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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. *puts cup of tea down, ponders then responds* No Privates? Did he flitter them away during the the first battle of Ypres in WW1? That's rather unfortunate, that. *returns to his cup of tea* </font>
  2. How about for a little pizzazz, you stick your head inside the armor-plated door of a retro-fitted HUMVEE and have one of your buds slam it several times. Wearing a kevlar helmet could be optional during all of this...and if you can still function after this activity....send me a turn troop!!! [ October 26, 2005, 02:14 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  3. Can't be. He hasn't the brain power to discover fire, let alone share it. Steve </font>
  4. Ahh yes, Blister, the warped demented love child of the Kitty/Mace union. I think we were drunk at the time of conception. Umm then again I think we were drunk ALL the time. Hey tho, I don't remember snow?! I thought when we created created it it was sans snow? How are the flames going to spread with all that snow? Huh? HUH?!!! </font>
  5. No need to be redundant. The mullet was a pretty good tipoff. </font>
  6. You really have to take care of those feet of yours...ingrown toenails can be very painful...how will you make an honest living if you can no longer chase ambulances? Expect a setup by weeks end....and no excuses this time as in Guerra Cebolla, eh, Jeffe [ October 17, 2005, 11:17 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  7. Do think we CARE????...it would have been more interesting if you had described how you and Achoo had dismembered each other with rusty garden rakes.
  8. Political discussions were banned from these forums because most threads devolved into name calling flame wars that dimished the purpose of this forum, namely a game playing discussion forum. You can see how easily the old simmering feelings were brought out by the simple announcement of a new product by BFC. Politics are best left out of here, and for very good reason.
  9. That must have really hurt! ****Image of Hortlund , biting off his tongue.....******
  10. I think in all the hoopla surrounding the announcement of CMSF (barf, hate it), this brilliant line was overlooked. For those who may have missed its sheer idiocy, I reprint it here for your appreciation. After all if hatefilled neo nazis can share their opinions with us, so too can the moronic. Oh, for the more obtuse of you, stikky was referring to the suicide bombers in the new CMSF (barf). NG cavscout since you are laid up and have all this new found free time, send me a setup, I'm a busy man. [ October 09, 2005, 12:21 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  11. "Repellant" would be the correct English word to use in that context. You are right that stuff gave off an odor that one could smell from many meters away. In Vietnam I poured gobs of the stuff on me, but it did not seem to have any effect on the bugs. Even today when I smell bug spray, it reminds me of Vietnam.
  12. Either, or; neither nor. Other than picking insects out of your teeth, do they teach you anything in those Ohioan schools? </font>
  13. Looks like everyone is ignoring you.
  14. I am not terribly well versed on this aspect of the war, but I have to say that prior to CM I had never heard of using satchel charges for this purpose. I always thought that was just emblematic of engineering explosives in general. I know that in more recent times, something called a "snake" has been used. This is like a long bangalore torpedo, an explosive-filled tube that is laid across the minefield and then detonated. But IIRC if anything like that was available during WW II, it was likely still in a somewhat experimental stage and not widely used. Michael </font>
  15. Unless the owning side is using double reverse psychology and has registered and boresighted the minefield, making it the kill zone. [evil laughter] Michael </font>
  16. That guy's posts certainly had a "familiar" construction to them. I think Seanachai picked up on that as well, and maybe that was the reason he so quickly zeroed in on him. The anonymity of a web forum allows people to "be" anything or anyone they choose at the time. Usually phonies are exposed by the ranking members straight away, sometimes they last longer if they are really good liars. Anyway, tolerence of crap posted by new members has reached a new low threshold on this forum, at least I see it that way. I'm glad that guy was thrashed straight off, who needs that anyway. USMC 1965-1969 Combat Engineer (1371) Dominican Republic 1965, Vietnam 1966-67.
  17. The ability to engage in self-deprecation always makes a person more likeable...that's what I say.
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