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Posts posted by SeaWolf_48

  1. The Spain in Strategic Command is very weak, I've taken it with two Italian Armies. But the real Spain is weaker than the Spain in SC. Six bombs and the socalled Democracy caved in to Musslim radicals terrorist, and the damage done will be felt for years to come. Libya would have never let us take away there weapons of mass destruction, if Cowardly Spain would have rolled over so easily before we (USA) put pressure on Butthead Qaddafi.

  2. Lucky Zorba

    Two points: if you decide to stay your going to get your toes stepped on, a lot, so tuffin-up, all of our opinions get shot up, but that's the nature of a forum. Learn to roll with the punches, turn the other cheek, ignor dumb comments from obvious duffusses, and you'll be fine.

    Then like Jim Boggs said, make a friend or two with other forum people. Find someone whom you think like, or respect, and comp them, you catch more flies with sugar. The next time someone jumps on your butt, you'll have some backup. Being a Newbie is the only way you can come into the forum, so have good facts to back up your assumptions and use a spell check and you'll do just fine.

    Welcome aboard to the Battlefront.

  3. Kuniworth

    Great job, we all do look very silly, grown men arguing over a kids game, actually thinking that our view point (opinion, eveyone has one just like everyone has a a_shole, and some people get them confused) is more important than eveybody else's.


    It makes me realize that Rambo is really a jerk.


    What are you thinking, German tanks, trucks, carts, and VW's were all crossing over Ice Pack in the Baltic. It's as simple as that. Like the Lake Ladoga express, okay, don't be a stickler for Historic details.

    Your point is well taken about the Russian winter! It would make the gameplayer harder for the German Army to conquer Russia, which would be helpful. Good luck!

  5. xWORMwood

    If, if the Americans hadn't broke the code, some pretty smart guys did that work before the war started, and had to keep updating as it evolved. None the less The Japs never took Midway, in the game SC we won't have a possiblity to do this scenario until when?

    The Gemans could have never sailed into New York Harbor because of 1) British Navy 2) Canadian Navy 3) US Navy. Could never happen!

    German bombers didn't have the range from france to New York and back. They could have flown on a suicide mission however.

  6. The great thing about a game like SC is that you can set up the scenario if the tools are given to you. I wish that the tools for this Ukraine Scenario were given to us too see the results!

    I have already tried the suggestion by Bevin Alexander about not attacking Russia until the Med and Iraq is taken, and Russia is destroyed every time. Just set the Russian option to neutral.

    Again, the more options the better for Historic recreations......

  7. Some further thoughts about naval airpower. Carrier planes should only be able to destroy ships, submarines, and naval port facilities, and not against infantry or armor. Naval planes should be able to defend against Land airpower and attack it also. This part is iffy however, the only naval attacks against land aircraft was really only successful in the pacific war.

    American Carriers carried around 100 planes and from 1943 on usually traveled in task forces, each with several carriers ( between two and twelve, which would mean 200 to 1200 planes). The Japs were the same but on a smaller scale. These task forces did attack Island Air Bases to neutralize enemy air superiority. In the European Theater carriers were more associated with protecting shipping and destroying Capitol Ships, and not attacking air units.

    This leads to naval unit distrabution. I remember COS having Task Force Groups of ships that had between one and twenty ships. I like the way that game system was set up. But each TF had a different number of ships in it, instead of just one ship per unit. Maybe the SC Gods could review COS ship battle tactics! Huh! Well, one can wish!

  8. There is a way to stop the Italian scenario. Before war is declared on a nation, ships cannot be within one hex of the beligerant nation at sea. This would stop armies camping on the nations doorstep. Ships or troop transports wouldnot be allowed 50 miles from any neutral nation, thus when war begins troops couldnot land on the warring nation until the next turn.

    This would have to be written into the game mechanics by the SC Game Gods however!

    [ June 05, 2003, 12:44 AM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

  9. The reason for this posting is that I'm reading a book "How Hitler could have won WW2" by Bevin Alexander. One of his points is the misstreating of the Ukrainians and the power that he thru away. This seems like an option we could have just like partisans and Manchurian Troops.

    Alexanders main point is that Hitler should not have attacked Russia until he took the Mediterranean and the Middle East(around '43). Bevin says that Admiral Raeder saw the plan of sending 4 Panzer Divisions to Africa to take Cairo and then move them into Iraq and Iran for the oil. From there Britian would have been extremely weakened, Greece, Yugoslavia and Turkey would have submitted to the German jackboot, and Russia would have been attacked from Iran and Poland at the same time.

