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J P Wagner

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Everything posted by J P Wagner

  1. Or how about Avalon Hill's JUTLAND...I remember setting up all the ship counters on the floor and scurrying about with the movement, range and firing rulers...I see John Hiller at HPS has developed a JUTLAND pc game but it looks like it's real time which is keeping me away from it for now....does anybody have any input about this game?
  2. When is the movie version of all this coming out?...
  3. I like purchasing a French HQ because it goes well with my no counterattack defense...I find that by just reenforcing my units, and not attack, they hold out much better since thier entrenchment levels are maintained and only reduced gradually...every turn that France survives helps the overall allied cause.
  4. The easiest way to thwart trolls or flame threads is to ignore them...sure read them, but don't add any posts...some of you just can't help yourself and deem it necessary to respond to every single thread, which in turn causes others to do the same. So the contributors to such threads are just as guilty because they always tend to veer off into other undesirable topics or thoughts which just make the matter worse! I was just as guilty as others doing this, but I finally wised up...now I only point out the obvious in threads such as these...
  5. ...A plea to cut down on the smack ends up causing what?...smack...gotta luv it!...
  6. I always enjoy how the natural progression of a topic veering astray occurs...from a complaint about slow players, to scatology, to masturabation, to insecurity, to dating tips..it is to laugh...
  7. Perhaps too late for this game but maybe a tournament clock could be added so, as with chess, you have a limited time to complete your moves.
  8. Well done Willard, but I do believe the fool was a troll. He's probably giggling right now while adjusting his lederhosen...he needs to sell his nonsence somewhere else as it doesn't belong in this forum.
  9. They have scripted some events such as the occupation of the Rhineland, Anschluss, and Czechoslavakia. Perhaps some additional options should be scripted, such as Pearl Harbor...I haven't played as Japan yet, maybe Pearl Harbor is already scripted....anyone know for sure? [ December 15, 2002, 10:49 PM: Message edited by: J P Wagner ]
  10. I wasn't planning to stop at HOI before packing it in for the night...thanks for the heads up....the patch is up and running!
  11. Your position HFF does not make you a sychophant. I enjoy the game too, and will play it more once the next patch comes out, but I accept it for what I think it is. My objection, such as it is, is that HOI was billed as something that it is not, and people on the HOI boards keep trying to demonstrate that it is indeed a WWII sim...it's like using a hammer to make damn sure you get that round peg into the square hole...I always post a reply to people who complain, "how come Mexico can conquer the southern US?", or "how come Romania, Brazil, or Finland can do this and that?" with the response that,like EU, this game will allow you to play minor nations and make them stronger. Accept the game for what it is and enjoy... you have people who say it is a WWII sim, but then don't have a response to the above questions....you can't have it both ways....by the way, it will be interesting to see the size of the next patch for HOI, with all the fixes that are needed, it's probably going to be a biggun'..
  12. I have been saying all along on the Paradox board that HOI is not a WWII sim but EU set in the 20th century....HOI sychophants keep telling me that I'm wrong, that only 25% of the game is based on EU, and that it is indeed a WWII sim...yeah right, and I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn for sale if you are interested....
  13. I finally stopped playing to await the patches...sad rush job really.....
  14. I don't think there will be anymore patches for this game, so it's time to accept the game as is and look forward to SC2.....
  15. Good point Valedictum, at least concerning this topic, but the majority of threads deal with the European theater....I was just wondering if in fact SC2 will be an expansion of what has been or go where it has not...
  16. hmmm...does anyone even know for certain what SC2 will be? All these discussions about improvements to SC will be naught if the next game is in the pacific. Anyone have an idea what path SC2 will take?
  17. I applied the terrain mod over the patch. I'll try it the other way..thanks
  18. "Is that all there is?"...yes my friend, so let's keep dancing...uh...playing.....
  19. I don't think you can edit the calender....
  20. It's funny to read about the early release of HOI on their board...some blame Paradox, while other blame publisher Strategy First for pressuring Paradox to have the game ready before Christmas...but the more read about Bolt's AI logic enhancements, the better I feel that a very good game may come from this...since SC, Combat Misson, and Champ. Man. still keep me busy, I'll await the patches for the game rather than use his changes though.
  21. I've seen a pattern develope where the Allies generally invade France on the Cherbourg peninsula...it's easy for the Axis to bottle them up and then push them back into the sea...perhaps with an alternate supply source, the Allies will vary their invasion points and not rely on ports so heavily........
  22. jmbunnelle...thanks for the resolution tip...maybe now I'll be able to play full screen on my laptop...thanks again...
  23. Resource point allocation is an intersting by product to your thread. Do most of you: A: Load up with 5 points in two catagories? The intention being to try to max them out quickly so you can take those 10 points and load up on the next two. B: Divide them up into your own personal preference but hoping to get a number of various upgrades at once? So you may divide them 2-2-2-2-2 or 3-2-1-1-1-1-1-..whatever... What strategy for point allocation do most of you use?
  24. Your description is accurate but HOI is fun to play and I'm confident will get much better with patches. There is a fellow named "Bolt" on the HOI board that has already uncovered flaws in the AI logic script which if implemented (and they probably will be) will make for a much better game...bottom line, it was released way too soon!
  25. This is where alittle diplomacy can go along way. For example, Germany could negotiate an agreement with Turkey. They would join the Axis or allow the Wehrmacht access through their land if Germany agrees to certain territorial concessions...perhaps a couple of oil fields in the Caucusus..
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