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Everything posted by Aragorn2002

  1. That wasn't my impression of your fellow countrymen at the time. They were very motivated and trained very fanatically. We often met them in training manoeuvres and on other occassions and they weren't just preparing to 'slow down'. Together with (most) Dutch and British units stationed in West-Germany they were better trained and motivated than for example the US units. Not saying US units were badly trained though, they were good as well. They would have been the decisive factor of course and we were very happy to have them around.
  2. Well, of course there should be. Best army in the world at that time.
  3. White camouflaged Leopard tanks on a snowy Luneburger Heide.
  4. Indeed, especially the Bundeswehr, but also the British and Dutch army. In that period the Dutch army could field a thousand tanks. Nowadays we have to rent tanks from our German comrades to train our tank crews...
  5. Maybe, maybe the co-operation with Slitherine will also mean more modules for the ww2 titles. Perhaps all of our dreams will come true after all.
  6. The Dutch and British marines, both specialized in arctic warfare, will come to your rescue! Well, we'll fight shoulder to shoulder with you guys.
  7. At least now we KNOW why the Fire and Rubble module isn't ready yet. But happy with CM Cold War. Was hoping for that for years.
  8. Strange that we must get that news from Wargamer. This still is the CM forum, isn't it?
  9. In 1983 the balloon almost went up, so yes, about that time would be possible.
  10. Still so much ground to cover with regard to WW2. Winter War, Blitzkrieg, North Africa, Russia 1941-1943 and so on and so forth. Modern conflicts are nice and each to his own, but I prefer the military conflicts from the past.
  11. Given the recent experiences I doubt that any other game than the Fire and Rubble module will see the light of day this year, or next year. But hope springs eternal.
  12. I'm not sure I understand why this news wasn't included in the 'bone' this year. Combined with the endless delay on the Fire and Rubble module it's all a bit of an Enigma to me.
  13. Now you're talking!!! CM Cold War would be awesome!! Don't forget the Dutch!
  14. You were right all along, landser. The song is indeed called 'Soviet Empire'. My apologies and thanks again! After your tip I did search for that title, but found nothing by Sergei Stern. Apart from that Finnish and Russian military choirs sound alike in a lot of respects and the text in the song is difficult to analyse. The languages in itself are very different of course (Finno Ugrian and Slavic). My wife speaks Russian and even she didn't recognize it, although she thought she heard the Russian word for 'war'. Anyway, I found the song in the directory of the game and again, you were right, landser, well done! Apart from finding the song (after buying the game which looks interesting) the good thing is that I found scores of great Finnish and Soviet military songs. Especially a Finnish album called 'Suomelle-Isänmaallisia lauluja' contains great martial songs. If BF ever decides to crowd fund for a Finnish CM, I would gladly pay several hundred Euros to get that materialized. But I'm a dreamer, I know.
  15. Erwin, yes, my wife told me to use Shazam, but it didn't recognize the song. Good thinking though, thanks!
  16. Haven't bought it yet, but probably will since there's a discount on Steam till the 15th of February. I will probably buy it, since games on the winter war are very scarce. The more I listen, the more I think it's Finnish, not Russian. Hopefully BF will chose the Finnish-Soviet war for CM one day.
  17. Unfortunately not. It could very well be a Finnish song too, the sound is not very clear.
  18. On Steam there's a relatively new game by Avalon games, called Winter War. On one of the introduction movies a song can be heard by a Russian (or Finnish?) choir. It sounds very martial and I like it, but can anyone tell me the title? It would sound great in Red Thunder too.
  19. BF has made us drink this cup to the bottom, that's for sure. Won't easily forget that. Well, perhaps the module will.
  20. I know. That's also the conclusion of Dieter Handrich. "To carry out a final large scale troop trial during the Summer of '44, 1. Infanterie-Division was sent 2,400 MP44, as recorded in the diary of OKH/Org.Abt.IIIc on June 14th 1944. This was enough to equip all of its riflemen (not just one platoon per division as was still the usual amount delivered to Divisions on the Eastern Front)." It would have been nice to have that option in the TOE, but I understand that's difficult and complicated. "A report from the OKH dated December 2nd 1944, points out that by that date, out of 179 Infantry Divisions (including VGD, Div.(bo.) and LW-Feld.Div.) already 56 had been equipped with two Sturm-Züge per Kompanie, whereas 10 still had only one such platoon. The rest was still to be rearmed. " So yes, there were still plenty of divisions in 1945 with zero Mp 44s, but also a large number with two Sturm-Züge per Kompanie conform the Infantry Division 45 org.
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