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Everything posted by Schoerner

  1. Just took a look at the Radeon9700pro pics on tomshardware ( www.de.tomshardware.com/graphic/02q4/021030/r9700pro-cards-02.html ) and i'm wondering, how CM3 could look like with a DX9 engine. :eek: [ October 29, 2002, 08:05 PM: Message edited by: Schoerner ]
  2. You get an error message when you try to install it? I guess the installer is corrupted. Try downloading it once again. If installation was successful, please read the README carefully. If this still doesn't help, give me your system specs.
  3. IMO the new waypoint-delay gives way too much micromanagment possibilities (i don't like the 10sec interval for waiting, too; 15sec made it much more difficult to synchronize movements). A probably solution could be, to add additional delay only, if the waypoints exceed a certain distance (and/or are out LOS) from the actual unit's position - but therefore they increase the delay more drastically.
  4. :eek: :eek: :eek: Didn't know that CM2.5 will be ever released. Just fell from the chair, looking at the perfect coloring/shading effects on the winter and Schweinestall mods! Simply excellent. A huge THANK YOU to all involved.
  5. Playing CMBB i was wandering all the time, why illuminated ammunition (hotspurs? "Leuchtspurmunition") doesn't create the effect of flying from source to target anymore, like in CMBO. I found out, that the orange graphics representing the illuminated bullets always (within the same fire-volley!) appear on exactly the same locations (the distance from one illuminated bullet to the next is also much shorter than in CMBO, therefore less time to create the flying/moving impression). Hopefully i described it clear enough. Some other bugs i noticed: it's quite common, that my hidden infantry units turn their back torwards the enemy positions, when unhided and not immediately firing. This is completely unrealistical, if the enemy is only in one direction. But what really annoys me, is the much worse intelligent behaviour of pinned units. Say a squad in bushes 2 meters of open ground and then single trees. Guess what the pinned unit does. It starts crawling out of the bushes over open ground towards single trees. And that's not the only bug. Pinned units seem to start crawling in directions by random: i often have to correct the always again appearing sneak commands towards enemy positions or towards worse concealment, than they already are (bushes -> open, house -> open). BTS - please FIX that; these mentioned bugs are that annoying to me, that i prefer CMBO in the moment.
  6. Playing CMBB i was wandering all the time, why illuminated ammunition (hotspurs? "Leuchtspurmunition") doesn't create the effect of flying from source to target anymore, like in CMBO. I found out, that the orange graphics representing the illuminated bullets always (within the same fire-volley!) appear on exactly the same locations (the distance from one illuminated bullet to the next is also much shorter than in CMBO, therefore less time to create the flying/moving impression). Hopefully i described it clear enough. Some other bugs i noticed: it's quite common, that my hidden infantry units turn their back torwards the enemy positions, when unhided and not immediately firing. This is completely unrealistical, if the enemy is only in one direction. But what really annoys me, is the much worse intelligent behaviour of pinned units. Say a squad in bushes 2 meters of open ground and then single trees. Guess what the pinned unit does. It starts crawling out of the bushes over open ground towards single trees. And that's not the only bug. Pinned units seem to start crawling in directions by random: i often have to correct the always again appearing sneak commands towards enemy positions or towards worse concealment, than they already are (bushes -> open, house -> open). BTS - please FIX that; these mentioned bugs are that annoying to me, that i prefer CMBO in the moment.
