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Posts posted by SeaWolf_48

  1. Thanks for the retro of a truely classic wargame. I guess my problem with SC is the mannor inwhich warfare is determined. In TR you knew what the odds would be when you attacked a ground unit.

    e.g. four 3-4 units attacking a 3-4 unit on a plane hex in defense was 2 to 1 odds (gound unit was double on defense) you rolled the die and knew take you would get destroyed, exchange damage, destroy the unit or move the unit back one or two hexes.

    In SC you attack a ground unit one to six times and hope to win. It's more subjective now, with many more factors to take into account. If I could attack the same unit with all six units at once you know you will win.

    What I'm I asking.... I guess I would like to see the odds each time I attack. In the words of the King of Kings, "What King going out to encounter another King in war, will not sit down first and diliberate whether he is able with Ten Thousand to meet him who comes against him with Twenty Thousand?"

    Does anyone else know what I'm talking about?

  2. And guys don't forget beach hexes that would need those defense units. Not every coastline hex is approachable from the sea. Make Hilter spend MPP's on coastly defense, The Nazi spent more time and material on the Atlantic wall than the US on Hoover Dam, four times as much! That should show up in OUR game.

  3. I don't want to see a game without: paratroops, amphibious units that need to be expanded by research, beach-head supply units, engineers that can build fortifications, cheap garrison troops, motorized infantry/grenidier troops as opposes to non-motorize infantry, research for intelligence that exposes FOW units, units that retreat after 25% damage, SS Corps and Guards Armies, Marmansk Convoy Supply route, and a partrige in a pear tree.

  4. 1. How about if a unit takes more than 25% damage it retreats, unless it's in a city or fort.

    2. How about armor that does not get destroyed by infantry.

    3. Oh ya, how about air force units that can only damage readiness, or maybe only destroy 10% of ground units max per turn.

    4. Three hexes in North Africa, or really a new geographic map with real 50km's hexes. Greenland, Iceland, Archangel, etc. This one might be too much, but had to bring it up.

  5. Wow all the intrest for WW1. I think that WW1 was a bore and terrible waste of the flower of Europe for now real reason. Defense rules the day, like Verdun, that's exciting! Anyway I looked at the map you guys are playing on and noticed that Bulgaria, Greece and Romania are on the wrong side. Bulgaria was with the Central Powers. Greece and Romania were with the Allies. Have fun with your trench warfare! It's not for me. The only neat part of WW1 was the Battle of Jutland!

  6. To Konstatin

    Read the Erickson books, found them at the used book store, he didn't have the gift to paint a picture of which units were here or there, just 6th Army attacked 57th Ukraine Army at so and so. It did however portray the difficutly the germans had retreating from russia back to germany. Will try the others you suggested however.

    Now reading a book called "Panzer on the East Front" by Genreal Gaus. Leader of the 6th Panzer Division. Very well documented. Names the Regiments and Divisions used, very good.

    Guderian explained in his book "Panzer Leader" that the smallest unit on the East Front to have command structure was the division (you know what I mean, not smallest unit). I like reading history with the Division as the main element of the historian. e.g. 82nd, 101, Big Red One, 12SS HJ, HG Div 1. Corps level is next best but not as discriptive, and lastly Army and Army Group level, very broad and is too easily generalize.

    Although SU fought three fourths of the Wehrmacht it didn't however fight the air war over germany or the sea battles of the north atlantic. These battles consumed highly trained personal, and very high technological advances. If a value of armed forces plus work force were graphed, I think that the democracies did fight the equivalent of what Russia had facing her (but that's just my hunble opinion).

  7. To KK

    Dear forum fellow and comrade in wargames, I apologies for any harsh words yesterday, had a bad day, I respect your opinion and position even if it differs from mine, but heck that makes the world go round.

    I'm not a newby to the eastern front publications (probibly read two dozen books about it), but always find myself reading the books written by germans, or americans about germans. When I have read books written by russians they are so poorly written, with propaganda instead of facts that it turns me off to it's hogwash, I guess I need to read your list of competent authors.

    Humbly Your


    [ April 30, 2003, 11:06 AM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

  8. To Xediel

    Very good point on the Air War over Germany, right now bombing ports or cities is all the same. This would make Strategic bomb more historic. As pointed out before on this forum, oil refining was the bottle neck that destroyed germany's war machine, if that could be portrade in SC that would be great. Putting refineries on the map and trying to defend or bomb them would be meaningful.

    Not on the same point but still the same idea is the the War in the Atlantic, and germany's try to starve England. This aspect doesn't show up in SC very well. How many (to use a SC term) MPP's did the allies spend on defending, shipping, and transporting during WW2? More than the 10 or so stopped by a nazi u-boat now!

  9. Dear Comrade

    We were talking about Military leaders and their competency, not how many Ivan's or Fritz's were murdered in Mother Russia.

    Your Berlin analogy is hilarious. Russian troops in US trucks and jeeps, eating US food, masterfully destroying old men and little boys with panzerfaust, and still the Russians lost 1,000,000 men taking Berlin, what an achievement!

