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    Lucky_Strike reacted to NPye in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Love them night scenes bud,,,looking awesome
  2. Thanks
    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from Aragorn2002 in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Dragon's teeth texture three - a bit more weathered and aged (aren't we all?) ... in the foreground

    Inspired by HArry's question about how the teeth look at night ...
    Westwall night combat - into the Dragon's Maw ...

  3. Like
    Lucky_Strike reacted to JM Stuff in Berlin CMRT Map   
    All hope devotion wishes admiration is in, is when we are in Blender, I tell you guys this is a sickness, strong as the Covid and healthy...
    Very nice I like really much all Ideas pictures from Harry NPye and the finish models from Lucky, all wishes of each others, I have already some of these pictures in 3d have only to import export in mdr, so if I can help with, just tell me...
    Nice also your new avatars NPYe almost not recognized you🤔😂
    Soon I will present you my news wrecks and more for almost all modules,bn fi rt fb bs, bs give me a lot of works, but when you have some wishes tell me that I can added...
  4. Upvote
    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from Artkin in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Dragon's teeth texture three - a bit more weathered and aged (aren't we all?) ... in the foreground

    Inspired by HArry's question about how the teeth look at night ...
    Westwall night combat - into the Dragon's Maw ...

  5. Like
    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from RockinHarry in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Dragon's teeth texture three - a bit more weathered and aged (aren't we all?) ... in the foreground

    Inspired by HArry's question about how the teeth look at night ...
    Westwall night combat - into the Dragon's Maw ...

  6. Like
    Lucky_Strike reacted to RockinHarry in Berlin CMRT Map   
    😅 ...think post war demolition of remaining westwall structures was limited to mostly single pillboxes IIRC. During my tours in the 1990ies I found many their locations indicated just by small pieces of concrete in the middle of forests or on pastures.
    Removing all the teeth would´ve been too expensive and in the meantime lots of the remains were declared archaeological monuments sort of. So AFAIK great majority is still there and likely remains this way for couple more decades or even centuries I guess.
    Another idea for fortification type modding. I always found the sandbag walls fairly useless, both by nature and the way they´re beeing placed and rotated. Maybe one can make something better of them since they are among the types that do actually provide some (known) cover.
    From GM:
    Sandbag Wall
    "Sandbag walls are makeshift defensive fortifications to provide fair cover against enemy fire. Sandbag walls offer limited protection for both infantry and vehicles positioned behind them."
    From my past fiddling with CM objects META data I figured it must contain stuff that sets the objects placement and rotation behavior in 3D map editor. So I think any modding the sandbag walls should preserve original META data to avoid serious ingame issues. At least as long as it´s not clear what all the META does in particular. Haven´t made my mind on particular sandbag wall replacement possibilities, so any ideas welcomed. 😎
  7. Like
    Lucky_Strike reacted to NPye in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Another new Vehicle, work in progress but I like how it's coming on for the Mod.

  8. Like
    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from RockinHarry in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Yeah I guess they couldn't have predicted that x years down the line we would need it 🤨
    We can always use the tall bocage models with a bit of jigging around, but they will just be eye candy.
    You can have all sorts once I figure it out - doing the initial Blender work is the hard part after that we should be good to port in any tree, the game engine will mostly take care of the seasons so long as we have textures.
     Yep they work pretty well all round. Cos they're quite light colour they make good markers in the dark 😎
    I really want to get some winter textures done for all my mods. Playing in snowy scenarios is one of my favourites.
    Yeah maybe in the next engine we'll get some of these time and sanity savers!
  9. Upvote
    Lucky_Strike reacted to quakerparrot67 in CMFB (Unofficial) Screenshot Thread   
    great shots, phantom cap, and good to see  someone else who gets this aspect of cm.  i just might have to get an image host and start posting some of mine.
  10. Like
    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from quakerparrot67 in CMFB (Unofficial) Screenshot Thread   
    For sure! I can't tell you how many hours I've spent just wandering around empty maps in 3D view - I'm sure there's a word for it somewhere - if not we need to invent one.
  11. Upvote
    Lucky_Strike reacted to Warts 'n' all in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Finally got around to downloading the Berlin mod. It does look good. But I will be editing out many of the civilian cars. The amount might be in keeping with 1939, but not 1945.
  12. Upvote
    Lucky_Strike reacted to RockinHarry in Berlin CMRT Map   
    lol 😅 Why not. Consider CMCW or CMSF2 anything europe. Perfect mod for the many westwall teeth still standing today. 😬
  13. Upvote
    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Thanks Harry. They'll all be optional, just swap in and out prefferd - I'm doing five textures in all, should be plenty then for all tastes - excepting maybe the graffitied versions 

