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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Aragorn2002

  1. That is exactly the point: there is NOTHING else comparable to what BF is trying to achieve. Nothing. There is no competion, no alternative. Which makes the moaning even more unbearable.
  2. Waclaw, there is a certain pattern in your way of posting at this forum. You start with unfounded criticism, people turn sour, you hide behind your nationality or language and then you declare that your good intentions are misunderstood. Enough words have been wasted on your 'arguments'. Perhaps it is best if you return to the Polish community you came from and leave this forum alone, instead of getting other people warned or banned because their patience with you has run out. You annoy people with your 'wrong expectations'.
  3. I like the master maps and hope to see them in every new game from now on. Apart from that, first impression is positive. Looks like we are in for a treat again.
  4. Great job! And a great addition to the game to have another important battlefield covered.
  5. New feature: Nachtzielgerät/Uhu for German vehicles. Now THAT would be something.
  6. Indeed. Those bastards raped and killed everyone they could lay their hands on.
  7. After reading most there is about the HG-division I can not conclude anything else than that they performed remarkably well, especially on the eastern front, where little honor could be gained against the time the division showed up. As always, go back to the source and don't listen to what others think to know.
  8. Precisely, my dear man, that is BF. They always bring more than they promise. Because they are not only in it for the profit. They CARE. So do us all a favor and be quiet for a couple of weeks more.
  9. I'm convinced the Market Garden module is going to be epic. If BF decides to make a special module about it, then it is guaranteed to be something special. Let's just wait and see and not make cheap predictions based on nothing. Why can't people just shut up and wait until they have something to complain about? I did my share of moaning (no Tiger II and Cromwell in CMAK, no real fog in CMBN/CMFI, etc.) but I always did it after seeing what was really there and what wasn't.
  10. The more they 'chop it up', the more it will contain, won't it? Which is a good thing. In fact I wouldn't mind having a Family for each month, as long as they fill them up with everything we want!
  11. Personally I'm fed up with all this talk about money. I'm glad this company is taking the trouble of making quality games and I'm more than willing to pay for it. They don't rip us off, they don't even think about ripping us off, it is just a matter of good business. I very much doubt the community would be much larger if the price was lower. There's enough cheap rubbish around, so pick your choice or pay up and suffer in silence. And let's make no mistake about it, if BF doesn't finish all these games, no one will. Paying them for quality games and ensure they will continue to make them seems like a small problem to me.
  12. It is a good mix, baron. Personally I think I prefer the normal 12th SS mod, but your last one adds more variety and is also great. I have high hopes about you once we go to the eastern front again.
  13. Good to see you are back, baron. Keep them coming. Does this mod also contain the upsightdown Soviet medal?
  14. As exited as I am about all that is to come, I would exchange it happily for the Eastern front. If the choice would be Eastern front or all other modules I wouldn't hesitate one second. I know there still is CMBB, but after CMBN/CMFI it is hard to go back to those graphics.
  15. Good to know an expert will keep an eye on those yanks and tommies, emeg. :-D
  16. And since you said Hill 112 is a relatively simple map AND the fact that you are a good person... ;-D
  17. I respect that, Pete, as I respect the splendid job you've done so far. I'm sure your choices are better thought through than my remarks are. I just hope one day the maps I've mentioned will turn up too.
  18. I'm sure I'm underestimating the number of historical maps out there, Pete. Absolutely. But the fact that nobody dares to touch maps like Villers-Bocage or Hill 112 must say something about the complexity of the map editor too. I would like to try it myself, but I'm just not patient nor talented enough and lack of time is giving me the rest of my lame excuse. ;-) All I'm saying is that I would love to see maps like Villers-Bocage, Hill 112, Hill 113, Carpiquet airfield, Norrey-en-Bessin, (the fighting around) Bayeux, Perrier Ridge (counterattack of the 21st Panzer, I mean), Tilly-sur-Seulles and Tilly la Campagne. I'm not sure of the last two maps and perhaps wrong about others too. This game includes more than I can explore in a lifetime, that is not my complaint, it is just that I miss a number of (for me) vital maps. And Sburke, yes, my main interest is also understanding why a battle developed itself the way it did. Few battles were balanced and as great as a balanced game can be, nothing can beat coming close to the real events. And in order to avoid all misunderstanding: I think these games and all that they include are all made in heaven and I salute each and everyone of you that are part of the team behind them.
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