    And what was that about Trotsky, your hero. HE was a idealistic cowardly commie romantic slim, who would have become another Stalin given the chance. Socialism is crap with choclate coating!

    I'm not trying to be mean, but really, Trotsky? Do you like democracy?

    And yes I read plenty on The Great Patriotic War, and the USSR Army, not impressed, yes they killed a lot of germans, but 1 german killed 20 russians, bad tactics, poor treatment of their own troops, and not very good Generals, SC should have the Russian Generals around the same as the Italians.

  10. I know you are a bunch of smart guys, but why doesn't someone complain about the Polish Airforce being to strong. They had Krapski planes. No way should they start out with 10 points, maybe 3pts! I've never beat AI on turn one, and against TCP player Poland Campaign can go on forever, hiding planes and units in the corners of Poland. Another example that Panzers in SC are too weak! Panzers cut thru Polock Troops like sh_t thru a goose! And they were mostly PZKW 1's and 2's. How long did Poland last in history....... Sept 1st thru Sept 28th, four weeks, one month, ONE TURN .

  11. Terif

    Far be it that any of us should question The Great One (and I mean that you are the best). WW2 was a Air Supremacy war. SC does need to limit the number of units that a nation can build however. Italy becomes a super-power too easily, Germany can build too many Air Units, 12 or more is outrageous (I like that word even if it does not fit here).

    Tank units are to weak in the game, Germany had 25% Panzer or Panzer Grenedier divisions in 1944, but that doesn't work in SC because tank units have no punch or defense value, so why buy them, it's easier too build Jets and kill Russians.

    [ April 29, 2003, 12:29 PM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

  12. To Konstatin

    Well, that was a nice try defending Stalin, But I think that Robert Duvall could have done a better job running the war! Stalin knew how to murder people, mostly those closest too him. Brothers, wives, children, diplomat's, generals, armies, whoever. That takes no skill, his only skill was being a disfunctional twisted psudo-priest sadist misfit pervert(your basic despot dictator). Show me where he had any concept of military strategy or economic knowledge and I will be truly supprised, he only truly knew how to be a bully, and could back it up with deadly cruel calculation. Russia had a large pool of cannon fodder (it's people), and a lot of space with rivers and marshes plus a horriffic winter to stop the Germans. Not until Stalingrad did the Russians even believe that they were equal to the Weremacht, even though they were three times larger. The only salvation that Russia had was the willingness of their soldiers to take a bullet, either from the Germans or the NKVD.

    Besides all above I think Stalin was a really nice guy!

    To Shaka

    I agree with your assessment of FDR and Churchill, but not with the Jap pilots. The Japanese pilots were samuri minded, flying by themselves and not together. The Americans pilots at Guadalcanal beat them with slower planes but better tactics (the loose duce, or the four finger formation) each pilot having a wingman to cover his tail. Those Jap Navy pilots that were killed at midway were good but very few, and Japan couldn't replace them showing the weakness of the JN forsight and depth.

    General Adolf Galand of the Luftwaffe said in his book that the German pilots were most afraid of the RAF Fighter pilots, even when America had the P-51. He said that the brit pilots would attack and were fearless. But B-17's shot down more germans fighters than anything else, so who knows.

    To Jersey

    Mussolini had many good qualities. He always kept fit so that the women would like him, he could speak before huge crowds, and at the beginning he intimidated Hitler. And I understand he could write well, although I have never read anything that he wrote. When it came to war he couldn't find his ass with both hands.

  13. I'm a little late but here goes.

    Great men surround themselves with great men, take their suggestions and make decisions. Who had the best Military Staff to support him.

    Mussolini I don't think so (sorry John). Tojo..Jap Admirals were good but the Army was weak. The Japs never followed up a victory with another big punch.

    Stalin was just a bully, his staff were yes men, Zhukov was good but not great, human losses were appolling.

    That leaves Hitler, Churchill, and Roosevelt.

    Hitler had great Generals, one good Admiral, and brilliant propaganda. The biggest problem was Hitler, stupid leader, didn't understand military strategy, economy, or common sense. He was a painter, right brained, sexually disfunctional nincompoop.

    FDR had a great staff, with the greatest economy in the world. Americans at the time where not great military thinkers however. (Now is a different story)

    I would have to say that Churchill, with the British staff was the best. With what they had they made it work, at great odds. The made good decisions (mostly), and knew how to prod the Americans.

    Greece in '41, Churchill knew that they would loose, but wanted a token showing of power against the Germans in the Mediterranian. He never saw the paratroops taking Crete however. Crete became important to the germans in controlling the eastern half of the Med. (not well portrade in SC)

    Airpower kicked the Brit's out of Norway, they couldn't defend airbase in Namsos and Narvik, so they left, had too.

    With Ultra, and the British Scientist Churchill had the most creative military intel. This helped the Americans to make good decisions later.

    One thing Churchill didn't have was good Generals, but the RN was outstanding(which they proved over and over..Even in the Pacific at the End of the war..not the beginning).