  14. Like
    Lucky_Strike reacted to NPye in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Me 2...lol LS Works great now looks ok in all lighting settings....TY
  15. Like
    Lucky_Strike reacted to RockinHarry in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Then nothin said. Perfect then! 😎 Could likely make use of it when getting back to some my 1944 Aachen CMFB WIP´s. Schwere Panzerabteilung 506 had some actions there.
  16. Like
    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from RockinHarry in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Hhahahahaha LMAO - I got stung by that one as well - absolutely the most frustrating 🤬 - I just ended up deleting it from my Z folder in the end or replacing with something else, can't remember which though.
  17. Upvote
    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from Aragorn2002 in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Gotta do something Aragorn whilst we wait for BF to feed us 😉
  18. Like
    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from RockinHarry in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Yes I reckon we can do something with this. It is sad that BF don't include the tall bocage. I know the idea behind it is to imitate a specific feature of the Norman landscape, but they are also useful for creating other types of landscape. I guess the ditch-locking feature was good enough for things like roadside ditches but as you rightly point out it's the low berm that is very useful - perhaps that's what they could incorporate into the game instead, a bocage feature without the foliage on top.
    I could probably conjure up something like your images of toppled trees:

    ... with or without foliage. They would probably have to be a bit smaller than these trees, but would still block roads and for be an interesting challenge midst battle.
    The version that's been felled with explosives on the trunk would be a lot more work to create so I would likely go with the ones with full rootball or sawn trunks.
  19. Like
    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from NPye in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Here's the second texture for Dragon's Teeth, first in background. The second one has a quite smooth uniform looking texture, nice even batch of concrete that day ...

  20. Like
    Lucky_Strike reacted to NPye in Berlin CMRT Map   
    All aboard, did the germans have diesels??? lol

  21. Like
    Lucky_Strike reacted to NPye in Berlin CMRT Map   
    I solved the rotating problem, here it is in situ.

  22. Like
    Lucky_Strike reacted to Vacillator in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Okay, that's it - I'm voting for this as best thread.  Full stop.
    Nigel, no surprises that I can't help but I was just thinking that I could live with the strange appearance.  I assume it's also not so bad from a distance?
    Perhaps Phil (Praise be) will be along soon...
  23. Upvote
    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Here's the latest and probably first release version of the hedgehog cum dragon's teeth mod.

    This is a slightly warmer colour concrete and represent teeth fairly recently cast. Maybe just a litle tweak but otherwise they are part of v.1.
    I did some quick, probably very unscientific, tests to see if the different textures would remain with the teeth in the same locations from their initial deployment through to actual game play, even to a saved game. It seems that they do but with a caveat. Everything went swimmingly at first then a strange curve-ball got into the mix. I had positioned the set above in the editor, saved the scenario, opened it to edit again, opened it as both Axis and Allies to play a couple of turns, finally opened a game save. Through nearly all of this the texture remained the same, then on the moment at which an American M4 approached them and they popped into view as he spotted them, they suddenly inherited a mix of textures. Now this was very unexpected because I had not seen a mix within a single set/base of teeth but only across sets, so set 1 might look like above, set 2 might be dark, set 3 another texture. Instead I saw dark teeth mixed in with the teeth above. So that was the end of that. No further saves would shake them out. Just another odd inconsistent behaviour.
    Onwards ...
  24. Upvote
    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Quite, there's a lot we can do with the flavor objects. I'm thinking two mods: one a simple HedgeHogs to Dragon's Teeth for quick and convenient Westwalls etc. The other a comprehensive flavor object barrier set with an invisible hedgehog as immovable object - all sorts of fun.
    I think you're right about the metadata. I'm pretty certain that a lot of what you see in Blender is relative positional coordinates for the mesh, but some is related to light, reflection, shade etc, whilst some is probably an absolute mystery.
    Good news is I managed to maintain the metadata in the dragon's teeth so they should play well.
    That's pretty much it. AND going forward I will hopefully be applying this to my other mods so no more nasty textures.
    Lots of fun ...
    And to top it off I have now done some more work with the textures and, inspired by what I learned doing my multiple bocage texture a few years back I tried using numerical variations in the naming of the texture file - dragon-teeth.bmp, dragon-teeth 2.bmp, dragon-teeth 3.bmp, dragon-teeth 4.bmp etc (how many do we want? Anyone?) and yes it works ...

    ... a nice new dragon's tooth anyone ...

    Each set of teeth will be textured the same, so one gets clusters of same textured teeth. What would be interesting to know is do they persist in their different textured groups once placed on a map, could we indeed have a row of just dark ones and a row of sparkly clean ones ... assuming the mod is used to begin with of course.
    All this has got me thinking ...

  25. Like
    Lucky_Strike got a reaction from Artkin in Berlin CMRT Map   
    Here's the latest and probably first release version of the hedgehog cum dragon's teeth mod.

    This is a slightly warmer colour concrete and represent teeth fairly recently cast. Maybe just a litle tweak but otherwise they are part of v.1.
    I did some quick, probably very unscientific, tests to see if the different textures would remain with the teeth in the same locations from their initial deployment through to actual game play, even to a saved game. It seems that they do but with a caveat. Everything went swimmingly at first then a strange curve-ball got into the mix. I had positioned the set above in the editor, saved the scenario, opened it to edit again, opened it as both Axis and Allies to play a couple of turns, finally opened a game save. Through nearly all of this the texture remained the same, then on the moment at which an American M4 approached them and they popped into view as he spotted them, they suddenly inherited a mix of textures. Now this was very unexpected because I had not seen a mix within a single set/base of teeth but only across sets, so set 1 might look like above, set 2 might be dark, set 3 another texture. Instead I saw dark teeth mixed in with the teeth above. So that was the end of that. No further saves would shake them out. Just another odd inconsistent behaviour.
    Onwards ...
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