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Everything posted by Schoerner

  1. Surely, but this depends on the army. In the Wehrmacht, where too few men and material always had been a problem, the Unteroffizier was very well trained, educated and cared as much as possible for his men - much more than in most other armies (the well educated Unteroffizierskorps was THE backbone of Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS). "Auftragstaktik" (the command described only the target and the Offizier decided freely on his own, how he could achieve it) made this necessary, too. Although i don't know what was part of the exams, i'm sure every german inf. platoon-leader was capable to identify russian inf. by uniform completely and NCOs at least the most common in the region.
  2. The MG42 was great in the west, but caused lots of problems in the east. Due to it's high fire rate, it was very susceptible for the neverending mud and dirt in Russia. Although it's mechanics are a fine piece of german engineer's labour, the primitive russian MGs were much more reliable under the conditions of eastern-front. Yes it jammed a lot and like always in life, this happened often enough when it was really needed. But when it worked, it was hammer (remembering stories where MG42-positions were completely covered with fallen russian soldiers; mass-attack after mass-attack was sent against them) [ November 21, 2002, 11:47 AM: Message edited by: Schoerner ]
  3. John, I guess he ment a situation, where there's absolutely no time and full action around. What the absolute minimum i learnt is, to identify by uniform, if it's not possible to count, or if it's a bit difficult (i.e. direct-hit by arty). [ November 21, 2002, 11:17 AM: Message edited by: Schoerner ]
  4. I haven't tried it out yet (i always used it the other way around), but Steve gave in another thread one example for Assault and Advance: you want to move a squad in a building from the 1st floor to the 2nd and don't know if there is an enemy: then you use ASSAULT; for the squad(s) following, you use advance;
  5. Say you play the Iwan and eliminate a german squad, while the rest of the platoon draws back. Your troops reach the place where the german squad was eliminated, but it is still displayed as "Infantry?" only. You are not able to make conclusions about the type of infantry and therefore about the firepower that is left (MPs, lMGs, probability of support weapons, that are still waiting for your men). Is it Heer? Is it Gebirgsjäger with extreme short-range firepower or maybe Elite-SS? In reality you would already know it - and you would be very keen to know it, wouldn't you? [ November 21, 2002, 10:49 AM: Message edited by: Schoerner ]
  6. From the strategy-informer review: ... CMBB still carries out the patented (well not sure if it is, but it should be) WE-GO system. ... Is it patented?
  7. Counting bodies and identifying infantry due to uniforms are different things. I like EFOW. Why should i turn it off? I only want a higher chance of identification of eliminated units if friendly units are very close and walking over an eliminated squad or HQ.
  8. Problem: not enough simultaneously played sounds or sounds with higher priority are muting others. Make sure hardware-acceleration in audio/multimedia is activated. If nothing changes after activating, delete preferences of CM and try again. For those of you using high quality 24/96 audio-cards with low-latency drivers instead of sound-cards, the following could be interesting and hopefully be a solution: if possible, don't use the audio-part of the card, use the game-compatible sound-part. For STA DSP-card owners this means, to use the "internal mixer" instead of the "external mixer". If my information is right, the reason for the problems of audio-cards with games is the following: audio-cards usually have no hardware acceleration and if a game detects, that an acceleration doesn't exist, it can happen that it is limiting the maximum amount of simultaneously played sounds. So if your audio-card has a normal (16 or 18 bit converters with max. 48kHz) game compatible ("SoundBlaster compatible") hardware-part, then use the drivers and outputs of this part (or if your mobo has an integrated soundchip). At least this should help STA (hoontech) DSP-card owners but it's very likely that this is also guilty for all other audio-cards. Thanks to Claus from STA for his excellent support. [ November 21, 2002, 09:29 AM: Message edited by: Schoerner ]
  9. Holien, it is the duty to identify an eliminated enemy if it wasn't identified already. A short look of an officer on the uniform of the fallen enemy when walking by and the unit should be identified. For highest level of identification (experience) a closer look could be necessary and therefore your explanation for not showing the highest identification-level sounds quite logical. [ November 21, 2002, 07:20 AM: Message edited by: Schoerner ]
  10. If a squad walks on by of an eliminated unit, why should there be fog of war? In reality it would be identified and so it should be in CM.
  11. why don't you ask in the appropriate thread? Splitting up topics isn't a good idea.
  12. Hey that's a great and generous idea! Respect. (btw: i have cable and don't need it ) Schoerner
  13. CMMC2. But dunno if it already started. The recuitings for the high ranks involved in strategic planning started a few weeks ago.
  14. Dalem, tom w, Pascal: Steve already explained in depth the technical problems with DoD (Dance of Death) in this thread. In conjunction with Abbotts thoughts and forgetting that in CMBO there was always a solution for every situation, i definately can live with it: Originally posted by Abbott: No smoke assets?, unable to cross it with advance or run and you are unable to provide sufficient suppressive fire assets, then don’t do it. Simple really. It is called real tactics. As it was clearified in this (excellent) thread, too, tactics has NO influence on DoD. Either the player controls the units or the TacAI takes the control over them. But tactics influences how often it occurs. And i think this could be a good reason to rethink some tactics that worked very well in CMBO and therefore keep playing CMBB. And when this still will happen from time to time, we should take it as a challenge to avoid situations forcing the TacAI taking control over the units, even more. What stays is the units-not-firing problem. And I'm very confident that this will be solved. [ November 20, 2002, 02:50 PM: Message edited by: Schoerner ]
  15. Le Tondu, so you know now, what you missed all the time in CMBO. Since i discovered it for CMBO, i couldn't understand, why non-CMMOS-MODs were released.
  16. Pascal, Steve explained it in depth already and he also explained that they did what they could do about it with the current engine. I think at a certain point we should stop to shake?/scatter? salt into open wounds.
  17. I'm wondering if CMIII's environment and units could theoretically look like this (Stalker) with high enough frame rates: http://www.stalker-game.com/nw_screen_view.php?type=screenshots&img=4 [ November 20, 2002, 06:07 AM: Message edited by: Schoerner ]
  18. :eek: Incredible. Yes, CMMOS is a MUST for this beast.
  19. You've been in an Alligator? Wanna share any experiences?
  20. Short and to the point. Worth to be written in capital letters at the beginning of the chapter for us former CMBO-players - at least for me. With this in mind, the few remaining problems don't bother me that much anymore.
  21. If i understand you right (my dictionary doesn't know this vocabulary), this is a real place for meeting. No. IMO such things are mixing up fiction and reality or trying to transform fiction into reality. CM is a game. We are playing it. We are discussing it. Over the time we are becoming familiar with other players. But this usually has nothing in common with being interested in the other person's character, like in letter-friendships. We here are sharing the same passion - but it's not possible to build real life on such things. Real life is different. Real friends, too - not to talk about comrades. I don't like this kind of - becoming more and more popular - manifesting cyber-world built on consumption. IMO this is only a sign, a wish to create out of the cyberworld something, that people are already missing in reality. But if we want REAL life, we have to quit CM, shut down the computer and go outside the own walls. It's the same as with the everywhere present article sex. Never before we consumed that much artificial sex, but all studies show, that real sex, was never before that rare like today in white man's world. [ November 20, 2002, 04:22 AM: Message edited by: Schoerner ]
  22. I'm wondering if you've already discovered the quick-battle-generator?
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