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Everything posted by tracer

  1. Merry Xmas to you guys(and I promise no more modding until after the holidays,( wine and women don't mix with CM and modding)
  2. I deleted it from the data base, I'll fix it and re- post it after the holidays, sorry guys.(wine and women, don't mix with CM and mods}
  3. holy crap, I had my buddy test it, to much "holiday cheer" the other night, sorry, i will fix the prob
  4. I think that the "feed Back" on mods is very helpful, I have gotten a lot of feed back and it helps me to produce better mods. I get "snow blind" a lot of the times because when I make a mod, I view it from my machine, and with mostly my other mods I have created. I forget that the mod might look a little differnt on some one elses machine, so please pop back in the forum and give a little feed back, it makes a differnce, and only takes a few minutes.
  5. used Guatrek's dirty truck mod for the base for this winter mod, it's here http://www.cmmods.com/
  6. I asked that question a lloonngg time ago and the answer was "no way, would they be incorporated into the game"
  7. doesn't really matter to me, it would be nice but, we still need the mods to make the game rock anyway, that is one thing I do know for sure.(and I'm sure there are a few others that realize this too, nuff said)
  8. no wondering to it, it would be a turkey shoot
  9. Didn't say he was ignorant, and I also mentioned that everyone who likes military history. But you might have a point about the North American part, but I don't know because there are a lot of people here in the states that are quite knowledgeable about WWII,(look at this forum, and it's just a small part)
  10. Holy crap, where does he live, in the boonies, everyone knows (that is everyone who likes Military History), the east front saw far more military casualties then the west.
  11. I played WWII online, and man, when you drive a R-35, you are dead meat, slower then crap, and really not that effective versus infantry, and like spitting in a fire versus any (and I mean any) other Pz. And Panzer leader, nice model! I do some modelling myself, and diaroma making, have a real nice one which has a scene of a Flak 88 gun in a emplacement
  12. Well sorry, but that is a vision for my eyes,(and she would kill me)lol
  13. Darn good advice Bruno,couldn't say it any better.
  14. Andrew, your the master when it comes to the uniform mods, thanks
  15. Thanks, I have been experimenting with a new winter texture, (the feedback I have been getting has really helped), Merry Christmas
  16. oh yeah and my wife in that "Santa's Helper" outfit comming in here, (WOW!), Happy Holidays to all, and Merry christmas, and to all a good night, and me a excellent one, lol
  17. it's here http://www.cmmods.com/ I white washed it and added some snow effects.
  18. My Opa fought on the east front, but he was german, crap, I know that doesn't count!!
  19. hey, I use the same tatics, throw my halftrcks in front as cannon fodder then take out the enemy postions, heck all army's use that atctic. I was stationed near the "Fulda Gap" back when there still was a wall, everyone called the "Grunts" (infantry for the newbies), "Bullet Catchers" because if the ruskys ever came through they would basically be catchin the bullets. Well crap, does that make me a "Pieper"??, hhmmm, I'll hve to think about that one
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