies the problem. This exposes the problem of one General not being able to support enough units. Therefore you need more HQ units than were in the Theaters during the war.

    You guys are right, Guderian, and Mannerheim, should be added to the list. As far as the smaller countries, the capitol city of each country should support armies just like the HQ units do (as long as you stay within the country's boundry).

    I don't think Kesserling was a good army or tank tactician but a brillant Theater Administrator. He forsaw Rommel's supply problems but didn't, as far as I know, tell Rommel how to move divisions. Later when he ran the Italy Campaign, I think the terrain of Italy made him a good General, more than his own abilities.

    Liam, LOL. Make Hitler a 3 for 50 MPP's.

    [ May 11, 2003, 11:15 PM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

  16. I have reviewed the Generals of SC and propose a change in values. So copy/paste the list into your reply and revise the values of Generals if you wish to have input. I know that this is a very subjective rating but I would like to get a consensus from the SC Brotherhood of what the ratings should be. I have doubled the amount of General listed because there are far to many good Generals left out (e.g. Devers, Yeremenko, Dempsy, Hoth),the Germans now have 11, I've listed 22, and so forth.

    e.f. Popov (4) 6

    The change in rating is as such: old rating (4), new rating 6 .

    Germany: Rundstedt (7), Leeb (6), Weiss (6), Busch (6), List (6), Kleist (7), Model (7), Rommel (8), Kesseling (8) 7 , Manstein (9) 8 , Bock (6), Blaskowitz 7 , Dietrich 8 , Hoth 8 , Student 7 , Balck 7 , Arnim 6 , Stulpnagel 6 , Kluge 7 , Falkenhorst 6, Guderian 8 , Mannerheim 6 .

    Russia: Zhukov (9) 8 , Popov (4) 6 , Timoshenko (7), Buddeny (4), Konev (7), Vorishilov (5), Pavlov (4), Petrov (4) 6 , Chuikov (7) 6 , Eremenko (6), Govorov 6 , Yeremenko 7 , Vatutin 6 , Golikov 5 , Tolbukhin 6 , Meretskov 6 , Malinovski 6 , Rokossovski 6 , Sokolovski 5 , Vasilievsky 6 .

    British: Montgomery (8) 7 , Wavell (7), Cunningham (6) 5 , Alexander (6), Auchinleck (5), Dempsey 8 , Wilson 7 , Anderson 6 , Leese 6 , Crerar (Canadian) 6 .

    American: Eisenhower (8) 6 , Patton (7) 8 , Clark (7) 6 , Bradley(7), Hodges 7 , Patches 6 , Simpson 6 , Devers 7 .

    french: Billote (4), Gamelin (3) 4 , Weygand (4), De Tassigny 6 , Besson 4 , Pretelat 4 .

    Italian: Gariboldi (4), Guzzoni (4), Balbo (4), Grazioni 5 , Prasca 4 , Ambrozio 5 .

    72 Generals, so go and read and study military maps. See which Generals lasted the longest in Russia or Germany. What should we do when Generals die or are retired from the war in history, leave alone or eliminate when their time is up and put a new General there. Of all the Generals I think the Russian Generals needs the most revamp. I'm sure you'll have your input on who is who and what rating they should be. I don't believe in 9's for a rating, too high!

    Have fun.....

    [ May 12, 2003, 10:51 AM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

  17. I was thru until Brad T. opened his uninformed keyboard.

    USA: Always tricky, I believe the war could have been won without them in the West, by Christmas 45, if there was no Japanese threat to the Commonwealth a million British, Australian, New Zealand, Indian, troops could have been in the west, and nations like Canada never had conscription, so if it was needed theres another 350000 soildiers, anyone else got input on this.

    Here's my input pal. You do the greatest dishonor to all of the American Veterans who served and died in Europe and the Pacific (12,000,000 served, 294,000 died, 1,200,000 casualties). The sacrifices the American public endured by sending their Fathers, Brothers and Sons, and the tremendous effort by working 60 hour weeks, for years, to supply not only American Soldiers, Sailors, Air Force, and Marines, but Canadians, British, French, Chinese, Indian, and yes rat bastard naplam sucking weasel Kommies, with every conceivable item of war (must I list the number of Ships, Planes, tanks, trucks, food, medicine, rifles, pistols, machineguns, artillary, etc,etc,etc. sent to every Theater of War).