    Germany had the best Generals, and soldiers, England had the best Pilots, ask Adolf Gandoff, America had the best logistics, and eventually Navy..and Navy Airpower, Russia had the best bloodletting (8 mil dead, 4 mil captured, 22 mil wounded..another 7 mil civilians dead),

    This is just an opinion however, and everyone has an opinion like everyone has an asshole, and sometimes they get them confussed!

  14. Good Job JJ, brilliant piece on Old Adolf Schelgrubben.

    How about his mystical knowledge (astrology) of armies attacking from nowhere, and the military reasons to attack oilfields and mineral mines, not to mention grainfields. All from his headquarters 500 miles from the front, looking a flat out of date maps. Or by his willpower he could destroy russian armies. Then there is the matter of the Me-262 bomber. :D

    Thank God that he lead the army, the german generals could have destroyed the russian army in 42! :eek:

    He did however, help the german tank industry by always wanting stronger tank guns, I guess he wasn't all bad. tongue.gif

  15. Ranger you are right, same people, which I happen to like, but most people are timid and will not jump into the river, or they post once and no one will answer (us who have the grace to participate on the forum need to encourage the newbies). Also the TCP Game takes waaaaaaaaaaaay toooooooooo loooooooooong to play. We need some scenarios that are around 8 hours or so. I just can't find a two, or three, or four day period for a game! I have a life, I guess some in Europe(excluding france which I am banning, and will not play against on the network), America or Canada, have unlimited hours left over every day.

    [ April 21, 2003, 03:01 PM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

  16. Gee, Seawolf, if you only knew just how far off you actually are about that drug-testing remark... which only goes to show, you don't know me.
    Well, Immer, what is a Immer first of all? And a drug test can find all sorts of things...Crack, Crank, Smack, Dope, Weed, Snort, Ex, Luv Juice, Viagra, Dopamine, Alcohol, Endorphines, heart meds, and maybe the most dangerious of all, twinkies. (Had to look up the spelling of some of these words, well, I always have Word in the background and use it's spell-check regularly).

    True I don,t know you, but you must be a good guy, you like SC and history, and an avid wargamer, hell, you might even be a golfer, the best group of men in America!

    Back to the subject, how about those Bears, I mean Tigers!

  17. Ge wiz Wally (John) you sure made that posting smaller. Or is it that we are truly a band of brothers.

    I'm playing with the 1.07 version, and don't notice any difference yet, except it seems more tame, but that's just a feeling and not hard facts.

    [ April 16, 2003, 06:33 PM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

  18. Having played less than two dozen TCP games I know how long the game can stretch out, and how hard it is to get two peoples agendas in sync to finish a game. Nevertheless is there a way to determine the winner when the game has not been completed? Could we develop one?

    I really wish that the game took less time, it only takes me 4 1/2 hours to play golf, if we could develop scenarios like Barbarrosa, or Normandy, to prove who is the Big Cyber Macho Naplam Sucking Field Marshal Halfwit Neanderthal Corps Busting General of Testosterone Generals. (besides Terif that is)

  19. Jersey, if you think that your in outer space, your not. Immer is way out of line. I think he needs to be drug tested.

    Jersey John bends over backwards not to offend people, unlike me and quite a few others.

    There seems to be quite a few negitive postings lately, is there a unusual amount of sun spots now?

  20. Jersey John

    Nice posting, Your Cyber work is always enjoyable to read, and was much more enjoyed when you use to put in those wonderful pic's.

    Let me try to conceptualize this hairball from my humble position. Could a June 1944 Panzer Division (either Allied or Axis) penetrate the enemy line to achieve it's objective.

    Rommel tried to do it in Normandy but was stopped by overpowering Allied airpower, and near the shore Allied Naval guns. Could the allied infantry divisions stop them with their own a/t defense?

    Russian Tank Armies in Jan 1944 in the Ukraine penetrated german infantry with some of the best a/t defense weapons in the world. Were they just understrength units or did superior masses tank presents (JS-1s,T-3485s) break thru as was done to the russians three years earlier?

    Could Von Runsteadt stop the Weak American Sherman Tank M4A3 with 75mm and 88mm a/t guns(usally no more than one battalion per division- 24 to 36 guns) during op. Cobra?

    If the massed tank concept (Modern day Armored Division, first introduced in 1939) developed by Guderian and Hoth, perfected by Rommel and Weist, didn't work in 1944 because a/t guns or a/t doctrine and had become so powerfull, then all Armored divisions would have reverted to 1940 Tank Heavy French Infantry Divisions and war would have reverted to WW1 stile attrition, which it didn't. Armored Divisions were the tip of the spear, then and now! As we all know Armored Divisions evolved with special armored troops to travel with them to neutralize a/t defenses.

    I know it won't change, but SC should have L5 tanks (except Italy, L2 maybe), and L3 infantry. Airpower, Naval power and city/fortresses should be the only other force that should stop Panzers. This is ignoring Elite infantry such as Rangers, Commando's, SS and Soviet Guards potentials.

    There I'm done, I will joust no more on this subject. This armchair general is pooped, all reserves deployed, the imperial guard dead, the paratroopers wiped out in Arnhem, dead burned out Tigers litter the battlefield, and smoking twisted a/t guns with their barrels pointing to the sky.


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