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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Bone_Vulture

  1. As already stated in the other thread, that does not work. There's no cheating the delay mechanism.
  2. If I may add to Sergei's response: In small maps, trucks may provide an inexpensive surprise element. Think of the distance the trucks can traverse over one turn on road. With some 100 points, you get enough trucks to transport a platoon. I've noticed that trucks can be used to "streak in" the second wave of your troops when attacking: very useful, especially if your opponent uses elastic tactics. Once the defenders are worn down, the trucks have a good chance of slipping in just behind your advancing forces, and a platoon of fresh infantry focused on a single slice of the front can be quite a tactical edge.
  3. Without command delays, it'd be impossible to simulate the differences between, say, German and Russian communications. I'd never attack in '41 if the T-34's were as reactive as my tin can panzers. :eek:
  4. Fine, the AI lacks logic. But I think I'll still choose absolute control rather than let the AI plot movement for me. It's already doing a horrendous job with the "tank scare" routine.
  5. Several key facts: 1) Trucks are only useful on roads 2) Trucks get blown up by any pea shooter the enemy can throw at you 3) Trucks suffer from command delays, so essentially you need to have the infantry loaded on board when starting the match.
  6. *sigh* I still wish I could have a litle control over the aircrafts... I'd be happy by just being able to tell them whether to attack hard or soft targets. It's annoying when a 400-point dive bomber drops its payload on some remote halftrack, when there's a horde of exposed infantry some several hundred meters away.
  7. Nay, all the battles on the list are separate from each other. There are no true campaigns in CM. The flag shows where the enemy unit was last seen. As long it isn't spotted again, the flag stays there, while the unit itself can be miles away, out of your sight.
  8. It's typically more than a minute for the heavies... This is a question of game time limit. When attacking, if I have timed my infantry maneuvers to coincide with the original bombardment, and then have to delay it for several minutes because of retargetting, two bad things will happen: 1) Depending on the number of safe pathways to the flag area, my troops might be forced to stand idle for the additional delay time. 2) My opponent gets a chance to maneuver his own non-entrenched stuff, like vehicles or troops in buildings.
  9. Ants are in my pants picking on a crumb and so is Michael Dorosh That's contemporary anti-establishment for you!
  10. Just a quick rerun. The formation levels are following, from the quickest (smallest) to slowest: Battalion - regimental - divisional - corps - army. Don't expect to order fire on the go effectively from anything slower than regimental. You'll most likely end up having to cancel or re-target the mission, once you see the spotting rounds landing hundreds of yards off from their intended landing zone. So use planned bombardments for the heavy stuff instead, or TRP's if you're defending. And obviously ditch all the heavy artillery in ME's.
  11. The strangest phenomena I've witnessed on this forum is the mysterious way it repels all things humorous.
  12. What about the formation levels? is the US 105mm of the same or higher (=slower) than the other tested artillery units? eg. battalion, regimental and so on.
  13. Oh, boohoo. Maus would only have very marginal novelty value in CM. Just like the Sturmtiger and T-44: on some rare occasions I see them in the unit menu, just to notice that they cost way too much. Unless both unit rarity factors and purchase limits are turned off, the chances of seeing any of these odd tanks on the field in CM is nil. And what sort of a price would the Maus had to have to make it balanced? 800 points with a +1500% rarity factor?
  14. This question has puzzled myself as well, and I think it's so that if the spotter dies, the rounds keep falling. If he flees, or otherwise loses his targeting line, the barrage stops. Maybe he always has the time to say "I'm about to break! Stop the bombardment!" before hightailing it outta there.
  15. No, actually it is the hot comedy gold action that emanates from this forum to unsuspecting clients. :mad:
  16. Some instructor has been reading Sun Tzu's "Art of War"...
  17. Omi, perhaps you should send a screenshot of your assault gone wrong; a pic that shows all the movement/target lines. I'm sure we could drop you a few pointers.
  18. Even if a vehicle could realistically carry more than two small teams, like LMG's or tank hunters, a separate passenger list would be required (and that means a game engine revamp). It's already a pain trying to select one of the two squads out of a vehicle manually.
  19. That sounds alot more realistic: if the tank was stuck between the lines, holding on to it would make sense.
  20. Does this prove that my BS detector was functioning correctly?
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