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Everything posted by tracer

  1. maybe your right, but The mod had the "totenkopf emblem on it, so I figured it was yours, sorry if I was mistaken Panzermartin
  2. Oban, thanks for the hint, those tigers are "mean" if you don't catch em bt surprise, they can take out a whole tank platoon, I wonder if they have "crack" crews driving the tigers?
  3. Well, I used Panzermartin's Pz mod as a base,(I just winterized it) the green was already there, so I guess it suppose to have it
  4. I deleted my first version of this mod, and posted a 2nd version Of the winter PzIB,I used a new snow effect on it, I think it looks more "real" on the battlefield, check it out here http://www.cmmods.com/ I used Panzermartin's PzIB as a base for this wintery mod
  5. GREAT JOB!! that is one good looking Tiger
  6. me too, I like it, and Pakfan does some excellent interface work
  7. If your new and want a well balanced battle with armor and inf and a little off board arty, try playing royal opponent, get it here very manageable battle http://ns9.super-hosts.com/~dragonlair.net/combatmission/
  8. I'm getting closer, but I got to admit it is a hard one, and I really enjoy trying, it's a lot of fun
  9. Nowotny, your right I just got the winter one it is very very good
  10. thanks, but yes, I was talking about the "Dirt effect" on the winshield and how to do it,
  11. One more thing, they should have used this interface for the game instead of the one they used, excellent work, you'll give Deanco a run for his money you keep this up
  12. Hey Gautrek, could you send me a e-mail on how you did the dust screen?? I don't know if you still have it but here's my e-mail, rbellerose419@yahoo.com thanks for the help and merry X-mas and a happy new year to you
  13. yeah, and go here for a great mud tutorial by Gordon http://www.cmmods.com/ look under "other" when looking for it. It really helped me out and a bunch of others too
  14. Yes good Idea to bring the mod to CMBB, blends right in and looks good
  15. hey liet, I'd like to learn that stuff, can you show me??
  16. not working on anything, as of yet noobie, just finished up a winter russian truck though. I was thinking about winterizing the PZIIIJ and H
  17. It's here http://www.cmmods.com/ This is version 2,(I haven't had any holiday cheer yet}I used Gautrek's "dusty truck mod", (I was to lazy to look up the Truck BMPs),anyway, I hope you guys like it, (oh yeah, merry X-Mas, and feed back welcomed)
  18. Oh yeah, and almost forgot, but I totally agree, and I always do this, make sure to give credit where credit is due, example: I used Krawzydogs excellent "Panther Pack" for this mod, or I used Joe Blows style on this mod, etc.
  19. cool the PSW 221 and 222, look familiar, LOL,
  20. Andrew, you the king of modding uniforms, 2 goof balls out of thousands that download your mods, I wouldn't worry about them. Also, it is apparent that they do not understand the graphics of the game, for what modders have to work with,(due to models being "hard coded" I think the 2 jokers doing all the complaining nned to learn more about the game engine before making the remarks they made
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