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Everything posted by Bone_Vulture

  1. Apparently the current modeling down't allow simulation of gun jamming unless the firearm in question is a separate entity. I don't think it's such a flaw that tank guns don't jam; considering that they're quite sealed from dirt, the mechanism is more stable. The lack of jamming in infantry squads doesn't bother me either, since a) it doesn't affect the total firepower of a squad radically, and other infantry firearms don't jam, either.
  2. Damn it, it'd be too easy if you could shoot at the top armor of tanks from buildings. (Reminds me of the time I took out a Panther with a top penetration in SP:WAW with a Soviet 12.7mm HMG...)
  3. Sure. Top penetrations are only modelled for ground attack planes and ballistic artillery. (And for a few ****ty "thrown" AT weapons...)
  4. Only helps if the tank crew spots the threat before a Bazooka round pops through the side of their vehicle.
  5. Judging by the quality of the posts in this thread, I think it should be renamed "The Waffle and the Penguin Should be shot - for the sake of standards".
  6. Judging by the quality of the posts in this thread, I think it should be renamed "The Waffle and the Penguin Should be shot - for the sake of standards".
  7. Sure it has. Just like when a vehicle is knocked out when on the run: speeding armored cars will wheel forwards a dozen meters, even if the entire crew has passed away with the explosion.
  8. Sure, if you have the "impregnable cover" of buildings, and the safe running grounds of town streets, then obviously you can outmaneuver the Tiger.
  9. Yes, if it was the 76mm model, he could take out a Tiger at any range.
  10. Due to the high ground pressure of early Sherman models, attempting to outmaneuver the Tiger might be a difficult - if not impossible - task. Also the poorer 75/L38 lacks necessary punch. I'll suggest trying to purchase a more potent TD vehicle, and using the Shermans as lures.
  11. Uh, unless someone already mentioned it: If your unit is in the correct spot for shooting, you can prohibit it's target selection with a cover arc, and choose the target with the fire command. Give the unit a movement order to some safe location, and add pause commands (if necessary) to get a 20-30 second delay. During the next round, the unit will fire at the unit you pointed, or inside the arc you set, and will maneuver to safety once the command delay counts out.
  12. That first photo really is about as fake as it gets. Come on, what was the director of the shoot thinking? That a weakened infantry squad will face two fascist tanks face-first, out in the open with minimal cover? Makes you want to scream "AAAAAAH MOTHERLAND!", doesn't it?
  13. Also, the cap difference is supposed to simulate the difference in numbers, and the general crappiness of Soviet tanks.
  14. In CM, there's a chance that a towed gun will unmount the vehicle, if the vehicle suffers a non-lethal hit. Don't know about infantry, though. Since your hit didn't wreck the tank either, it might be realistic that the riding infantry chose to risk being hit by shrapnel, rather than losing their mobility in the middle of open terrain.
  15. AAAAAAAAHHH INFIDEL! :mad: Yes, in comparison to other allied armor, the T-34 had its benefits.
  16. Dave H said that the T-34 was "so far ahead of its time".
  17. No radio, the gun was only effective against lighter German armor... And the tank was blown up in throngs after Germans updated their tank guns. T-34 might've been an example of the benefits of standardization, but not exactly superior technology.
  18. Weight was just one of many factors. From what I read about the battle of Kursk, German tanks usually won tank duels with superior optics & range.
  19. Yeah well, I wanted to try another approach. Since it would be unrealistic (or something) to make the molotov more lethal, they could at least shock the tank crew a bit, so the brave infantry assault would have some impact.
  20. Armor crew panicking should be modeled better in the next CM engine. It's unlikely that the crew would just shrug off molotovs that fail to destroy the vehicle immediatelu.
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