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Posts posted by SeaWolf_48

  1. Come on you guys, if we didn't have the Germans to beat every fifty years or so, we wouldn't have any good war games.

    Sieg Heil means " Hail Victory " nothing nazi.

    Deutschland uber alles means "Germany over all" a modern day saying might be "US Rules Who-ah" The German race now is half Russian anyway!

    We will raise again means "Germany better take tons of Viagra, because the country is so liberal now they make Jimmy Carter look like Bruce Willis in, Die Hard"

    Now something serious, Why doesn't Tripoli have a port(reasons Malta was so important), or where is the Murmansk Archangel Convoy route. The Russians needed to recieve MPP's to survive. Also Iceland was important for Anti-Submarine Warfare!

    Thanks Guys

  2. Hello Gentlemen:

    Great job Battlefront game designers. Not only is the game fun, but with this web site I have never seen the users have so much impute into a game. The new campaigns on this site are great fun, and the historic background of the people using this site, intresting!


    1) Can air units and ship units completely destroy ground units? No way, infantry must occupy the ground before battlegrounds or forts are taken.

    2) Where is the Murmansk convoy route, the USSR may have lost the war without this passage way. Make the allies hurt alittle to supply Russia.

    3) I know that maps are hard thing, but have some pride when you design a map. Where is Corsica? that little piece of blue! Where is Iceland? It was a great help to the allies for ASW. The Alps are smaller than the mountains in Turkey. Tripoli was an important seaport for the Axis, that's what made Malta so important. The US and Canada are too close to Europe scale wise. Well, you catch my drift.

    4) Everybody has jet, hell even the Italians get them, which war is this?

    So I'm a little critical, if I didn't care about this game I wouldn't write this memo. Keep up the good work Strategic Command.



  3. Very good comments Rambo, I see that you are an experienced strategy gamer. I agree with all your comments, and would like to add: 1) ships and planes should not be able to completely destroy ground units. 2) battleships and fighters should not be able to destroy subs, only cruiser and bombers doubling as ASW units. 3) Tripoli had a port(alot of Italian shipping was sunk by Malta going there), and where the heck is Corsica?

    4) Countries should be able to give MPPs to each other. The Port Angel Murmansk supply route should be produced, then Brittan and America could send Mpps to Russia. They (Russia) have too many in the game by themselves. The Allies should suffer alittle to give them supplies. 5) The rocket units don't do much, by both Germany and the allies used seige artillery against forts, create one artty per major power.

    This is a great game and I have waited a long time for this to be produced. Thanks to all involved. SeaWolf_48

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