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Everything posted by Bone_Vulture

  1. I wouldn't like to take enemy fire while holding a hand grenade, either.
  2. Sorry, I don't think it's possible. Being able to "lift" a password would make PBEM games unreliable. :/ But I do know what it feels like to forget the password: the only solution that I can figure is to build password complicated enough that no-one can guess it, while being memorable enough for you to use in every match.
  3. How exactly was your ATR firing straight down? From a building?
  4. :confused: My chart states that the Panther series has a minimum armor of 40mm on the sides?
  5. Aren't those guns equipped with only AP rounds?
  6. Come to think of it, Winamp 2 and 5 are two completely different programs: you could simply install the older version beside Winamp 5, and try whether it functions better with CM.
  7. Yeah, stuff like actually managing to destroy something with a molotov once in a lifetime.
  8. The PTRS model is supposedly semiautomatic, so it should have a tad higher ROF. Personally, I've never taken notice.
  9. What are my favorites? Hmm... 1) 251/9 "Stummel" halftrack The saving grace of Germans plagued with low armor caps. Packs every round the 75/L24 gun can fire, so it's both lethal against medium enemy armor and infantry (luv the canister rounds). 2) The Marder series Nothing sweeter than an eggshell armor capable of destroying nearly all enemy vehicles. 3) Hetzer 38(t) The little tank that could. And a special runner-up: Semovente M43 da 105/25 You know, an Italian armor that's nearly a challenge to Allied forces!
  10. OT answer: The worst type of whiners are those who complain about the number of turns during an attack. Some people, they think that it isn't fair if the time runs out when they try to sneak their infantry towards your fortifications across the entire map.. And I mean literally using the "sneak" command!
  11. Yeah well... One time I scored some dozen penetrations on a German armoured car, found out after the match that it hasn't even suffered a scratch. But, like it others stated: the AT rifles are an excellent, economic choice when you want to harass your opponent, or hunt for his light armor.
  12. AT rifles are worth gold, especially if you and your opponent are playing with infantry mix (lower armor cap). It's not likely, but the AT rifles can harm all German halftracks, and most of the armored cars. And unlike AT guns, they're small, hard to detect, and can retreat quickly if they start receiving hostile fire. Your opponent will likely use light armored vehicles to lure your AT guns out of hiding; use the AT rifle against these. Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention: AT rifles are also useful to keep enemy tanks buttoned.
  13. Yeah, "in theory"... Maybe because the Crusader front armor can be pierced with a measly 37mm flak.
  14. Oy! Winamp 5 is not kosher. You could try downgrading to Winamp 2. If that is not the problem, then I have but two other probable causes for your mischief: 1) Extremely stressed processor (you should be experiencing choppy animations as well in this case) 2) Some mystic graphics card issue. Anyhow, the only reasonable explanation that I can figure is that the Winamp somehow causes strain unlike the WMP. Try Winamp 2.91 .
  15. Make sure your Winamp isn't running any heavy plugins, like visualizers or sound mixers. What version of Winamp are you using?
  16. The Greyhound has a mere 10mm armor in the back. What did you expect?
  17. Perhaps the original poster means whether open topped TD's spot and target vehicles faster, since they have (theoretically) a better view of the surroundings? We've all probably seen how passive "blind" tanks (buttoned up, no cupola) can be, even when there's a ripe target directly in front of their sights.
  18. I've read that book... Weren't the few of the last remaining defenders of Berlin holed up in one of those towers?
  19. Sergei, could you send a screenie of those insane fortifications at some point? Looks like you got an assload of barbed wire & roadblocks there...
  20. Apart from the IS-3, even the German 75/L46 Pak can demolish the IS series tanks from close ranges, and the heavier 88's can dispatch them at almost any range.
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