    OKW asked General Von Thoma to study the scenario and he came back with the same conclusion, send four Panzer Divisions, however he didn't see the big plan as well as Admiral Raeder, so he didn't stress the importance. It's ironic that later Rommel in 1941 asked Hilter for , you guested it, 4 Panzer Divisions. Hitler was only centered in on attacking Russia first, that's all he could see, and he only sent Rommel 1 1/2 Panzer Div (the 21st Panzer Div and the 5th Light which became the 15th Panzer Div. later).

    Try it in SC and you win every time!

    The Ukrainian scenario is another big misstake that Hitler made, easy to recreate in SC.

    Not done with the book yet, so I'll probibly have more later.

    [ June 05, 2003, 12:26 AM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

  10. Whats more is his posts are actualy a bonus to this forum.
    What? What are you trying to say? A who-or, what is that?

    If your trying to say something derogitory about John you've got a few men that will take you on, right now. If your trying to be cute, I don't see the joke.

    Ya John make a lot of postings, but he's always been a gentleman, and he's careful not to make anyone look stupid. Another thing, he knows his history, Focker!

  11. What is reclaiming a chit anyway? Do you pull down your buildings and sell the steel and bricks to the public and draft the scientist to create Armies and tanks. That's weird! Engineers, scientist, research people would move on to another research project, not become armies. I think that research points should be sold only to reinvest into other research!

  12. Let me help muddy the water some. If the bombers are strategic then they shouldn't be able to attack ground troops at all, total desaster in WW2 battlefield. killed as many of there own as the enemy. Medium bombers did however do much destruction to ground troops, both from JU-88's and B-25's or B-26's.

    Strategic Bombers were mostly used on bombing cities, or military targets. B-24's were used for ASW however, but on a very small level.

    Fighterbombers and dive bombers were mostly used against enemy troops. Fighters were used to protect all kinds of bombers and to attack other fighters or bombers. Fighters usually didn't strafe ground troops or bomb bunkers, to fragile.

    It seems to me that there should be strategic bombers for strategic targets, fighterbombers and medium bombers to use against troops, and fighters to used against other airplanes. Naval planes are another subject.

    Planes no matter which type shouldnot be able to destroy ground units completely, Infantry and Armor destroys and captures enemy troops not planes.

    [ June 05, 2003, 12:24 AM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

  13. Another what if scenario. What if you were running the German Wehrmacht and Leader instead of Hilter, and you listened to the high command OKW and didn't go into Russia as a Conqueror, but as a Liberator. In Russia many groups of people didn't like the Soviet government and what it had done to them. Many were looking to the Germans as liberators and were sadly let down when Germand Death Squads came to their cities to kill, Jews, Gypsies, Queers, Communists, and partisans. Hitler wanted the Ukraine for living space, so he was very quick in destroying any relationship with the Ukrainian people. What if Hilter was more patient and used the manpower of the Ukraines, Belurussians, Latvians, Luthuanians, and Estonians. They would have become willing allies to the ones who liberated them from communism.

    Five new partners and countries to help destroy Ivan. Many MPP's (10 for small countries and 30 for Ukraine)and several armies to man the front lines (one per country and three for the Unkraine).

    Russia would be doomed. Germany would win the war, or would she?

    What do you think?

  14. Long over due subject about countries conquered by Nazi jackbooted thugs. The Polish had the most troops to fight against the Germans until france was liberated. Much of Churchills time was spent trying to convince Uncle Joe to release the Polish troops to the British, and in the end the Polish had four divisions. Should have one Corps in the game. The french had less troops in British uniforms, until America came to Europe and then She was burdened with DeGualle and the french problem. france could have one army corps in the game until france is liberated. The game is okay after the liberation of Paris!

    My big question about the french is there fleet after the fall of france. The British had to sink several capitol ships because of french suspections. How too portray this in the game would be neat. Also france held Madagascar and were willing to allow the Japs to use it for a base in the Indian ocean. The Brit's attack it to stop Japanese desires in South African waters. The french also used Dakar as a navel base, inwhich the Germans wanted to use for U-Boats. Again what to do with the large french fleet in Algeria after the fall of france?

  15. Grant or Lee?

    The British were the first ones to give names to planes and tanks. The American Army would only give numbers. M4A4 US Army designation, British designation "Sherman". Thus the Lee was the name first given by British in North Africa to the very ugly and clumsy M2A1, later the US started calling it the Grant. The names for aircraft was the same, the P-51 was called the Mustang by the British first. There were some exceptions however. The Flying Fortress was a US name, as was the P-38 Lightning. My uncle was a mechanic on the P-38's in the Pacific and had first hand reports of how good the machine was against the Jap Zero's and Tony's. He said that if the US Army Pilot knew how to cut one engine and boost the other that they could evade the tight turning Zero or Zeke (Zeke, American name for Jap Army plane, Navy Zero ,A6m5).