  7. Regarding to the future of warfare: not only absolute spotting wlll come true in the near future, but also the prediction of soldiers' behaviour: liga- and nano-technology-biosensors, that are implemented into the uniforms. Therefore it is possible to observe the medical status in realtime and predict behaviour (panick). [ October 27, 2002, 01:20 AM: Message edited by: Schoerner ]
  8. The question is, why did CDV that, and the answer is quite simple: these laws are classical totalitarian rubber-laws. Only very few offenses are defined, but the text of the law allows, to forbid everything, if the judge can construct a connection to Nationalsocialism. What this means? An example: 3 weeks ago Frank Rennicke, a nationalistic protest-singer was condemned. The reason was a song he wrote 10 years ago. In this song he demands, that Germany has way too much foreigners, Germans are losing their home to them and Germany should stay the land of germans. The years went by, and he became quite popular and the problems he describes multiplied. So the system condemned him, and the judge said: if a german is against multiculture, this means that this person is a supporter of nationalsocialistic race-ideology (here we have the connection to the rubber-law; not to mention, that there's no law containing the definition what "nationalsocialistic race-ideology" means; but this is well calculated: the judges don't even have to worry about the actual knowledge in science [although even if they had to care about, this shows the stupidity of the law, 'cause science is not a static construct, but revisionistic; what is right today, 'could be wrong tomorrow and therefore THE RIGHT OPINION does not exist]; the "race-ideology" is only one example, how the system can prosecute everyone saying his critical opinion loud, if it wants), and therefore has to be prosecuted in the hardest possible manner. Rennicke is a family-father with five children. His wife also was condemned, 'cause she helped him to spread the song (although at this time the song wasn't forbidden), when she accepted a telephone order for a CD, containing this song. The system also confiscated the 2 PCs and 35.000 EUR the family had saved for the children's education. Everybody knows that these laws are not compatible with human-rights but the establishment is the usefullness-sneezes. There exists also the "Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Schriften" (Office for youth endangering publications), and whatever this censorship-office puts on it's list, will be banned. There are three stages of censorship. In the first stage, the product isn't allowed to be offered to youngsters - this already means that the product isn't available in shops. If this office says, that CM would be endangering youth, this would be equal for CDV, that CM can't be sold anymore. I think every one is aware what this means for a company. In the second stage, the product comes on the index and isn't allowed to be spread anymore (not only to youngsters). In the third stage, the products are destroyed - books become burned. In nowadays "Germany" more people are jailed due to opinion-offenses, than in the worst times of former GDR (communistic German Democratic Republic). And the mass media are completely on the side of the establishment and pro mass-immigration. Everyone that raises his speech for warning about the danger and problems, is denounced as a Fascist or Nazi. The mass-media don't lose a word, about such strange verdicts, but suggest to the people, the condemned persons are wanting to kill jews and foreigners. And if someone criticises these laws, the internationalists are repeating what is hammered every day into their brains: to protect Democracy, we need such laws. If these laws will not be abolished very soon (5 years), the system is shoveling it's own grave. As every real democrat knows, the strenght of democracy is, that the freedom of speech guarantees, that disgraces are solved, because the politicians want to become (re)elected. If the nation has not the possibility to articulate it's worries and fears, the problems become bigger and bigger. Like in a pressure-saucepan. What makes it even more worse, is that the internationalists (social"democrats" and christ"democrats") are the usefulness-sneezes, because these laws are holding down political opponents and therefore they are happy with them, trusting in the enormous power of the system, with the mass-media (ofcourse also all internationalistic, because the capital holding them is international) that this situation will last as long, till the germans will become a minority in their own land (and this will happen in the big cities in ~9 years). The people are complaining everywhere about the millions of Turks and Bosnians, but still they don't really know - thanks to the censorship in the mass-media - about the real demographic-stituation. Nobody's here to open the peoples eyes and telling them, that the composition of school-classes, is the population of the future. A very dirty and dangerous game - but definately not worth being called democracy. [ October 27, 2002, 12:02 AM: Message edited by: Schoerner ]
  9. James, i'm interested in becoming a "simple" member, but i couldn't find the info i need. 1. are the battles played via PBEM? 2. how many turns/week are necessary? 3. where can i take a look at the maps to see the current fronts (CMMC 1)? 4. is my assumption right, that each player only plays one battle at the same time? This would be great, 'cause then i could stay active at the Blitzladder. 5. i'm interessted in, how the rules for defining the strategic situation are working - how is available equipment/supply/replacement handled? Wouldn't it be great, if BTS would offer a downgraded StrategicCommand version, giving the user the opportunity, for direct input of battle results (the battles are fought in CM) and afterwards StrategicCommand makes all the supply/replacement calculations as usual? [ October 25, 2002, 10:27 PM: Message edited by: Schoerner ]
  10. Respectfully i have to disagree, Juha. To understand cultures (and also the own), it's necessary to know about the meaning of symbols they use. And as i mentioned above, it's common to all germanic nations, that they had a positive look at nature and it's laws. And the sign, that human being is part of nature and not like much later (till today) the christians (or communists) believed, nature is something bad and evil and should be slaved, or changed due to it's "cruel" laws and mankind is the crown of god's creation, is the swastica. It remembered our old germanic predecessors, that all good comes from the sun, from nature. During the devastation of 2000 years life-hostile christianity, the connection to the roots got destroyed (very well done by the christians, by occupying and misusing of the old germanic symbols like Julbaum (Yuletree?) as their christmas tree and filling the symbols with their ideas and also celebrating the big christian clebrations when the germanic nations were celebrating nature - Christmas (Yule), Easter; who knows nowadays, that the christmas-tree is the old germanic Yuletree or that "Santa Claus" is germanic and not christian or what the sense of Halloween was and not it's perverted copy in christian societies?). Discover your roots.
