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76mm last won the day on November 14 2019

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  1. To be clear, I doubt that many players would be interested in my particular campaign software, because it was built for my preferences. But that's OK, because if they have access to the data, they (or somebody) can create whatever it is that they are looking for. Without the data, none of this is really feasible, because detailed manual data entry before/after every game is just not interesting to 99.9% of players.
  2. Sorry, I lied, one more! One of my favorite things about my program was that it allowed me to track/manage individual commanders--who had the most wins, losses? Who was currently unassigned? Who was wounded? When was he commissioned, and how long had he been with this particular unit? I could transfer, promote, or demote with the click of a button. Gave a great role-playing feel to the campaign!
  3. A couple more screenshots. The first one shows the report that the program would spit out to allow the player to set up the CMBB game manually, and then track kills/casualties for each unit after the battle. The second one shows how data was entered back into the program after the battle. The last one shows how you could create units in the program (which would take into account available resource points, etc). OK, no more, I promise!
  4. Anyhoo, those screenshots show what I came up with to meet my own specific preferences, someone else could create whatever pulled their trigger. The main problem with this program was that all CMBB game data had to be manually entered after each game, and then manually re-entered before playing the next game. Not good. I used a home-made VASSAL module as an op layer. It was great fun, played it for many years. In fact it kind of ruined my gaming, because now I can't play any other way.
  5. I found the program, but couldn't open it...(created with VBA and Access about 15 years ago, oh well). But I was able to find some screenshots that I took back in the day:
  6. OK, just to be clear, I thought he was referring to the data manipulation part, which is what I responded about. I was involved in that project many moons ago (Hunting Tank Software, was it?); that kind of thing is certainly very ambitious and difficult, and encounters the same problem that you've already pointed out--everyone wants a different campaign system. But that's not what we're talking about at all... The thing is, you don't need to create a whole op layer like that to be able to make use of CM game data for campaigns. As long as players can have persistent units and terrain, they can use them to create any number of rudimentary campaign systems that suit their preferences. I think it would have huge value for players--rudimentary campaign systems are far better than no campaign systems... For instance, what I was talking about was not an op layer, but rather a program that could help players manage campaign units in various ways without tweaking them one by one in the editor. As I've been saying (oh uh, not again!), this kind of thing is not difficult to create (once it has exported data to work with). Or as someone else has suggested, even just a button that would allow saving unit states at the end of the game and then using them to create new scenarios (same with maps). [EDIT] I'm going to try to post some screenshots of the program I created for CMBB to give you a better idea what I'm talking about... But have to find it first!
  7. Sorry, but I have no idea what you're going on about. I have explicitly and repeatedly stated that I have no idea about how hard it would be to export data. I really don't know how I could have been more clear? But--sorry if you don't like it--I am going to repeat my assertion--as ill-informed as it may be--that manipulating XML data after it has been exported (whew, trying to make it 110% clear) is just not that difficult. How difficult it would be to re-import I will leave to the esteemed software professionals, because again I have no idea.
  8. Zactly. AFAIK this has been one of the most requested features (OK, at least by me ) since the beginning of the CM franchise. I have absolutely no idea how difficult it would be to export/import data, but it would be a huge breath of fresh air for these games.
  9. AFAIK all of the data I'm talking about is available and visible to players at the end of the game, so the data must exist. How difficult it would be to export I have no idea. I'd be curious if there would be some reason this functionality would not be desirable? um, what is "it"? I have no idea if exporting the data is hard or not. But creating a program to manipulate XML data is not very hard...and I say this because I've taught myself how to do it from scratch, with virtually no experience. Time-consuming? Yes... Especially difficult? No...
  10. Frankly, it is not that hard...I'm a lawyer and taught myself how to do all of this from scratch using free tools (plus some books). I think for an experienced programmer it would be a tiddle. Anybody with an interest should start playing around with this stuff. [EDIT] And it depends on the format of the underlying data...XML is super-easy to work with because it is so structured. I can't speak to data in other formats, could very well be harder to work with.
  11. Indeed. But being able to export the OOB to something like XML and then re-import would be even better, because it would allow you to manipulate the OOB outside of the editor...say you want to automatically provide X% reinforcements, or reduce fatigue, or resupply ammo between battles--this could all be done programatically without having to make the tweaks manually in the editor. For CMBB I created a tool that would track units and leaders, tracking casualties inflicted and suffered per battle and over time, allowing leaders to be transferred, etc. But ultimately to get these details into CMBB, I had to enter them manually in the editor for each battle, which was a hassle.
  12. I totally agree with you here, and understand why you've not spent time/resources building a campaign system. BUT! I think there is one (I think) relatively simple thing to do which would help players create whatever campaign systems they prefer: allow end-game forces and maps to be exported and imported into another scenario, to allow for persistent forces and persistent map damage, etc. If the export format were in readable format (XML, etc), the forces could also be managed by home-grown campaign editing tools (that would allow for replacements, or whatever). If these files are in some easily readable format, this kind of editing tool is not especially difficult to create--even I have done if for a different game--and I have little doubt that some talented folks here would take the ball and run with it. Worst case, it would allow people to create their own manual campaigns. This is one feature which has been consistently requested for many years, and I really hope that it can be implemented some day.
  13. Not to pile on, but I think BF could improve here. Despite the fact that I've been a forum member here for almost twenty years and have bought many of your games, I didn't get any e-mails announcing R2V pre-sales or release. Or for any of the other recent games' pre-sales or release. I suppose I should be glad that you're respecting my privacy, but just sayin'... Heck, even Tiller sends out e-mails when new games are released. On the German side I think there were quite a few, or at least right up until early 1945...most of the panzer divisions, Grossdeutschland, probably more. Of course some of these units were destroyed and reconstituted (some multiple times), or transferred to the West, and sometimes back East, but you could at least put together a 2-3 year campaign. On the Russian side it would be trickier, but could probably still be done with a bit of research.
  14. Yes, thanks for the explanation; the timing aspect certainly adds a wrinkle or two. Although it seems like this could be overcome with some careful selection of module content, for instance representing a "slice" featuring units on both sides for a certain period, etc. For example, an ancients game that I play (Field of Glory 2) releases DLCs on a regular basis; each DLC is optional and includes a couple of dozen ancient armies from a particular era/region that can fight each other. While not completely analogous to your situation, the system works really well. As an aside, engine updates are distributed for free when most DLCs are released, I suppose primarily to keep the player community from fracturing into different engine versions--multiplayer is very popular, and a key reason for the game's success, so it important to keep everyone on the same version. But as you mention, given the three categories listed above the issue is not particularly relevant. Nice seeing you around, now get back to work (on whatever you're working on)!
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