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Everything posted by Bone_Vulture

  1. There's nothing gamey in the use of fanatical squads as they are now: obviously when I notice that one of my Russkie rifle teams is holding back even when facing an entire platoon, then of course I figure that they are fanatical and plan my tactics on that assumption. The point is that I only know that they are fanatical once the heat is quite literally on.
  2. Try to compare these events to real life... "Ah, Sergeant Yakov, I heard your squad is fanatic! We'll place you in front of the bunker line, so you'll be facing ten assaulting kraut squads." "No cost is too great!" "I will die for our cause!" "We must watch for the emeny!"
  3. Perhaps the turret wasn't such an easy target in real life. And any increase in turret weight would cause the redesign of the rest of the tank: traverse mechanism, engine, suspension and ground pressure would have to be re-evaluated. Cosidering that by the time the late PzIV models rolled out, the Germans were already experiencing serious armor shortages, so I don't think they had the time or resources to upgrade tanks on the field (well, ugrade more than what they did). [ February 24, 2004, 12:14 AM: Message edited by: Bone_Vulture ]
  4. Well, works with just about any command, but that's an important point: by delaying the order, you can guarantee that you can also order the vehicle to reverse out of harms way, if it's about to face a deadly duel. Sadly, this also works for the enemy, who has the chance to direct all of his guns to fire at your tank at the following turn: unless the reverse order activates at lightning speed, the peeking tank risks being turned to swiss cheese.
  5. It's incredible how the molotovs really don't seem to do anything, if the brave Soviets manage to fling one down an open-topped vehicle. I'm not expecting a nuclear explosion or the entire crew the fry, I'd be happy if the vehicle was "shocked" for something like half a minute while the crew scrambles to douse the flames. But I have noticed that the Ampulomet causes lots of spotter kills if its round lands near an unbuttoned tank. Sigh, a sharpshooter is more effective at that.
  6. I thought the tank crew picked the horizon through the gun sights, so they'd just barely have visual to the front end of their intended kill zone. That way the the turret would be as low as it could go.
  7. Because hand grenades were standard issue. The Soviet army didn't have fancy AT weapons like the molotovs for every individual soldier.
  8. Jesus Christ man! You have to accept some responsibility, and not guide innocent strangers to the horror that is the "Peng"! If the Battlefront forum was Amsterdam, the "Peng" thread would be the homosexual brothel district! :eek:
  9. Uh oh... I suggest you acquire a friend who has some knowledge on WW2 military trivia. But we can help to some extent. The smallest infantry unit in CM is the squad, typically a group of 9-12 men, abstracted as three Lego soldiers. A platoon is composed of 2-4 squads, an a HQ unit. Always keep your squads within the HQ's reach (so you see the red command contact line stretch out to the squads when you select the HQ), so that they react swiftly to your commands, fight more efficiently, and panic less. A company is composed of 2-4 infantry platoons, and possibly some support units (these weapons maybe lead by a separate platoon / section HQ). Again, a company has its own HQ. This commanding unit can be used to command any squads out of the reach of their dedicated platoon HQ (for example, if that HQ has panicked or has been eliminated). JasonC and the the picky grog cadre can connect the rest of the dots.
  10. Good news! Amazingly enough, removing the MS hotfix mentioned in the troubleshooting section helped. No more black screen. But I wonder, how did my CM function before, when this hotfix was still obviously present? No matter, I'm just sad that my Sunday game got cancelled due to this bug charade.
  11. Sorry, Schrull. I uninstalled the driver and Rage3D, then rebooted. After that, I ran the dedicated ATI software uninstaller, and finally deleted the rest of the "support" folder under /ATI. After that, I installed the January bundle pack and Rage3D. I rebooted, set Zmask off from Rage3D, and AA to "application... " and 2x from the Catalyst panel. And rebooted. AND IT STILL DOESN'T WORK. :mad:
  12. Fine, you persuaded me. I will try to install the old drivers tonight. Oh yes, tonight. :mad:
  13. Obviously I uninstalled the drivers before installed the new drivers... It's common routine with Catalyst. I'm not sure whether installing Rage3D back and forth will help, as it appears to be a mere extension of Catalyst. I will try, but not tonight. Oh no, not tonight. :mad:
  14. Well uh, not exactly napalm, but I've never- and that covers over a dozen incidents - seen a molotov do any damage to an open vehicle, after scoring a "top penetration". And don't dis the SMG squads: at close range, a combined firepower of over 400 will mow down any German squad in a second.
  15. My Sunday was ruined when I made the mistake of installing the fresh Catalyst drivers; my copy was infected with the black screen bug as well! Then I obviously tried to revert to the old drivers (the January release), no help. Are you guys sure there isn't some Rage3D tweaker option that we've missed? Since I did... something... And got rid of the stupid bug the last time. But now it's back. I want a clear answer, dammit! :mad:
  16. Now, try the same with a Russian rifle squad, armed with molotov cocktails...
  17. always use small letters, and make sure that you're mounting the correct file, ie. not the one your opponent is supposed to open.
  18. AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! Installing the new drivers brought back the "alt+tab = black screen" bug for Radeon 9200. I DEMAND EXPLANATION NOW! :mad:
  19. We do understand. Take heed, that even when the tank is fully exposed, the hits are never divided evenly between the parts of the tank: the upper hull and the turret receive a majority of the hits anyway. But when the tank is hull down, the base hit probability (that the tank is hit in the first place) will be reduced.
  20. Uhh... I wager you confused the terminology: Tiger is an exception, since it's turret is theoretically more durable than the hull. Also, Tiger is one of the few tanks that has a nearly impregnable turret armor in it's prime time (another example would be the KV-1 models before '42). So, unlike with most of the other fine German tanks, the Tiger should be kept hull down (behind the crest of a hill so only its turret is visible). Another reason to avoid advancing towards the enemy is Tiger's poor mobility in comparison to Russian T-34 models: with high ground pressure, below average speed and a slow turret, you'll risk exposing your precious tank to flank shots. Shot to the side at extremely close ranges, even the vanilla Russian AP round may breach the Tiger armor - or cause spalling.
  21. Ok, since Jason decided to follow the Battlefront forum guideline of "sickeningly lousy humor", I'll give you the straight answer: If the Tiger turret front suffers a hit, the penetration is calculated with a random armor thickness from 102mm to somewhere around 130, to simulate the reinforced turret mantle (which didn't cover the entire face of the turret).
  22. Wow, I never knew the production numbers for the assault rifle variants were that high, especially in comparison to those of the MP38/40 SMG. The numbers clearly show that the total production of the Kar98 rifles was... Over TEN MILLION?! Anyone should know that maintaining a steady supply of utilities and spare parts for such hugely produced weapon was not an easy task, and even the slightest change in the design could increase the expenses by draconian amounts. Only one key detail is missing: when was the Kar98 chosen to be the common firearm of every soldat?
  23. It has been stated that the shoot & scoot command is more practical if your tanks has a slow ROF or if it tends to withdraw rather than fight easy targets (or both, the IS-2). Hunt will also make your tank more vulnerable against hidden AT assets: with shoot & scoot, these weapons have little chance to zero in on your tank before it reverses back to safety.
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