  11. Excellent, Matt. Thanks for the clarification.
  12. Polemic and even a wrong polemic: could it be you have a lack of knowledge about the small but important differences of germanic, german, celtic, germanic nations, german tribes,...? [ October 24, 2002, 09:07 AM: Message edited by: Schoerner ]
  13. Michael, please would you be so kind and tell me, if Gorodetzky discusses the topics i mentioned above, in his book?
  14. That is a long discounted theory. In almost all certainty the symbol came to europe from asia.</font>
  15. Michael, you cannot imagine what's happening here and you shouldn't be that ignorant to teh problems a website hoster can face. As i said, i only can guess, but i'm sure Tom and all the other german hosters are double- and triple-checking all submitted Mods, and this takes additional time. Maybe it's just only because of the lack of Mods. BTW, it's not necessary to be judged guilty for breaking these strange totalitarian laws. Do you have family to care for? Can you imagine, that the police visits you at your job instead of visiting at home just for asking a few questions? In the meanwhile this happens almost every day in nowadays Germany - but only to people, suspected for being politically incorrect - and even youngsters 15 or 16 years old are preferrably visited at their job to produce additional pressure, not caring that in many cases the consequence is the loosing of the job (not to talk about the problems occurring at home with the parents, thinking their son/daughter is a criminal). Every employer thinks that something really bad must have happened, when the police is visiting someone at the job, not knowing, that this is a well calculated strategy of the system. [ October 23, 2002, 09:33 PM: Message edited by: Schoerner ]
  16. V, here's the link. But be warned... http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=002132
  17. Michael, i can't find a german version of Michael Kershaw's book. All i find is the book about the bridge of Remagen. Gorodetzky is a jew and therefore i'm extremely sceptical, he is interested in historical research only. The book of Gabriel Gorodetzky is available, but i'm even more sceptical after reading the reviews: the reviews tell about new "facts" found in recently opened archieves, but they don't name only one fact. My impression i get from the reviews is that this book once again deals with politics and diplomacy and which side which reasons had or not but i want facts. Maybe you can tell me, if Gorodetzky discusses in his book some of the facts Suworov shows. I'll give you a few examples, for understanding what i mean (i don't want to discuss them here, i just want to know if Gorodetzky touches these facts or (once again) they are left ignored): The ~2000 destroyed soviet fighters, stationed on provisional field-airfields close to german border in the first 24 hours of Barbarossa. This means that around half of the soviet air-force was stationed MUCH to close to german borders for defensive action. Evn more, every wargamer knows, that this is a prototypically example for preparing for an attack but it was and will NEVER be used in a normal strategical defensive situation which requires deep graduation of the forces - this is even more true for a huge country. The tons of maps of german territory found at the soviet troops, but no maps of Russia. The millions of men under weapons concentrated that close to the borders and concentrated like the air-force in typical preparation-areas perfect for an attack but absolutely useless for defensive action (also the 3 million POW made within only the first 6 weeks fit perfectly). How does Gorodetzky explain, under which circumstances it was possible to make such an enormous number of prisoners of regular fighting troops withing 6 weeks only, if it isn't true, that the soviet armies were hit during the weakest phase of each army - during the preparation for an attack? The fact why after the won war against france, most of the divisions were disbanded, if a war against the Soviet-Union was already planned. The fact that Germany had no uniforms for war in winter, if the war was well planned and not a provisorial preventive-war. The fact that the civilian production capacities of the industry were increased again after won war against France. Does Gorodetzky discuss these facts and tries to proove them to be wrong? [ October 24, 2002, 08:40 AM: Message edited by: Schoerner ]
  18. Have you already seen the "Schweinestall" previews? They are definately worth waiting. I guess the problem with Axis mods available at Tom's CMHQ is, that he has to be extremely careful not to be put on trial, due to censorship in "democratic" Germany.
  19. Douglas, thanks for the kind words. Glad you find it useful. Schoerner
  20. Measure the time from the initial display of the CM2-splash-screen till the DOS-box closes, subtract approx. 10 seconds and you have the amount of time in seconds you can reduce the waiting time. Don't forget, that the waiting time needs to be in milliseconds.
  21. What OS do you use? Which version of the loader do you use (what's the name of the exe)? What's the content of your Wait.txt? Please describe exactly what you do, and what happens when you start the loader and how and when you check the SS-naming.
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