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  1. I also became disenchanted with CMBB because how difficult it was to create a balanced QB game. I agree with your comments in the opening paragraphs of your excellent CMBB Quickbattle Armor Limit Ruleset. Despite our disappointment with CMBB QB balance my gaming partner and I had some memorable battles and look forward to the arrival of CMAK over the next day or two. We have already agreed on some ground rules to help avoid some of the issues we had with CMBB. However this would be greatly enhanced with a CMAK version of your rules. -Smolensk [ December 12, 2003, 04:37 AM: Message edited by: Smolensk ]
  2. Redwolf, Do you plan on releasing a CMAK Quickbattle Armor Limit Ruleset? I found your CMBB Quickbattle Armor Limit Ruleset to be an excellent balcing tool for CMBB and I can't imagine being without it for CMAK. -Smolensk
  3. Thank you for the feedback anyone else have any comments? 80 plus downloads already. Let me know what you think.
  4. The Train Yard –Fictional Setting Axis Assault/Allied Defense QB 1000-2000 pts (+ Assault bonus points) The purpose of this QB map is to provide a solid defensive position for the Russians that even the computer AI can take advantage of. Victory locations were chosen with this in mind and I think that you will find the AI to be a challenge on this map. This is my first map so feedback will be appreciated. Thank you Smolensk You can download the map at.... CM MOD Database Here are some images
  5. JaegerMeister, I have been experiencing the very same problem. It seems that most often the only way to flush out the enemy is to lose a few good men. I also am using the EFOW mode. Smolensk
  6. Biltong, I would love a set of these rules. You can email me at... Smolensk1941@aol.com
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