    The DC-3, C-47, was called the Dakota by Brit's, SkyTrain/Goonie Bird by US. It goes on and on with different names!

  16. To JJ

    USS D.D. Einsenhower CVN-69

    Was also a President besides a general.

    USS Theodore Roosevelt CVN-71

    USS Harry S. Truman CVN -75

    Both Army Officers and Presidents

    But in the past Carriers had different name, Enterprise, Hornet, Kitty Hawk, Lexington, beside Presidents.

    In WW2 the USN had 35 Essex class carriers and 75 Jeep Carriers, they all had different kinds of names!

  17. This is a very frivallis posting topic but nothing else intrests me today, so here goes, maybe I can spice it up!

    Life isn't fair!

    You don't really have any choices anyway, so what does fair have to do with it. You don't choose your: name, when your born, what you look like, where you were born, who your parents are, how smart you are, your physical stature, the size of the main appendage, who you marry, if you marry, how long you live, etc. etc. etc.

    If you were born and lived in Nazi Germany would you have been a Nazi? Probibly

    If you were born and lived in Russia during Stalin would you have supported him? Most likely

    If you lived in the computer age and had enough money to buy Strategic Command would you do it? Definitely Yes

    Therefore is life fair?


    Even during the Iraq War the goal was to capture the Capitol. After that the country was defeated. Only Russia may have fought on after Moscow fell, but not for long. The Government Lackies make the Beast (any Government) survive. Some resistance (such as partisans) will happen after the Capitol is gone but not in a proper Military way with Department of Defence backing.

    The game seems to do okay in this aspect, it doesn't fall until most major units are defeated and the capitol is gone. Also in the case when the capitol is moved I think that there should be a penality and less control and supply should be available.

    This is something that I have thought about before and will mention now. When a city is surrounded using six units is too much. Never would a conquering army need six time the men to surround his enemy, maybe 2 to 1 max. Two units should be able to surround a city to cause a seige. Possible there needs to be a pop-up that asks if you want to surround and seige the city when two friendly units are 180 deg. on the side of an enemy city. If the surrounded unit can destroy the seige then it will get supplied, but during the seige halve supply should be normal operating procedure. Of coarse sea side port cities would be excluded from this rule.

    Just an observation!

  19. To Jersey

    Hi Bud, I think that the Gods of SC forgot this simple aspect of ports, and were just centering in on the Naval Base capibilities.

    Ah yes, Benghazi and Barcalona, Haffa, and Batum. And most of all Archangel and Murmansk.

    During Dunkirk more men were loaded from the piers than the beaches, but all of the photos were of the beach, and we forget how important the dock of Dunkirk were.

  20. All Port cities in Europe could handle shipping, not all had Naval Bases, but most all, and indeed the ones shown in SC had major deep water ports that could handle shipping. Right now Armies cannot leave from cities like Tripoli or Dublin, and must wait one turn before entering the port. Ports should be able to handle shipping in the game, but not supply Naval Units unless a Navel base is there (the Anchor).

    Tripoli was the major port used by the Italians and Germans during the Africa Campaign in Libya, yet now it can not even be used. Where is Cherbourg or Tunis? Ever tried to get troops off of Ireland! The Tunisia campaign cannot be played because there is no Tunis (poor Americans no disgrace of Kasserine).Ports should be able to transport Army Units!

    [ May 27, 2003, 07:19 PM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

  21. The different hand held AT weapons during WW2 are very intresting. The Piat was a piece of crap, the British soldiers were constantly complaining about it's short range and unreliablity. The German Panzerfaust could penetrate 5 inches of metal and had a shaped charge. The Bazooka was Okay but didn't penetrate 4 inches of armor (most German Tanks had atleast 4 inches).

    The German 75mm Anti-tank gun and main gun on the PZKW-5, and later 4, could knock out almost any tank east or west. Diameter does not make it a better weaponed. Feet per second, FPS is the main element in penetration of armor during WW2. Today it's much different with HEAT rounds and shaped charges, but still modern weapons have high velocity as it's main element of penetration.

    All major countries had good to adequate AT weapons, but air power became the best tank buster of all. AT weapons in SC viz. the research table do a good job, too good of a job!

    P.S. By the way Dan welcome to the forum, it's a fun place to throw out ideas, do not be afraid of these guys and speak your mind, their mostly good sports!

    [ May 27, 2003, 11:10 AM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

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