    You sound like another Drunk Frozen Jealous Canadian Meathead, envious of the Greatest Country Ever. Which other country besides the USA that is so greatly in debt (you Canadians also are one of the worst indebt countries ever, because of the failed socialist programs) sends more money and food to deprived countries, and subsequently are resented for it. Which other country will sent their young sons to free a country from Dictatorships (Iraq), and probibly leave the country better off than when we came, e.g. france, England, Germany, Japan, Italy, in 1946. And beside taking on the Imperial Japanese Empire as a second front and kicking their ass, we turned German cities into compost, but at a great cost of American fliers lives, 82,000 dead, 75,000 POWs, 10,000 MIAs and 50,000 planes lost. One of these boys was my mother-in-laws older brother, Bud a navigator on a B-17f, killed on his first mission over Holland in Aug 1943. Two of my uncles fought in the Pacific, one a machanic on P-38s the other MIA for a while on Luzon while fighting the Jap in 1944, and my father was a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne, made two combat jumps, Nijmegen, and Varsity, and fought in the Battle of the bulge which made him hate snow for the rest of his life. And my Mother and Grandmother worked for the Defence Department in the Army from 1944 thru the rest of their professional lives.

    No, we Americans weren't involved or needed during one of the greatest trying times in human history.

  18. From Shaka

    Anti-Air (ie Flak) units had 1,000,000 people or so, but alot of those were women.

    Well, that's just not true. Those who read about Nazi Germany know that the germans didn't use women in the military or in industry. Hitler was against using women for anything except making babies. They did however use 14-16 year old boys for AA guns. But that was one less person that could be used against the Soviets.

    Also, don't forget that the Germans and Russians when they fought each other were quite brutal to each other. Meant you very rarely surrendered if you had any other choice. Not so on the Western Front.

    The Russians captured more than a million German Wehrmacht troops, remember Stalingrad! The Germans captured 4 million Russians. Not many survived the prison camps and lots of Russians put on German uniforms with static division on all fronts (1/4 of the troops captured in Stalingrad were russians, and they were all shot), but they did take lots of prisoners. However, if you were an SS troop you were dead, and if you were a Russian Political Officer Hitler wanted you dead also, but they all knew the stakes.

    The Western Front didn't have the "cream" of the German Army. What it had were exhausted units from the Eastern Front that were doing R&R.

    I don't agree, the divisions behind the Atlantic Wall and the troops in Italy were some of there best. In Italy: 15 Pz Gr , HG Div, 3rd Pz, 28th Pz, 26th Pz, 16th Pz, 29th Pz Gr, 5th Mtn, 90th Pz Gr, 1 Para, in france: 9th Pz, 2SS pz, 11 Pz, 17SS Pz Gr, Pz Lehr, 21st Pz, 25th Pz Gr, 12SS Pz, 116th Pz, 1SS Pz, 19th Pz, 2nd Pz, 3rd Para, 5th Para.

    Fifteen Panzer Divisiion, Five Panzer Grenidier Divisions, Three Paratrooper Divisions, and One Mountain Division. Hardly second line troops. Three Panzer Armies worth if elite Panzer troops, sorely missed in Mother Russia. These could have changed the complection of the nature of fighting in Russia if they were there.

    In my reading about The Wehrmacht fighting in Normandy, one German Officer wished he could be on the Eastern Front because the Brit's and Americans had endless numbers of Fighter/bombers, tanks, and equipment. The Russians just had a lot of men and they could always out fight them. Even the endless numbers of T-34 tanks that the Russians built were destroyed at will by German Tankers. The Russians had bad Tank communications and tactics, and didnot overwhelm the Germans until late summer of '44. By then all was lost anyway because of Hitler's bad strategies in Russia, Africa, Italy and France, and the crushing defeat of Allied Bombing day and night, 1000 bombers at a time destroying almost all of the Gasoline production and reserves. No gas no war, no gas no tanks, or planes.

    Your point about the Russians destroying the German Army's manpower is correct, but the Brit's and US destroyed the industry that supplied that army.

    [ May 08, 2003, 06:08 PM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

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